Title: Cuba
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5Ulysses tour guide
6Ulysses translates this produce mans explanation
of how it works.
7Pre 1959 Cars
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11Neo Spanish Architecture
12Old Havana
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15CREE (Biological Control Reproduction Center)
16Growing cane borers the host pest, used for
developing biological pest controls.
17Separating mature borers from their webs
18The predator fly killed in alcohol, then its
young larvae are harvested
19Examining fly larvae under microscope
20Fly larvae consume the host borers until they
pupate. Male pupas are separated from female.
Pupas are sold to farmers, and kept for
21Net cages where Flies are hatched, fertilized,
and larvae develop inside the female for 12 days.
22CREE Pharmacia crumbling guava leaves.
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24Nematode production lab.
25Growing biological pesticides
26Patented lace wing production.
27And other pesticides.
28CREE worm castings operation.
29Pesticides do not only kill pests.
30Liliana Dimitrova Center for Research in
Vegetable Cultivation, May 22.
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32INCA (National Institute of Agricultural
Sciences, May 23
33Host plant and substrate for EcoMic (micorizon)
34Drying processing areas for EcoMic.
35Seeds coated (pelletized) with EcoMic AzoFert.
36Micorizon Azospirillum Mud
37Pelletized grains.
38Innoculated potatoes.
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40Frenchis Farm, May 23.
41Zeoponico Guava propagation hut.
42Automated watering invention.
43Guava cuttings
44Frenchies worm castings
45Worm castings area is shaded by squash vines.
46Worm castings and smelly plant insecticide and
fertilizer tea
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48Greenhouse cleaning invention
49Honoring Organic Agriculture
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52Urban Garden Point of Sale
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54Urban Garden
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56Companion Planting
57Urban Farmers
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61Extension Supplies and Consulting
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63Urban Street
64Urban Seedling Producer
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67Homemade Herb Dryer
68Seedling Screen House
69Employee Group Lunch
70Restaurant La Maison
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73Minister of Agriculture
74Gilberto Farmers Cooperative
75Rosa, Farm Manager
76Rosas Fields
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80Oxen have replaced tractors for many of the daily
81Seedlings floating in water
82Vermiculture shaded by banana plantation
83Fruits are preserved by canning
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86La Quinta medicinal plant cooperative
87Drying pine needles
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91LasTerrazas Community Reforestation Project and
Biosphere Reserve
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93Community ration redemption store
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96Las Terrazas community gardeners
97Las Terrazas community gardens
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101Las Terrazas Biosphere Classroom
102Las Terrazas artists studio in the community
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104___,Kristen, Lissa, Anna Marie, Jennifer, Joanie,
Anouk, ____, Angel, Caroline, ____, John, Denise,
Maria, Carl, Paulina, Sandy, David M., Barbi,
Nicole, Alec, Miles, Chris, Bob, Steve, Jeremy,
Jahi, Carol, ___, Anmie, Evette, Uylesses, Karen
(Front row) Katrina, Rosa, Daria, Wendy, Goldie,
Natalie, Vance, Roberto, Veronica, ____,
Kristina, Antonio, ____, Beth, Peter, Eilene,
Catherine, Andrea, Cathy, Emily, Leslie, Cindy,
Carol, Henning
105V Encentro de Agricultura Organica begins
106Opening Ceremony
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110Hotel Palco
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112A Walk along the streets of Cuba
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114Date Palm Flower
115And Fruit
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1205 Cuban Heroes, Prisoners in the USA We are a
Mountain and a Star
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126Visit to Vilda Figueroa and Jose Lama, Produce
Visionaries and TV Stars
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128Container Garden for a house with no land
129Vildas Garden That the Little Babies Make
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135Fidel greets the Medical Delegation. Organic
Delegates watch from above.
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