Title: Grant Writing
1Grant Writing
- Gary Roberts
- Dept of Bacteriology
- groberts_at_bact.wisc.edu
2The human context of the grant process
- Reviewers have other lives.
- Dont make their job hard.
- Human beings think in terms of stories.
- Reviewers (and readers and listeners) are
intelligent but ignorant. Tell them what they
need to know to understand the proposal. Tell
them explicitly why this is exciting science.
3Writing a good proposal1. What is the study
section looking for in a research proposal?
- Only a fraction of grants are funded you need
panelists to say this was my favorite grant."
This means that you convince them of its
importance to biology and that you can do the
science. - For post-doc proposals, the panelists are told
not to nit-pick flawed research plans, but to
evaluate the overall training potential. - Training potential is partly a function of the
applicant have they been successful so far
and the rest is whether "proposed experience will
augment the candidate's conceptual and/or
experimental skills. This latter depends on the
quality of the lab you go to, but is largely a
function of your doing something unlike your grad
4Writing a good proposal2. The first rule of
writing is dont irritate the reviewer.
- Be clear and organized.
- Do not try to pack in as much information as you
can. - Avoid excessive abbreviations and complicated
data. - Do provide explanatory figures.
- Do provide rationales of where you are going and
summaries of what you have just covered. - Do break proposal sections into sub-sections with
explanatory titles in bold, to help the reader
see the organization. - Be clear and organized.
5Writing a good proposal3. Remember who you are
writing for.
- At least some of the readers will not be
knowledgeable about what you are working on. - At least some of the readers will not understand
the proposed methods. - At least some of the readers will not know why it
is important. - Explicitly tailor the proposal to the specific
funding agency.
6Writing a good proposal4. Role of preliminary
- The role of preliminary data is to show that you
can do key experiments and/or have been
productive in ways that arent yet published. - For a post-doc, they will assume you have access
to all the methods in the sponsors lab. If there
are other key experiments beyond that expertise,
a letter from a proposed collaborator is
valuable. - For a post-doc, evidence of productivity in the
new lab is not expected if you have been in the
new lab for a few months or less, but after that,
reviewers will start to expect some results.
7Writing a good proposal5. Key elements of a
good proposal.
- Have a single, simple theme. All parts of the
proposal should be consistent with that. - Explicitly connect the various parts of the
proposal. - Most reviewers want a "hypothesis-driven"
proposal, so state your hypothesis(es) clearly
and explicitly. - Briefly state expected results and how they would
be interpreted, as well as recognizing likely
pitfalls and how they will be circumvented.
8Writing a good proposal6. When should you
write a proposal?
- When you have a good story to tell. A poor
proposal might hurt your future credibility. - For a post-doc, you might either write before you
have gone to the lab or after you have been
there, but this choice affects reviewer
expectations as well as timing of funding.
9Writing a good proposal7. How much time to
spend on writing a proposal?
- Proposal writing is the hardest thing we do as
professional scientists, so start well in advance
(4-6 months?). - Well before the due date, settle on the big
picture title, tentative specific aims, and a
rough set of the approaches and themes under each
aim. The details can change without largely
affecting the big picture, and this allows you to
decide the necessary preliminary work and to spot
potential weaknesses in the overall proposal
10Writing a good proposal8. Who should read your
draft proposal?
- Have one or two experts (such as the post-doc
sponsor) read it for scientific precision. - Have several non-experts read it. These should be
people like those on the grant panel smart and
critical, but largely unfamiliar with the field.
Give them a week or so to do the reading and then
sit down and listen to their comments. - All readers concerns are valid even if they are
completely wrong. In a resubmission, dont
debate them over their concerns. If the reader
missed or misunderstood something in your
proposal then you may not have emphasized your
point sufficiently. The readers comprehension
is your responsibility as a writer!
11A grant is not a contract
- If you are funded, you are expected to do good
science. You are not expected to do all that you
propose or only what you propose. - Thus, while you should propose reasonable
experiments that you expect to do, you should not
propose an experiment that is exceedingly
difficult to explain in the proposal though you
can still do the experiment. - You probably shouldnt propose the VERY cute
experiment that has only a small chance of
success, but a big payoff though you can still
do the experiment.