Title: Presenting a company concept as an investment opportunity
1Presenting a company concept as an investment
- Product
- Potential
- Positioning
- People
- Profit
2Length and Detail Tailor level of detail to time
- Elevator Pitch (10-60 seconds).
- Think of it like a magazine ad
- Focus on a crisp description of the business
and value proposition for investor - Written or Oral Executive Summary (3-10 minute
pitch or 3-5 pages ) - Meeting with an investment committee in the
office of a VC or bank (15-30 minute pitch)
3CONTENT Investors need clear, compelling,
credible information
- Cover only the most important points.
- (Leave the details for the full Business
- Position the company to create a
framework for your presentation. - Your name
- Company name
- What you do
- Carnage Company manufactures
non-flammable seats for automobiles and
Page 4
5 Customer Pain and Your Solution
- Describe what creates the demand for your
solution - Pain and/or
- High cost of alternatives
- Explain the value-proposition
6Product Development Stage
- What work remains before you can start mass
producing and selling product? - Product development time-line
- Identify major development risks or challenges
- Provide estimated time and cost to bring product
to market
72. POTENTIALMarket Niche and Sales Potential
- Market Niche Define the characteristics of the
companies or consumers that need your solution
your - Document the number of prospects that have the
need. (Not based on world census numbers.) - Growth If the market is growing explain why
8Marketing and Sales Strategy
- Briefly explain the selling cycle how you
propose - to reach your target audience.
- Marketing To raise customer awareness of your
product and stimulate interest - Sales To give decision makers a convenient way
to learn details and place order - Distribution How will product get into hands of
customer? Who will collect payment? - Support To help customers understand product
during installation and use.
9 - If you rely on indirect channels such as
retailers or catalog companies, explain - Your approach to reaching intermediaries
- Whose responsibility it is to raise awareness and
generate demand among end-customers? - Who provides pre- and post-sales support?
103. POSITIONING Versus Alternatives
- Address Inertia
- How will you get customers to change what they
are using now? - Big Dogs How will well-known companies with
established relationships with your target
customers react to your company?
11Barriers to Competition
- Patents Received, pending. US and abroad.
- Black box technologies Is your technology
difficult to reverse engineer? - Lead time advantage Would it take a competitor
years to reproduce your technology? - Major Customers locked in with exclusive
long-term agreements - Critical suppliers locked in
124. PEOPLEThe Management Team
- CEO Prior entrepreneurial experience in
similar business - CTO Demonstrated know-how of technology
- CMO Proven knowledge of the target markets
strong relationships with buyers - CFO Prior profitable experience for investors
- Who is full-time, part-time? On the
sidelines awaiting funding?
13Board of Directors or Advisors
- Indicate if you have a BOD and/or BOA
- Highlight members that have particular strengths,
renown, or connections in your industry
145. PROFITProjected Financials
- Explain dramatic numbers, such as
- Hockey stick growth
- Unprecedented margins
15The Ask Requested Funding
- How much capital do you need?
- How will you use these funds to grow the company?
16Exit Strategy (Equity investors will want an
- If you anticipate being acquired
- Identify two or three likely buyers
- Explain why they would be interested
- Cite price of recent acquisitions of comparable
companies - Describe any relationships you already have with
potential acquirers
Page 16
17Answering Questions
- Prepare answers to likely questions
- Memorize statistics and numbers
- Be open to advice and criticism from investors
19Delivering the Presentation
- Grab attention
- Lead with strongest suit
- but do not make unsupportable claims
- Be
- Demonstrate control and leadership
- Let your passion and confidence show
- Stay within the allotted time
- Slides should offer evidence to support or
supplement oral argument - Put a sales message in title
Your logo here
- Short words and phrases
- 7 lines, 7 words, no word wrap
- Light text on dark background
- Audience-friendly text
- Arial or Helvetica
- 24 pts. or greater (this is 32 point)
2214 point 18 point 20 point 24 point 28 point 32
point 36 point 44 point 48 point 52 point Arial
23Charts and Graphs
- One idea per slide
- Content should be grasped in two seconds
- Labels must be legible
24And Finally .
- Rehearse, Rehearse, RehearseIt does make a
difference - Videotape yourself
- Practice in front of anyone that will listen
friends, family, your management team, the dog - Practice until smooth and polished easy to
listen to - And remember ..
25- April 7, 2009 Mike Roer
- Roer_at_EntrepreneurshipFoundation.org