Title: Neurophysiology Part One
1Neurophysiology Part One
- Anatomy Organization
- Membrane Excitation
- Electrical Electro Chemical Properties
- Action Resting Potentials
2Neuronal Structure, Function Organization
- Neuron are highly specialized cells to receive,
process and transmit information with high
fidelity without loss of signal strength over
distance - Basic structure soma (cell body) thin fibers
emanating from soma (nerve processes) 2 types - Multiple dendrites a single axon
- Dendrites (many branches the more branches, the
more input from many other neurons) receive
information axon conducts signal from soma
(tend to be longer) ending in axon terminals to
other neurons, glands or muscles myelin sheath
3Signal TransmissionMotor-neuron as an Example
- plasma membrane of dendrites soma receive
signal from (innervation) terminals of other
neurons - Spike-initiating zone (specific region of
membrane) integrates signal thus determines if
neuron will generate its own signal (action
potential or AP) - In AP the voltage across membrane rapidly rises
falls spike/nerve impulse - Axon carries AP from point of origin to axon
terminals to skeletal muscle fibers - Some spike-initiating zones axon hillocks near
4Physiological Behavior
- Depends on passive electrical properties e.g.
capacitance resistance (like other electrical
conductors discussed later) active electrical
properties allow conduction without decrement
(no loss of signal strength) - Active properties depend on presence of
voltage-gated ion channels in plasma membrane
(specific proteins) allowing ions to move across
membrane in regulated fashion ion channels
localized to special regions having specialized
signaling functions e.g. axon membrane is
specialized for conduction of APs by having
fast-acting, voltage-gated ion channels
selectively allowing Na K to cross membrane
5Transmission between Neurons
- Sensory neurons collect info externally/internally
send it to other neurons sensory axons called
afferent fibers (carry signal inward toward
higher processing centers) - Interneurons most numerous type lie entirely
within CNS carry info between other neurons
info exchanged at special locations (synapses) - To respond to info, neurons at effector organs
(e.g. muscle, gland) must be activated
neurons/fibers carrying info from effector organs
efferents - Afferents interneurons efferents the
synapses in between neural circuit
6Some terminology
- Presynaptic and post-synaptic neurons
- Neurotransmitters specific molecules released
from pre-synaptic axon terminals in response to
the APs in its axon ( carries transmission to
the next neuron) - Plasma membrane of post-synaptic neuronal soma
dendrites contain ligand-gated ion channels
bind neurotransmitters cause postsynaptic cell
to respond to presence of the chemical signal - s signals must be integrated to produce change
in membrane potential at spike-initiating zone - All-or-none signals (amplitude of signal
invariant) vs. gradient signals (amplitude of
signal varies with stimulus strength or other
- Neurons glia cells
- Neurons sensory, interneurons and motor
- Sensory transform energy of stimulus into
electrical signals - Interneurons exchange info perform complex
computations producing thought behavior - Motor output, carrying specific instructions to
muscles or glands - Gathered in clusters somata of most in CNS
brain nerve cord (invertebrates brain
ganglia vertebrates have ganglia outside CNS
spinal cord)
8Organization cont
- Glia cells (neuroglia) fill space between
neurons (except for thin fluid-filled space) - More complex animals more neuroglia
- 10x-50x more neuroglia than neurons vertebrates
occupy volume of CNS - Generally dont produce APs
9Glia Cells Function ?
- Possibilities
- structural metabolic support for neurons some
glia oligodentrocytes (CNS) Schwann cells
(periphery) wrap axons in an insulting myelin
sheath contributes to reliable rapid
transmission of APs and/or - help regulate concentration of K pH of
fluid-filled spaces - highly perm to K
build-up of K deleterious for neuron and/or - remove neurotransmitters from extracellular space
limits time of neurotransmitters action)
10Membrane Excitation
- Stable voltage (electric potential difference)
exists across plasma membrane of all animal cells
however, only membranes of electrically excitable
cells (neurons/muscle fibers) can respond to
changes in transmembrane potential differences by
generating APs - Membrane potential (difference across the
membrane) measured in volts
11More Terminology
- Hyperpolarization increase in potential
difference across plasma membrane when current
pulse causes positive charge to exit i.e.
interior of cell becomes more negative - cell
membrane responds passively - Depolarization decrease in potential difference
across plasma membrane if current pulse causes
addition of positive charge to interior of cell
some voltage-gated channels selectively perm to
Na to open if sufficiently depolarized, AP is
triggered) - Threshold potential the value of
the membrane potential where an AP is triggered
50 of time
12Role/Types of Ion Channels
- ion selectivity (electrochemical gradient
specific to certain ions e.g. Na, K) - voltage-gated (produce APs open when plasma
membrane depolarizes) - leak (maintain resting potential where passive
change occurs during hyperpolarization mostly
K) - ligand-gated (bind to messenger molecules e.g.
13Passive Electrical Properties
- Lipid bilayer impermeable to ions acts as
insulator forming an electrical capacitor (stores
energy in form of separated electric charges)
channel proteins allow ions to pass across
membrane give it its electrical conductance - Resistance (R) Conductance (g) R of membrane
measure of impermeability to ions g
permeability R 1/g i.e. the lower the
resistance, the greater the conductance more
ionic charges cross open ion channels/time
Ohms law pertains voltage drop produced across
membrane by a current that passes through it is
directly proportional current x resistance of the
membrane (Vm I x R) total R encountered by
current flowing into out of cell input R
14Passive Electrical Properties cont
- Capacitance ability of membrane to store
electrical charge movement of ions up to one
side of membrane away from the other ionic
current interactions between oppositely charged
ions accumulating on both sides of membrane is
strong because membrane is thin - Dielectric constant property reflects inherent
ability of a particular capacitor to store charge
15Electrochemical Potentials
- Defn voltage difference across plasma membrane
that depends on - Concentration of various ions is different on
either side of membrane concentration gradient
maintained at the expense of metabolic energy - Ion channels are selectively perm to ions
- 1 2 result in membrane potential membrane
potential passive electrical properties basis
of signaling by neurons
16Electrochemical Potentials cont
- Equilibrium potential voltage difference across
a semi-permeable at which an ion can diffuse
across is in electrochemical equilibrium (depends
on concentration gradient) if energy is
required to maintain a potential, it is not an
equilibrium state but a steady state (e.g.
dynamic equilibrium) membrane resting potential
is a steady-state potential - Various laws of physics/electrical formulas
apply to membranes, cells conduction of signals
17Resting Potential
- Every cell in its non-excited or resting state
has a potential difference (Vrest) across
membrane governed by 2 factors - Presence of open selective ion channels Resting
Potentials of muscle, nerve and other cells found
to be far more sensitive to changes in K than
other ion consistent with high perm of plasma
membranes to K and this depends on K selective
leak channels which remain open in the resting
membrane - Unequal distribution of inorganic ions between
cells interior exterior (maintained by active
transport esp. Na/K pump see Fig 5-15 p. 132
Donnan equilibrium)
18Action Potential
- Most neurons use the AP to send info along the
axon and APs in nervous system basis of
sensation, memory?, thought ... - AP large, brief change in Vm propagated along
axon ( over great distances) without decrement
production of AP depends on 3 key elements
19Action Potential cont
- Active transport of ions by specific proteins in
plasma membrane generates asymmetric
concentrations of ions across membrane - Unequal distribution of ions generates
electrochemical gradient across membrane
providing a reservoir of potential energy - Electrochemical gradient drives ions across
membrane when ion-selective channels open, making
mem. Perm. to certain ions this ionic current
dramatically changes Vm
20General Properties of APs
- Threshold current intensity of stimulating
current sufficient to bring membrane to its
threshold potential elicit an AP not usually
measurable in an absolute amount - once threshold potential reached, AP becomes
regenerative event becomes self-perpetuating
Vm continues to become more inside-positive
without further stimulation reaching a peak
(brief time called overshoot - neurons
millisecond cardiac ½ second) after peak, Vm
drops to ( goes beyond) its more negative state
also transient called hyperpolarization or
21General Properties of APs cont
- Refractory brief time after AP when another AP
cannot be initiated (absolute refractory period)
if stim. delivered slightly later, AP may be
initiated but the amplitude may be smaller than
usual generally the threshold potential is
higher during this time relative refractory
period (all-or-nothing doesnt apply here) toilet
flush analogy - Accommodation temporary increase in threshold
that develops during the course of a stimulus
22Accommodation cont
- Determines how individual neurons respond to
input whether they are continuously active or
produce only bursts of APs - Phasic response when stimulated continuously by
a current of constant intensity, some neurons
accommodate rapidly generate only 1 or 2 APs at
beginning of stim. - Tonic response when accommodating more slowly
fire repeatedly although with gradually
decreasing frequency in response to a prolonged
constant stim
23Accommodation cont
- reduction in frequency of APs typically seen in
neurons responding tonically during a sustained
stimulus, visible as increasing distance between
APs, is adaptation
- at rest the membrane most perm to K, but in
early phase of AP, it becomes more perm to Na
than to K at rest - inc. perm strong force pushing Na into cell
spurt of charge enters cell less
inside-negative - when voltage-gated Na channels close perm to
Na drops, mem. more perm to K than is at rest,
because voltage-gated K channels are still open - later, perm to K drops back to resting value
with only passive leak channels remaining open
25A Closer Look at Ion Channels
- 4 key features of ion channels
- Distribution of ion channels in neuronal
membranes - Nature of current flow through a single channel
- Mechanism by which depolarization of membrane
opens a voltage-gated channel - Physical basis for channel selectivity
- (Molecular structure has been determined only
recently seems homologous in structure across
many species and yet it heterogeneity shows many
genes are expressed)
26Voltage-gated Na Channels
- Na channels occupy only small fraction of total
surface area however, each channel can pass a
very large amount of Na per second provides
sufficient Na to account for macroscopic
currents - 1 activated Na channel carries Na ions at a
rate of 10,000 ions per millisecond driving
force as an AP gets underway summed activity
(I.e. opening closings) of 1000s of Na
channels, each allowing a minute unitary current
(i.e. current through a single channel) to cross
membrane gives rise to macroscopic current
27Voltage-gated Na Channels cont
- Gating occurs in distinct steps (Fig 5-22 p. 142)
- Activation inactivation of the channel are
coupled processes - Selectivity filter area of channel that
determines its selectivity (based on size,
charge, level of hydration, etc.)
28Voltage-gated Na Channels overview of activity
- During AP, Na channels respond to an initial
depolarization by opening allows Na to enter
cell this further depolarizes the membrane
which cause more channels to open allowing more
Na to enter creates an explosive, regenerative
event once AP starts, needs no more stimulus - Relationship between membrane potential Na
conductance (Hodgkin cycle) is e.g. of feedback - As membrane potential reaches equilibrium
potential, driving force on Na is reduced, so
less Na is driven into the cell open Na
channels become inactivated after time
29Voltage-gated K Channels
- Respond more slowly to voltage changes
- Membrane conductance increases very little until
AP near its peak remains elevated during
falling phase - Properties vary more than Na channels
- Rapid membrane repolarization produced by current
through K channels does shorten the AP, allowing
neurons to generate APs at a higher frequency
than they otherwise could - Falling phase of AP depends on inactivation of
Na channels continued activation of K channels