Title: Georgia State University Alumni Association
1Long Term Care Insurance
Protect Your Assets, Your Freedom of Choice,
Your Peace of Mind.
2LTC Defined CARE Not Cure
- Three types of long term care
- Skilled
- Custodial
- Supervisory
- Care provided in
- Nursing Homes
- Assisted Living Facilities
- Home or Community Care
- Average stay in a Nursing Home is 2.7 years
3The Facts About LTC
- 2 in 5 of us may need Long Term Care
- 23 of American households contain an employed
adult who is also a caregiver - Current out-of-pocket costs for Long Term Care
are 35 billion - A void in benefit coverages
4Who Is Eligible?
- Employees Spouses
- Parents
- Parents-in-law
- Retirees Spouses
5How It Works
- Pool of Money
- Reimbursement for Services Provided
- Aetna Care Management
- A dedicated unit of RNs Social Workers
- Support - Educate - Advocate
- Monitor and Manage Care Needs
- Access to Provider Discounts (10 - 30)
6How To Create Your Pool Of Money
- Choose your Daily Benefit Amount (DBA)
- Any amount from 50 - 300 in 1 increments
- Select a Lifetime Maximum
- 2 or 5 year plan
- DBA x Lifetime Maximum Pool of Money
- 200 x 5 years (1,825 days) 365,000
7How Your Plan Will Pay out - Benefit Amounts
Benefit Payout depends on where you are
receiving care
Home Community-Based Care
Facility Care
expenses up to 100 of DBA
- Nursing Home
- Hospice Facility
- Assisted Living Facility
8Plan Feature Inflation Protection
Inflation Protection Provision
- Voluntary you choose to participate
- You may purchase additional DBA every 2 years
without proof of good health - Choose from 1 to 5 of your current DBA,
compounded annually
9Calculating Your Inflation Protection Premiums
Cost based on age at time of purchase
Age 40 Purchase 200 DBA/5 year plan without
Benefit Bank .109 x 200
- Age 42 Optional Inflation Election
Purchase an additional 5 of 200
.122 x 21 2.56
- Total new monthly premium
21.80 2.56 24.36 for 221 DBA
- 365,000 Pool of Money grows to 403,325
10Home Care-Related Features
- Transitional Care
- Informal Caregiver Training
- Informal Care
- Respite Care
- Do not reduce your Pool of Money
11Optional Plan Feature
Benefit Bank Option
- LTC benefit set aside if premium payments stop
after 3 years - Benefit Bank the greater of premiums paid or
one months benefit (30 Xs DBA)
12Receiving Benefits
- Benefit eligibility
- Inability to perform 2 of 6 Activities of Daily
Living (bathing, dressing, transferring,
toileting, continence, eating) - Or severe cognitive impairment
- Single lifetime 90-day waiting period
- Benefits are reimbursed for services received
- Daily maximum is based on type of care received
- Restoration of Benefits
- Restores your full Pool of Money if you return to
good health (no longer claim eligible) for 90
consecutive days after being in claim - Only exception If benefits have been depleted
13Value of LTC Insurance
- Ex Age 40 - 5 year plan with a 200 DBA without
Benefit Bank - Annual Total Premium
Maximum - Premium 45 Years
Benefit - 262 11,790
Ex Age 50 - 5 year plan with a 200 DBA without
Benefit Bank Annual
Total Premium
Maximum Premium 35
Years Benefit 483
Interest Income from Savings Plan Savings Plan
with 4 interest compounded annually for 45
years Annual
Deposits Total Saved
Deposits for 45 years
with Interest 262
14Why Enroll Now?
- Guarantee Issue Opportunity
- Plan is Portable
- 10 Spousal Discount
- A benefit with value at all ages
15Things To Consider
- Caregiver support resources
- Cost of care in your area
- Family health history
- What you can afford
- Enrollment Choices
- Daily Benefit Amount 50 - 300
- Lifetime Maximum 2 yrs or 5 yrs
- Benefit Bank
16New Enrollees How To Enroll
1. Complete Enrollment Form Employees Enrollmen
t Form During Open
Enrollment only Others Medical
Questionnaire 2. Complete Personal Worksheet
Disclosure Statement Sign and date 3. Mail
Forms Directly to Aetna Special Open
Enrollment 3/14/05 - 4/8/05
17Current Insureds How To Increase Coverage
- Receive Informational Package from Aetna
- Complete Increase Form
- Mail Completed Form Directly to Aetna
- Special Open Enrollment 3/14/05 - 4/8/05
18Aetna Long Term Care Insurance Information
1-877-894-2470 or