Flexibility - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Flexibility Definition The ROM available in a jt. or group of jts. The ability of a m. to relax & yield to a stretching force. The freedom or ability to move part or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Flexibility

  • Definition
  • The ROM available in a jt. or group of jts.
  • The ability of a m. to relax yield to a
    stretching force.
  • The freedom or ability to move part or parts of
    body in a wide R of purposeful movs at the
    required speed.
  • The ability to move a jt. Through a normal ROM
    with undue stress to musculo-tendinous unit.

  • Flexibility
  • Extensibility of periarticular tissues to allow
    normal motion of a joint. or a limb.
  • Hypermobility
  • The ROM in excess of the accepted normal in most
    of joints. (may be normal)
  • Laxity
  • Excessive jt. instability abnormal motion of a
    given joint. (pathological)

Types of Flexibility
  • Ballistic Flexibility
  • Normal ROM associated with bouncing rhythmic
  • Dynamic Functional Flexibility
  • Activities that need certain angle to certain
    joints. particular patterns (usual

Factors Affecting Flexibility
  • Wrong habits ? flexibility sitting for a long
    period (in school, watching TV, computer work,
    sedentary games)
  • Good habits ? ? flexibility.
  • Genetic factors females gt males.
  • Hormonal factors females gt males.
  • Body build proportion ? height ? ? flexibility
  • Body wt. ? ? ? flexibility
  • Age flexibility changes during a certain age

    ? 2 - 6 y ? 6 - 12 y

    ? 18 - 22

    ? 35 - up
  • Skills sport activities ? ? flexibility.

Contractile Non-contractile Tissue
  • Contractile
  • Ms
  • Non-contractile
  • Skin
  • CT
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Capsules
  • Synovial Membrane

  • Soft tissues that can restrict joint motion are
  • Skin
  • CT, tendons, ligaments
  • Ms
  • Each one has unique qualities affecting its
    extensibility (ability to elongate).
  • Factors affecting soft tissues lengthening
  • Velocity of stretch force
  • Intensity of stretch force
  • Duration of stretch force
  • Mechanical properties of contractile
    non-contractile tissues
  • Neuro-physiological properties of contractile

When soft tissue is stretched, either elastic or
plastic changes occur
  • Elasticity
  • Ability of soft tissue to return to its
    resting length after passive stretching.
  • Plasticity
  • Tendency of soft tissue to assume new
    greater length after the stretch force has been
  • Both contractile non-contractile tissues have
    elastic plastic properties.

Degrees of Deformity
  • 1st degree (grade I) can be corrected actively
  • 2nd degree (grade II) can be corrected
    passively (shortness).
  • 3rd degree (grade III) cant be corrected
    actively nor passively (contractures).

Indications of Stretching
  • Limited ROM due to adhesions scar tissues
    formation leading to shortening of Muscles, CT
  • Prevention of structural (neglected soft tissue ?
    shortening ? structural limitations ?skeletal
  • (prophylactic intervention)
  • When contractures interfere with every day
    functional activities or nursing care.
  • When theres muscle weakness opposing tissue
  • Tight muscle must be elongated before
    weak m. can be effectively strengthened.

Goals of Stretching
  • 1. To regain or re-establish normal joint. ROM
    mobility of soft tissue surrounding a jt..
  • 2. To prevent irreversible contractures.
  • To ? general flexibility of a part of the body
    prior to vigorous strengthening excerises.
  • 4. To prevent or minimize risk of
    musculo-tendinous injuries related to specific
    physical activities sports.

Precautions to Stretching
  • Dont passively stretch (force) a joint beyond
    its normal ROM
  • (Remember that normal ROM varies among
    normal individuals).
  • Newly united should be protected by
    stabilization between site the joint where
    motion takes place.
  • Extra caution in pts. with known or suspected
    osteoporosis due to
  • Disease b. Prolonged bed rest
  • c. Aging d. Prolonged use of
    steroids (cortisone)
  • Avoid vigorous stretching of muscles CT that
    have been immobilized over a long period of time.
    CT (tendons ligaments) lose their tensile
    strength after prolonged immobilization.

Precautions to Stretching
  • High intensity, short duration procedures ?
    traumas ? soft tissue weakness
  • Stretching should be low intensity for long
    duration stretch.
  • Strengthening excerises should be added to
    stretching program at some point,
    so patient will be able to develop
    appropriate balance between flexibility

Contraindications to Stretching
  • Acute infections.
  • Signs of inflammation.
  • Pain at the site to be stretched.
  • Osteomyelites (acute stage).
  • Bone tumors.
  • Advanced osteoporosis.
  • 7. Severe spasticity.
  • 8. Pain that isnt yet evaluated by the PT or
  • Joint laxity (hypermobility).
  • 10. Joint subluxation.
  • 11. Joint dislocation.
  • 12. Joint fusion.
  • 13. Joint deformity.
  • 14. Tissue adhesions (contractures).
  • 15. Acute Traumas

Principles of Stretching
  • Consider the best stretching type to ? ROM.
  • Explain goals of stretching to the pt.
  • Position the pt. in a comfortable relaxed pos. ?
    allow the best plane of motion to conduct
  • Free the area from restrictive clothing, bandage,
  • Apply superficial heating to the soft tissues to
    be stretched.
  • It will ? possibility of injury.
  • Stretch direction is done opposite to tightness.
  • 7. The pt. must be completely relaxed
    throughout stretching ,employ relaxation
    techniques before stretching.

  • Stretching movs. or exs. are performed at least 3
    times/week to maintain
    flexibility. Progress to daily stretching
  • 1-3 repetitions of each stretch must be done. The
    No. of repetitions can be ? if the goal is to ?
  • 10. Degree of stretch can be ? or ? depending
    on time of stretch
    external force applied.
  • 11. Tension produced shouldnt cause pain, the
    pt should only feel
    a slight tension, which ? with stretching. (due
    to adaptation)
  • 12. Stretch ? gradually, building to a max. as
    the tissues release.
  • 13. Stretch should be removed gradually to
    prevent rebouncing or
    tightening of the ms.

Stretching depends on
  • Type of stretching force.
  • Intensity.
  • Duration
  • Velocity.

Types A. Passive Stretching
  • PT applies an external force controls stretch
  • 1direction, 2speed, 3intensity 4duration to
    the tight m..
  • Dont confuse between
  • Passive stretching ? elongation of soft tissues
    beyond full R of restriction.
  • Passive ROM exs.
    ? applied
    within the unrestricted (available) ROM.
  • Pt. must be completely relaxed during passive
  • Time of stretch force is usually 15 30 sec
    repeated several times during ex. session.

1. Manual Passive Stretching
  • Usually considered a short-duration stretch.
  • No specific No. of secs. are determined to be the
    most effective duration.
  • In a study to stretch hip abd. of healthy
    subjects 15, 45 sec 2 min at the same speed ?
    no difference.
  • Intensity duration of stretch depend on
  • Pts tolerance
  • PT strength endurance
  • Low intensity, long duration manual stretch is
    more comfortable tolerated by pt.

Maintained versus Ballistic Stretch

Inhibit stretch reflex ? Muscle tension
Facilitate muscle contraction ? tension
2. Prolonged Mechanical Stretch
  • Low intensity external force (5-15 lb) (2 6 kg)
    applied to shortened tissues over a prolonged
    period by mech. equipments.
  • Stretch force is applied through positioning with
    weighted traction, pulley system, dynamic splint
    serial casts.
  • Prolonged stretch may be maintained for 20-30
    min. or longer ? effective stretch ? ROM
  • (low intensity mechanical stretch).
  • Comparing long-duration mech. stretch manual
    passive stretch (
    the latter is rather short theres transient
    temporary achievement of ROM).

  • Bohannon evaluated the effectiveness of an 8 min
    mechanical hamstring stretch compared to a 20 min
    or longer using overhead pulley system. The 8 min
    stretch resulted in a small ? in hamstring
    flexibility, which was lost in 24 hrs.
  • It was suggested that 20 min or longer
    stretch is more effective to ? ROM has a more
    permanent basis.
  • Use of tilt table-wedge board standing for 30
    min/daily ? ? dorsiflexion in neurological pts.
  • Dynasplint (dynamic splint) ? prolonged low
    intensity stretch of elbow, wrist, knee
    ankle ? ? ROM.
  • Low intensity prolonged stretch of 5-12 lb
    applied for 1 hr/daily
    has been found to be more effective than manual
    passive stretch over a 4-week period with pts
    with bilateral knee flexion contractures. It is
    more comfortable

Permanent lengthening
  • (Plastic changes in contractile non-contractile
    has been reported with long duration
  • The term Permanent lengthening means that the
    length is maintained after the stretching force
    is removed.

3. Cyclic Mechanical Stretching
  • It is passive stretching using a mechanical
    devices as an Autorange using a 20-sec high
    intensity (up to the patients pain tolerance).
  • Intensity of stretch,
  • Length of each cycle,
  • No. of stretch cycles/min Can be adjusted with
    the unit.
  • It is similar may be used as a useful
    alternative to manual passive stretching.

B. Active Inhibition
  • Is a tech. in which the patient reflexively
    relaxes muscles to be elongated prior to
    stretching maneuver.

    When the patyent is relaxed ? minimal R to
    elongate the m.
  • It relaxes only the

    - Contractile structures,

    - Not the CT.
  • The m. must be
    innervated and Under voluntary control.
  • It Cant be used with pts having

    2. Spasticity

    3. Paralysis (From a neuromuscular
  • It Can be used in

    Post-operative patient. (to avoid tightness).

Active Inhibition Techniques.
  • Contract-relax (hold-relax)
  • Pt performs an isometric contraction of tight
    muscle before it is
  • passively stretched (lengthened).
  • M. will relax as a result of autogenic
    inhibition (Golgi tendon
    organ may fire at ? tension).
  • Contract-relax-contract (hold-relax-contract).
  • 1st a contraction of tight muscle.
  • 2nd relaxation of tight muscle. (autogenic
  • 3rd concentric contraction of opposite muscle
  • inhibition of tight m.).
  • In a study, the contract-relax-contract produced
    a greater ? in ankle dorsiflexion gt
    contract-relax tech. (in short calf m ).
  • Both techs produce ? ROM gt manual

3. Agonist Contraction
  • Agonist muscle opposite to the tight muscle.
  • Antagonist Tight muscle.
  • Patient dynamically contracts (shortens)
    the muscle opposite to the tight
    muscle against resistance ? reciprocal inhibition
    of tight muscle.

C. Self-Stretching
  • Is a type of flexibility excerises. the patient
    carries out by himself.
  • Pt. may passively stretch his tightness by
  • His/her own body weight. ( gravity)
  • Active inhibition.
  • Manual passive stretch (using sound limb)

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Peripheral joint mobilization
  • Definition
  • Peripheral joint mobilization (PJM) is the use
    of skilled graded forces to mobilize joints
    to improve motion
    normalize joint function.

Mobilization Techniques are used to
  • Improve jt. nutrition.
  • Improve m. spasm tension
  • Reduce pain.
  • Reverse jt. hypomobility.
  • Improve or restore motion.
  • Treat jt. dysfunction as stiffness.

The PT should recognize
  • When the mobilizing techniques are
    indicated (at any ROM), or
  • If other stretching techniques are more
    effective (stretching, stretching exs or CTM)
  • To regain the lost motion

A. Joint Mobilization
  • Is a type of passive mov performed by the PT at a
    speed slow enough that the pt. can stop the mov.
  • The tech. may be applied with
    1. Oscillatory motion or
  • 2. Sustained stretch
  • to
  • ?Pain or
  • ?mobility.
  • The tech. may use
  • Physiologic or
  • Accessory movs.

Mobilization Techniques
  • Physiologic movements
  • Movs. that the pt can
    perform voluntarily as
    flex, ext, abd,
    add rot.
  • 2. Described as (Osteokinematic). i.e. mov of
    bones in relation to each others
  • Accessory movements
  • Movs within the jt surrounding tissues that are
    necessary for normal ROM, cant be done by pt.
  • 2. Described as a.
    Component motions b.
    joint play.

Accessory motions
  • Accessory motions
  • Motions that
    accompany active mov, but
  • Arent under voluntary control
  • Component mov is the often used term with
    accessory mov.
  • As
    upward rot. of scapula clavicle
    occurring in sh. flex.
  • B. Joint Play
  • Motions that occur in jts
    distensibility or give in of the jt
    which allow bones to move.
  • Are necessary for normal functioning through the
  • Can be demonstrated passively,
  • Cant be performed actively by the pt.
  • Include
    distraction, sliding, compression, rolling,
    spinning of the jt surfaces.
  • Arthrokinematic
    is used to describe these motions
    of bone surfaces within the jt.

B. Manipulation
  • Is a passive mov using
    physiologic or accessory motions.
    It may be applied
    1. With a thrust , (cyropractic) or 2.
    Under anesthesia

B. Manipulation
  • A sudden mov performed
    with a high velocity.
  • Without anaesthesia.
  • Short amplitude motion, cant be
    prevented by the pt.
  • Performed
    At end of pathologic limit
    (end of available ROM,
    when theres
  • Using
    1. Physiologic, or
    2. Accessory movs.
  • Effects
  • 1. Snaps adhesions.
  • 2. Stimulates jt receptors.
  • Medical procedure used to
    restore full ROM by
    breaking adhesions surrounding jt.
  • With anaesthesia.
  • Performed through
    1. Rapid thrust, or
    2. Passive stretch.
  • Using
    1. Physiologic, or 2.
    Accessory movs.

Factors Affecting Jt. Motion
  • A. Jt. shape.
  • B. Types of Motion.
  • C. Other Accessory motions.

Factors Affecting Joint motion
  • A. Joint Shape
  • The type of motion is influenced
    by jt. shape.
  • Ovoid one convex surface
    one concave (as A).
  • Sellar (Saddle) one surface is concave
    in one direction convex in the other,
    with the opposing surface convex
    concave (as a horse back
    rider) (as B).

B. Types of Motion
  • When a bony lever (bone) moves about an axis of
    motion ? mov of bony surfaces on the
    opposing bone surface within the jt.
  • i.e.
  • Movement of bony lever

    - Called swing as (flex, ext, add, abd
  • - Measured in degrees.

    - Called ROM.
  • 2. Motion of the bony surfaces
    - Within jt is
    a combination of rolling, sliding spinning.
  • - These accessory motions allow
    greater angulation of bone as it
  • - This needs adequate capsule
    laxity or jt. play.

a. Roll
  • One bone rolls on another. The surfaces are
  • New points on one surface meet new points on the
    opposing surface.
  • Results in angular motion.
  • Always rolling occur in the same direction of the
    whether the surface is convex or
  • Theres compression of the surface on the side to
    which the bone is angulating separation on the
    other side.
  • In normal functioning jts, pure rolling doesnt
    occur alone, but in combination with sliding

b. Slide
  • One bone slides across another.
  • For pure slide, the surface must be congruent
    either flat or curved.
  • Theres no pure slide as jt surfaces arent
    completely congruent.
  • Same point on one surface comes into contact with
    new points on the opposing surface.
  • Direction of slides depends on whether the
    surface is convex or concave.

  • If the moving surface is convex
    ? Sliding is in the opposite
    direction of angular mov.
  • If the moving surface is concave ?
    Sliding is in the same direction
    as the angular mov.
  • This mechanical relationship is known as
    convex-concave rule. It determines the direction
    of the mobilization force, when jt mobilization
    gliding techniques are used.

c. Combined roll-sliding in a joint
  • The more congruent the jt surface
    ? the more sliding of one bony partner on the
    other with movs.
  • (e.g. metatarsals metacarpals)
  • The more incongruent the jt surface ? the more
    rolling movs.
  • (e.g. hip sh)

For Joint Mobilization Techniques
  • Sliding
  • Is used to
  • ?
  • Restore jt. play
  • Reverse jt. Hypomobility
  • Rolling
  • Is not used, as
  • ?
  • Jt. Compression
  • E.g. hip abd add
  • sh abd add

  • When PT passively moves the articulating surface
    in the direction in which the
    slide normally occurs
    ? Translatory glide (glide)
  • ?
  • used to
  • 1. Control pain or 2. Stretch
  • If applied gently If with
    stretch force

d. Spin
  • Rotation of one bony segment about a stationary
    mechanical axis.
  • Spinning rarely occurs alone, but in combination
    with rolling sliding.
  • 3 examples of spinning in the body jts
  • Sh. with flex/ext.
  • Hip with flex/ext.
  • Radio-humeral with sup./pron.
  • Knee ext either by closed or open chain

C. Other Accessory Motions that affect the Joint
  • e. Compression.
  • f. Traction (AB).

e. Compression
  • Is the ? in jt space.
  • Occurs in LL spinal jts with wt. bearing.
  • Some compression occurs as m. cont ? provide
    stability to jt.
  • As one bone rolls on the other, some compression
    occurs on
    the side to which the bone is
  • Normal intermittent compression loads

    ? help in moving synovial

    so ? maintain cartilage health.
  • Abnormal high compression loads

    articular cartilage changes deterioration.

    (friction ? erosion OA)

f. Traction
  • Distraction or separation of jt surfaces.
  • For distraction to occur, the surfaces must be
    pulled apart. The mov isnt always the same.
  • Pulling on the long axis of one bone
    (as pulling the shaft of humerus
    ? glide jt surface) (long axis traction).
  • Distraction of gleno-humeral jt requires a pull
    at a 90 to the glenoid fossa ? distraction jt
    traction or jt separation.
  • Distraction is used to
  • Control or relieve pain If applied gently.
  • Stretch the capsules If applied with stretching

Effects of Joint Motion
  • Skim. biologic activity by moving synovial fluid
    ? brings nutrients to the avascular articular
    cartilage of jt surfaces intra-articular
    fibrocartilage of the menisci.
  • Maintains extensibility strength of
    periarticular tissues (ligs, ms, tendons
  • With immobilization

    ? fibrofatty prolifiration

    ? intra-articular
    adhesions biochemical changes in tendons, ligs
    jt capsule ? m.
    contractures , jt stiffness lig. weakening.
  • Provide proprioceptive feedback (awareness of
    pos. mov. sense)
  • Static pos. sense of speed of mov.
  • Change of speed of mov.
  • Sense of direction of mov.
  • Regulation of m. tone.

Indications of Joint Mobilization
  • Pain, m. guarding spasm
  • All can be treated with gentle jt play tech
    to stim.
    neurophysiological mechanical effects.
  • Neurophysiological effect
    Small amplitude oscillatory
    mov ? stim mechanoreceptors
    ? ? transmission of nociceptive stimuli
    at spinal cord brain stem levels.
  • Mechanical effects
  • Small-amplitude distraction or gliding mov ?
    synovial fluid motion ? bring
    nutrients to the avascular portions of articular
    (? pain of ischemia)
  • Gentle jt-play ? maintain nutrient exchange ?
    prevent painful effects of stasis when a jt is
    painful or swollen cant move through a ROM.
    (but not in
    acute or massive swelling)

Reversible Jt. Hypomobility
  • Can be treated with
  • 1. Progressive vigorous jt. play stretching
    ? elongate hypomobile structures.
  • 2. Sustained or oscillatory stretch forces

    ? mechanically distend shortened tissues.

  • Progressive Limitations
  • Diseases that progressively limit movement
    can be treated by jt. play techs to
  • 1. Maintain available motion.
  • 2. Retard progressive mechanical restrictions.
  • 4. Functional Immobility (obligatory
  • In this case the aim is to
  • 1. Maintain available jt. play.
  • 2. Prevent degenerating.
  • 3. Delay or reduce the effects of immobility.

N.B. Mobilization techniques
  • Cant change the disease process of disorders as
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Inflammation.
  • It only can
  • Minimizes pain.
  • Maintain available jt. Play.
  • Reduces effects of mech. limitations.

  • Hypermobility AS PJM ?
  • Potential necrosis of ligs. or capsules.
  • (Hypermobile pts may benefit from jt. play tech.

    if kept within the limits of motion).

  • 2. Joint Effusion
  • Never mobilize or stretch a swollen jt with
    mobilization or
    2. passive

    The capsule is already stretched by the extra
    fluid. Extra
    fluid m. response to pain (spasm) ? limited
  • Gentle oscillating motions that dont stretch
    capsule or stress it ?
  • Improve fluid flow.
  • ? pain.
  • Maintains available jt play.
  • If pt response to jt play is ? pain or jt.
    The techs. were either
  • Too vigorous, or
  • Dont suit the current state of pathology.

  • 3. Inflammation
  • Stretching in presence of inflammation ?
  • ? Pain.
  • ? muscle guarding.
  • Greater tissue damage.
  • Spreading the inflam. process infection.

  • In most cases jt mobilization is safer than
    passive angular stretching.
  • But
  • Sometimes Jt mobilization can be used with
    extreme care in
  • Malignancy - spread growth.
  • Excessive pain - m. guarding, prevent mov.
  • Total jt. replacement
    - disl. or
    loosen int. fixation.
  • Bone disease (Osteoporosis, TB, Rickets).
  • Unhealed (site stabilization)
    - re-fracture.
  • Hypomobility (in associated jts m. weak)
    capsule laxity, lig. Weakness jt disl.

Procedure for Applying Jt Mobilization Techniques
3 Possibilities for pain
  • !!!! While moving or mobilizing found!!!!
  • Before tissue limitation
    (after acute injury
    or active stage of a disease),
    use pain inhibiting jt. tech to
    relieve pain maintain jt. play.
  • With tissue limitation

    (as damaged tissue begins to heal) (subacute),
    gradual gentle stretching tech to tight tissue,
    but Dont exacerbate
    pain by injuring the tissues.
  • After tissue limitations
    stretching a tight capsule or a peri-articular
    tissue of ch. stiff jts),
    use ? force of the stretching

If the capsule is limiting the motion, theres
B. Grades of mov. (Dosage, Amplitude)
  • 2 systems of techniques
  • 1. Graded oscillation.
  • 2. Sustained translatory jt. Play.

1. Graded Oscillation Tech. Dosage
Grade I Small amplitude rhythmic oscillations at the beginning of ROM.
Grade II Large amplitude rhythmic oscillations within the ROM, but not reaching the limitation.
Grade III Large amplitude rhythmic oscillations up to the limit of available motion stressed into tissue resistance.
Grade IV Small amplitude rhythmic oscillations, up to the limit of the available motion stressed into tissue resistance.
Grade V Small amplitude, high velocity, thrust tech.. Performed to break adhesions at the level of available motion (manipulation or chiropractic). (Stretch)
Graded oscillation technique
  • Oscillations may be done using
  • 1- Physiologic (osteokinematic) motions.
  • 2- Jt. play (arthrokinematic) techs.

Sustained Translatory jt. Play Technique
  • Grade I (Loosen)

  • Small
    amplitude distraction, applied where no stress is
    placed on the capsule.
  • Equalizes cohesive force,
  • 2. M. tension
  • 3. Atmospheric pressure acting on the jt.
  • Grade II (Till tightness)
  • Distraction or glide applied to tightend
    tissues around jt.
  • Grade III
  • Distraction or glide with large enough
    amplitude to place
  • a stretch on jt. capsule surrounding
    peri-articular structures.

Sustained translatory joint-play technique
  • Grade I Used with gliding motions to relieve
  • Grade II Used to determine how sensitive the jt
  • Grade III
    Used to stretch jt.
    structures ? jt play.
  • Technique
  • This grading system describes jt. play
    techniques that separate or glide (slide) jt

  • The consistency between the dosage of the two
    grading systems is grade I (no tension on the jt
    capsule or surroundings).
  • Grade III (sustained stretch) IV (oscillation)
    are similar in dosage as they are applied with a
    stretch force at the limit of the motion.
  • Using oscillating or sustained tech., depends on
    the pts response.
  • Pain management use oscillating tech.
  • Loss of jt. play ? function use sustained
  • To maintain available R.

    either grade II! oscillating or II sustained

C. Patient Position
  • C. Patient Position The pt. treated extremity
    should be carefully positioned relaxed.
  • 2. The jt. is positioned so that the capsule has
    greatest laxity.

D. Stabilization
  • Firm comfortable stabilization for proximal
    parts by using
  • Belt.
  • PT hand.
  • External assistance.

E. Force
  • Treatment force
    (gentle or strong) is applied as close
    to the opposing jt. surfaces as possible.
  • The larger the contact surface of PT hand
  • ? the more comfortable procedure will be.
  • e.g. use flat surface of the hand instead of
    forcing with the thumb.

F. Direction of Movement
  • Either parallel to, or perpendicular to ttt
  • Jt. traction
    Perpendicular to ttt
  • The entire bone is moved ? jt surfaces are
  • Gliding tech.

    Parallel to the ttt plane.
  • This is determined by using the
    convex-concave rule.
  • - If the surface of moving bone is convex
    -? opposite direction glide.
  • - If the surface of moving bone is concave ?
    glide in the same direction.
  • The entire bone is moved, so theres gliding
    of one jt. surface on the other.
  • No swing of the bone that causes rolling
    compression of the jt. surfaces
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