Title: The Ridge Primary School Harvest Gifts Update
1The Ridge Primary SchoolHarvest Gifts Update
2- The pupils at The Ridge Primary School donated
200 from their Harvest Collection last
October.This is how it was spent.
3St Johns Senior Secondary School is in the
village of Nandere which is about 30km North of
the capital city of Kampala.
4It is a rural area which is comparatively poor.
5The facilities at the school are very limited.
6The pupils at St Johns Senior Secondary School
come from two primary schools in Nandere.
- St Theresas Boys
- St Theresas Girls
- Both schools are mixed boys and girls!
7St Theresas Boys Primary School
- Boys and Girls from Nandere village go to this
school. Some will have an hours walk to get to
school. - The headmasters name is Jimmy.
8- The pupils enjoy their classes and work very
hard and make the best use of their education. - The reception classroom has an iron sheet roof
and no sides. So there is no protection from the
wind and the rain.
9- The classes are large and are set out in a
formal way with rows of benches. - They are arranged by ability, not age. You
dont move up to the next class until you pass
the exams!
10- The pupils have a simple diet of posho for lunch
every day, provided by the school PTA.
11The pupils also grow fruit and vegetables on the
school farm for special occasions.
12- The headmaster bought bricks and cement with the
money that you donated. He was able to finish
the walls of the teachers house. Now he is
looking for ways to build a roof!
13St Theresas Girls Primary School
- Boys and Girls from Nandere village also go to
this school. Some pupils stay overnight in the
dormitory. - The headmasters name is John Baptiste.
14- The classes are large and the teaching is more
formal than we have in the UK.
15- The standard of work is surprisingly high.
16- Safety is a key issue. This is really important
as - some pupils sleep at school in the dormitories.
17- The headmaster bought some wire netting so that
a fence can be constructed around the school. He
will add to the fence as more money becomes
18- You also gave some laptops which are now being
used by the teachers in the secondary school.
19Laptop Computers
- They also provided 5 laptop computers for staff
at St Johns
20There is another primary school which feeds
pupils into St Johns Senior Secondary School.
- This is Bbaale Primary School.
- They too would like a link with a primary school
in the UK.
21It is in an isolated area and the conditions are
22- This is their reception class.
- Over 150 pupils are taught in this one classroom!
23The community in Stourbridge has helped the
people in Nandere in many ways
- Old Swinford Hospital raised money during an
Africa Day to refurbish a dormitory at St Johns - St Peters Church in Pedmore sent money so that
a remote church could start to build a roof.
24- The staff and pupils at
- St Theresas Boys, St Theresas Girls and St
Johns Senior Secondary School - wish to thank the community at
- The Ridge Primary School for caring about their
situation. -
25Your work is greatly appreciated.
26- You have really made a difference.