Title: Trade and Transport Facilitation
1Trade and Transport Facilitation
- The Banks Operational Agenda
21. What are we doing
- TTF projects with Customs highlight
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- Tunisia
- South Caucasus
- South East Europe
3What are we doing
- Customs projects
- Vietnam
- Pakistan (revenue)
- Indonesia
- Russia
- Kenya
- Brazil
4What are we doing
- Structural adjustment / PRSC
- Armenia
- Albania
52. Customs and Trade Facilitation
- Customs do not facilitate
- Enforce rules
- Collect revenue
- Search for violations
- At the best, Customs are unobtrusive
- Customs are facilitators?
- Trade statistics
- Customized procedures
- Assistance to companies
- Customs often precede the private sector
6A watch tower is also an observatory
7As you know well
- Customs is more than Customs
- Lots of other agencies
- Semantics
- Customs can do more than Customs
- Revenue collection, but also
- Security
- Law enforcement
- A wealth of un-nurtured skills
- Customs (sometimes) move away from revenue
- Focus on TF (advice, information, customize
8Who does this best? Is it necessary?
9We have to adjust our thinking
- Merger with tax administration
- Makes sense apparently, but
- Far away from TF (Brazil, Pakistan)
- Difficult to implement (Bosnia)
- Move away from Ministry of Finance?
- OECD countries tendency
- But does it lead to facilitation?
- Mixed results Depends on the lingering culture
of control
103. Old tools in a new context
- Risk management of course
- Single Window approach
- Look at SMEs
- One stop shop
- Visas?
- IT
- Infrastructure
11Risk management
- Risk management is not there only to detect
miscreants, but also to reward compliance - Due diligence, compliance audits, customization
- What about discounts for compliant traders?
- But it is often increasingly misunderstood
- Black (or white) lists, mechanical selectivity
- Models are increasingly sophisticated
- Should not be misused
12Single window
- Single window UNECE recommendation
- One agency, or
- One depository, or
- One system, or
- Any combination of these
- What is behind the window?
- Legislation
- Organization
14Small time business
- Up to 30 percent of foreign trade in some cases
- Shuttle trade
- Suitcase trade
- Valuation?
- Control?
- Duty evasion?
- Social role?
15Tourism is part of TTF
- Example 4 mln Turks cross Serbia every year
- Everybody gets trapped
- There is a huge cost
- There is fraud
- Often justify immigration extended controls
- Difficult to address (Schengen, sovereignty
issues) - Handled by Ministry of Interior but processed by
diplomats, but - Offer the justification to work with immigration
and review their procedures - Look at processes, not policies
17One stop shops
- Also described as single windows, co-located
facilities, shared crossing points, etc. - Useful but
- Not a one stop shop
- Can worsen delays
- Facilitates cross-border cooperation, but not
always within cooperation - The only real attempt at integration Ohrid
(Macedonia) in 1997
- Not necessarily a Customs issue
- Trains are not road vehicles
- Processing is different
- Measurement is different
- Stops should be used
- But require imagination
- Drivers allowed in other countries
- Controls can take place far away from the border
194. What can we do to help? Guidelines based on
the CMH (initial)
- How to design a strategy
- How could a Customs code be written and what
should it include - Enforcement and Customs
- Setting-up risk management
- How to address valuation issues in projects
- How to address origin issues in projects
20Guidelines based on the CMH (initial)
- How to control exemptions
- Duty free shops
- Suitcase trade
- How to overcome borders
- The impact of security on operations
- How to design a Customs automation project
- Data sharing
21Other guidelines
- Border stations
- Border management
- Performance measurement
- Comparative benchmarking