Title: BTSA, Intern,
- BTSA, Intern,
- and PTTP
- Statewide
- Directors
- Conference
- 2007
2- Annual Report to the Stakeholders
November 14 - 16, 2007 Sacramento Hyatt Regency
3Opening Remarks
4Goals of the Paraprofessional Program(EC
44390-44393 )
- Create local career ladders that enable school
paraprofessionals to become certificated
classroom teachers Homegrown Teachers - Address local employer needs and teacher
shortages in the areas of bilingual education,
special education, and other certification areas
of high need
5Goals of the Intern Program(EC 44380-44386)
- Assist districts in meeting teacher shortagehard
to staff schools and in specific subjects - Attract into teaching those who might not
otherwise become teachers - Provide a different type of teacher preparation
based upon a learning by doing philosophy
6Goals of the Induction Program(EC 44279)
- Provide job-embedded, differentiated support and
professional development for beginning teachers - Provide a pathway to enable preliminary
credential holders to earn a clear credential
7Selected findings from
- 2006-2007
- Statewide Consent Forms
8PTTP, Intern, and BTSA Induction Programs
- As of October, 2007
- 33 PTTP programs
- 54 Community Colleges, 23 California State
University - 2 University of California, 11 Independent
- 214 Participating LEAs
- 71 Intern Programs
- 63 University-based 8 District-based
- 47 offer Special Education and 13 are Special
Education ONLY programs - 926 school districts participate in one or more
Intern Programs - 156 BTSA Induction Programs
- 85 Single district programs 71 Consortia
- All but 12 school districts participate in BTSA
9Profile of PTTP, Interns, and BTSA Induction
10Profile of PTTP, Intern, and BTSA Induction
11Ethnicity of Participants
12BTSA Induction Support Provider Profiles
- 12,586 in 2006-2007
- 93 have taught 6 or more years
- 12 Full-time release (FTR)
- 5 retired educators
- 25 participated in the BTSA program as a
participating teacher (up 15 since 2001)
13Selected findings from
- 2006-2007
- Statewide Program Evaluation Surveys
Participating Teachers (PT) Support Providers
(SP) Site Administrators (SA)
14PT, SP, and SA Response has increased
15Support Provider Responsibilities
- Nearly one-third SP (33) support and assess
other teachers in addition to BTSA teachers - SP significant other assigned duties have
increased dramatically 43 in 2003-04 and 64
in 2006-2007.
16SP were askedthe extent to which PT support
and professional development activities match
school and district priorities
Support Provider Survey, 2006-07
17SP and SA understanding of BTSA Program Clear
and Very Clear
18Communication Intern and PT were asked
Intern 1-6 scale BTSA 1-4 scale
19Communication Intern and PT were asked
115 minutes, 230 minutes, 360 minutes, 490
20Intern and PT were asked
1not adequate, 2somewhat adequate, 3adequate,
4very adequate
21Intern and PT were asked. . .How well are you
matched with your Supervisor or Support Provider
in regards to
1not at all, 2somewhat, 3fairly well, 4well
22Intern and PT were askedWhat is the most
important consideration in the match with your
supervisor or support provider?
23Selected findings from
24Retention Rate for PTTP(in the field of
25Retention Rate for InternsCompiled, Fall 2007
26Retention Rate for BTSA InductionCompiled, Fall
27Update on Legislation
- SB 1209 (Scott) 2006 Omnibus Education bill
- 2007
- AB 469 (Horton) Processing time
- SB 193 (Scott) Paraprofessional
- SB 196 (Machado) Sp Ed District Intern
- SB 132 Delete obsolete language
- SB 850 (Scott) Visiting Faculty Permit
- SB 52 (Scott) Career Technical Education
28Topics addressed by SB 1209
- Professional Growth
- Basic Skills
- Out-of-State Prepared Teachers
- Teachers Prepared Outside the United States
- Private School Experienced Teachers
- Study Sessions and Credential Reviews
- Teaching Performance Assessment
- Clear Credential Requirements
- BTSA Induction Funding
- Enhanced Intern
29Bridging the Past and the FutureLooking to the
- Develop Regulations governing the PTTP
- Implementation of SB 193 and its new program
entry and participation requirements - Implementation of a funds reimbursement process
- Review and refine data entry requirements for
each PTTP database - Continued growth of the statewide program
- Develop Enhanced Intern Programs
- Improve Support Services
- Expand Pre-service Preparation
- Expand Regional Facilitation
- Expand Early Completion Intern Options
- Improve Transition to BTSA Induction
- Implement Teaching Performance Assessment
- Implement User Surveys for Employers and Support
32BTSA Induction
- Implementing Induction Program Review
- Maturing of the Induction Programs as Credential
Programs - Providing quality, differentiated support to
todays beginning classroom teachers - Reviewing and Revising BTSA Induction Program
Standards by July 1, 2008
33Closing Remarks
34- Thank you to all who are attending this
conference since you represent the commitment and
passion to quality teaching and learning. - Closing the Achievement Gap cannot be done
without increased student learning, a result of
quality teaching which is the goal of every
program represented at this conference
35Superintendent OConnells Message
- Lets build for every student a school where wed
want our own children to attend. A school where
every child is respected, expected to succeed and
supported in reaching the high bar we set. Lets
work hard together, and look forward to the time
when all Californias children are succeeding and
our children believe, "This is the way it is, and
always will be."