Title: Download Book [PDF] Acquired Tastes
1Acquired Tastes
In Acquired Tastes, Peter Mayle, the erudite
sojourner and New York Times bestselling author
of A Year in Provence, sets off once more,
traveling the world in search of the very best
life has to offer. Whether telling us where to
buy the world8217sbest caviar or how to order
a pair of thirteen- hundred-dollar custom-made
shoes, advising us on the high cost of keeping a
mistress in style or the pros and cons of
households servants, he covers everything the
well- heeled8212an those vicariously so
inclined8212ned to know to enjoy the good
life. nbspFrom gastronomy to matrimony, from
the sartorial to the baronial, Acquired Tastes is
Peter Mayle8217smost delicious book
yet8212anirreverently spiced smorgasbord of
rich dishes you8217resure to enjoy. Praise for
Acquired Tastes nbsp8220MrMayle is a writer
who never fails to entertain. If he were told to
go forth and write about doorknobs, he would
return with a witty, perceptive
essay.82218212The New York Times Book Review
nbsp8220Onof the finest modern writers on
matters that deal with taste.82218212Craig
Claiborne nbsp8220Muh, much fun8212an best
read with a magnum of Dom P233rigon and a
four-pound tin of Beluga caviar.82218212Kirkus
Reviews 8220Wity and stylish . . . These
hilarious essays are vintage Mayle.82218212Jam
es Villas, author of The French Country Kitchen
8220Ths delightful celebration of the little
(and not-so-little) extravagances that make life
worth living scintillates with wit, brio and
trenchant observations82218212Publishers
Weekly nbsp8220Inriguing.82218212Chicago
Acquired Tastes