Title: Iceberg Philanthropy
1Iceberg Philanthropy
- Fraser Green, CFRE
- Principal, FLA Group
- AFP Canadian Congress
- November 15, 2006
2Before we start, please be warned..
- I have an
- inherited
- evangelical
- gene seriously!
3My dad took me toNewtown, St. Marys Bay
4(No Transcript)
5Lets talk about the bus
- get the right people on
- get the wrong people off
- then get the right people into the right seats
6Lets change seats
- Planned giving
- and major gift
- types to my left
- Direct marketing
- and annual giving
- types to my right
7The ICEBERG is a metaphorfor the donor pyramid
8So, whats the problem?
- Planned giving
- types are in rowboats
- Direct marketing
- types are in
- submarines
- (without periscopes)
9Youre both lookingat the same iceberg..
- But, youre
- seeing
- something
- totally
- different.
10The silo effect
- most fundraising programs are organized on a
military/industrial model - departments compartments
- in other words, silos
11Silos or Seamless?
- silothink is oldthink
- silothink is slow and cumbersome
- silothink looks inward
- silothink covers ass
- silothink is a loser
- seamless is new
- seamless is responsive
- seamless looks at the donor first!
- seamless is brave and selfless
- seamless wins
12Weve done our research, and
- Your donors
- want seamless!
- Were all talking the
- donor-centred talk.
- Do we walk the walk?
13The old paradigm shift
- the planned giving type
- needs to
- cast a wide net
- instead of using
- a hook.
- the direct marketing
- type needs to
- see the potential
- to actually catch
- HUGE fish for a change
14To be more specific..
- The planned giving
- person needs to think about thousands of
- prospects, and not
- a couple of hundred
- The direct marketer
- needs to think about
- 20,000 gifts
- from 35 donors
15Yet another way..
- Planned giving
- types need to
- learn to use
- the direct
- marketers
- tactics
- Direct marketers
- need to learn
- to use major gift
- planned giving
- strategies
- Its the path of
- least resistance
- to making a LOT
- more money
- for your cause
17Because todays marketis fiercely competitive..
- direct mail market is shrinking slowly
- donors feel overwhelmed
- were not asking properly
- we dont steward well
- this is all research based
18And thats why were all here..
199 ICEBERG Principlesand 9 Practical Steps
- designed to help you
- - understand the iceberg
- - see its potential
- - tap its wealth
- - transform your program
- - get there before your
- competition!
20first ICEBERG principle
- think BIG
- really, really BIG..
21- To the planned
- giving type,
- big means
- LOTS of prospects
- To the direct
- marketer, big means HUGE gifts
22Two years ago..
- We partnered with Mal Warwick
- and did the first-ever poll of
- direct mail donors.
- N500 (Canada), /- 4.4 19/20
- Lang Research/Comquest
- www.donorresearch.net
23Profile of a veryordinary donor
- 80 are 55
- only 10 work F/T
- grew up before TV
- 2/3 female
- empty nest
- average education
- modest income
- whitebread
- attends church
- supports 10 charities
24Hidden Gold
- Income
- household income 55K
- average DM gift 30
- Assets
- net worth 350,000
- average bequest 20,000
25- These are
- the donors
- who fly way
- under your
- radar.
26Those ordinary donors
- 97 know they can leave
- a gift in their will
- 92 already
- have a will
27The AHA Moment
- 17 have made
- at least one
- charitable bequest
- 18 are very or somewhat likely
- to do so within
- five years
28Oh yeah..
- There are 7 million direct mail
- donors in Canada today
- (we know, we measure)
- The majority of these donors have never been
30- Thats a big
- honkin iceberg!
31Second ICEBERG principle..we are emotional
- What were the
- two most important
- moments in your life?
33what did you experienceduring your moments?
- were you thinking?
- .....or feeling?
- 1135 pm October 19, 1988
- 640 pm June 21, 1999
35The Old Brain(amygdala)
36Our brains..old and new
- New Brain
- rational
- thinks
- processes data
- justifies decisions
- Old Brain
- primitive
- emotional
- survival
37Fundraisers justdont understand..
- The old
- (emotional)
- brain
- decides.
- The new
- (rational) brain
- justifies
- the old brains
- decision.
38Think differently
- Conventional
- AFP wisdom
- Speaks to the
- new brain
- strategy
- Speaks to
- both brains
- (with the emphasis
- on the old!)
39How direct marketers andPGOs would propose
40I read an Animal Welfare OrgsCase for Support
- It Had
- Great numbers
- Expressed needs
- Described clear benefits to animals
- Showed comparisons to similar cities
- Described programs
- Very businesslike
- My Reaction
- The day we got Champ
- The morning ginger died
- Winnie hit by the car
- Rory and Restless
- Buster after the can opener
41Third ICEBERG principle..
- Relating is
- successful above
- the waterline.
- Marketing gets to
- the bulk of the
- underwater money
42I visited Stephanie recently
- she has almost 100,000 active donors
- shes got at least 20,000 suspects
- 40,000,000 potential revenue (minimum)
- shes relating to 300 people
- her legacy deficit is 19,700 donors!
- Stephanie MUST market to reach her potential
43So, planned giving types
- Tea and banana
- bread aint gonna
- get you there!
44Direct Marketers
- Need to go beyond
- he normal
- acquisition,
- conversion
- renewal
- (minor) upgrade
45Fourth ICEBERG principle
46Pop Quiz
- Do you know
- what percentage
- of your planned
- giving revenue
- comes from bequests?
47Check your materials..
- How many planned giving
- vehicles are mentioned?
- Lets add em up..
48Elementary, my dear Watson
- 90 - 95 of the
- money is in the will
49Remember Cuba Gooding Jr. In Jerry McGuire?
- Whats he saying
- right here?
50- Wheres your
- money?
- In the will!
51Okay, okay
- you can relate the other stuff (like charitable
remainder trusts, gift annuities, blah blah blah - but you cant market it
- weve watched focus groups
- and you know what happens?
53If you really wantyour iceberg..
- Youve got to
- sacrifice
- Its the will, stupid
54Fifth ICEBERG principle
- Why gets the gift,
- not how!
55Lets get this straightonce and for all!
- Fundraisers
- tell them
- they should give
- Donors
- will figure out
- they can give
- on their own
60Sixth ICEBERG principle
61We all love stories
- Glengarry School Days
- Lord of the Rings
- why do they turn novels into movies?
- what makes history interesting?
- Cape Bretoners watch the stories
- its simply in our nature
62Great fundraising isgreat storytelling
- testimonials
- legacy donor profiles
- vision pieces
- history
- making the case
63Seventh ICEBERG principle
64Urgency for twosimple reasons..
65Leave it till next year?
- civics are savers
- civics have assets
- will boomers?
- floating nursing homes
- 38 of women and 55 of men aged 75
66Put most bluntly..
- Civics are dying today..
- You need to reach them
- before they depart this world.
- (Dont assume the
- boomers will give.)
67Diffusion of InnovationsCharles Everett, 1962
68So, time to doyour arithmetic
- 20 of your active donors will leave charitable
bequests - lets assume theyll name 2 charities each
- 20,000 x .2 x 2 8,000 bequests
- but these are shared among 10 charities
- your share is 800 bequests
- 800 x 20,000 16 million
- ideal solution would be if everyone did nothing
- but what if others market aggressively and you do
nothing? - your share shrinks
- their shares grow
- the USSR is gone
- we live in a MARKET world
69Overlay with Diffusionof Innovations Curve
- early adopters will win big-time
- some early majority will benefit
- later early majority will hold their own
- late majority will lose
- laggards? forget it
- timing counts in the market
- and it is a market!! (get off denial island)
70Where are we onthe curve today?
- innovators started about ten years ago..
- early adopters are about halfway there
- early majority will be there in about three years
- as we move through the curve, margins will shrink
- its simply the way markets work
- think of the Klondike gold rush
71Eighth ICEBERG principle
72Its about
- heart
- soul
- footprints on the earth
- passion
- joy of living
- meaning
- human spirit
- why we live
- relationships
- love
- human duty
73- Yes, well get to
- the money eventually.
- But thats not what
- all this is about.
74Ninth ICEBERG principle
- The Holy Trinity
- Commitment
- Openness Life
- Jac queline REALLY LOVES what you do
- she believes in you
- she trusts you
- - to do great work
- - with her money
- - to stick around for
- twenty years or more
- Jacqueline is one of
- the 97 - and the 92
- she thinks legacy gifts are a good idea
- (might have made one or be thinking about it)
77Life stage
- Jacquelines family
- situation allows her to do this without
compromising her obligations to the people she
loves most - oh yeah, 65
78Back to the iceberg(once more with feeling)
- 20-35 are great suspects
- the key is to find those who match the trinity
- its quite a simple idea!
79Rubber on the Road
- some very practical
- things you can do
- to bring ICEBERG philanthropy
- to life for you and your donors
80Commit to do somethingin the next year..because
the journey of a thousand miles..
- How much can you handle?
- How much can your boss handle?
- What can you get away with?
- Take a magnifying glass to the budget..
- Find allies
- Point to others successes (theyre out there)
812. Pick some suspects
- Hints..look for
- Loyalty
- Miss
- Loyal monthly
- Large gifts
823. Find a way to ask and listen
- Engage your suspects
- Ask for their help
- Listen for
- - brand attachment
- - where are you on the hit parade?
- - opinions on bequests
- - reaction to materials!
834. You probably need a different materials
- Focus content on
- Values
- Vision
- Mission
- Program
- Results
- Future needs
- Credibility
84Your current materials probably..
- talk about the importance of having a will
- four to six vehicles
- tax benefits
- financial considerations
- blah, blah, blah
- Planned giving
- brochures
- should be
- written by poets,
- not tax accountants.
- (author unknown)
855. Ask for their input again..
- Does new material copy turn their cranks?
- How can you appropriately cultivate?
- How should you solicit/identify?
- How much/ what type of stewardship would they
want/expect? - The amazing thing?
- If you ask, theyll tell you!!
866. Ask suspects to self-identify as prospects
- go back to ICEBERG principle 9 the Holy Trinity
- perhaps create a scoring system
- are you their favourite?
- is legacy giving a good idea? (maybe youre
already in!) - whats their life/family situation
- ask however you can I like the phone
87I know about a dozen charities who have taken
this approach..
- 3 of donors spoken to self-identify as
expectancies - (almost 500)
- 24 self-identify as prospects (trinity) (almost
- total expectancy projected revenue
- gt 11 million
- revenuecost ratio
- is about 751
- and the prospects havent even been
cultivated/solicited yet
88Lets go back to the two sides in the room
- Conventional
- tea banana bread
- doesnt generate
- this volume.
- Typical direct
- response fundraising
- doesnt come close
- to this kind of ROI.
89Internal Marketing Tip
- market results to
- everyone in your organization
- donors will convince your leadership
- better than you every time!
907. Start Cultivating Stewarding
- mail works best
- you dont need to visit (most dont want you to!)
- no silos here
- 4-5 cultivation pieces over about a year
- 3-4 stewardship pieces will suffice
- remember, PG strategy, DM tactics!
91Cultivation mail package types
- high quality, personalized card
- living testimonial
- CEO vision
- story-driven newsletter
- departed testimonial
- not overly-branded
- dont skimp!
928. After about a year of cultivation, you can
- mail or phone? theyve already told you!
- break prospects into four groups
- - expectancies stewardship stream
- - actively considering more cultivation
- - not active but open occasional cultivation
- - just not interested back to regular DM
939. Assess, and plan for rollout (DM types
know what I mean)
- stewardship plan for expectancies
- cultivation plan for prospects
- feed new suspects into the system
- sell your success internally
- get the resources you need
- break down the silos
- build on success!
94Apply these 9 ICEBERG principles - 9 steps
with evangelistic zealnow!
- Great-great-great-
- great-great-great
- granddad and I
- guarantee
- youre gonna
- make a LOT
- more money
95thus endeth the sermon..
- thanks!
- fgreen_at_theflagroupinc.com
- 613-232-9113