Title: Caregiving and Caregivers in Glace Bay
1Caregiving and Caregivers in Glace Bay
- Deborah Kiceniuk, PhD
- Andrew Harvey, PhD
- Adrian Mackenzie, BSc
2Unpaid Caregiving
- Unpaid work households do by and for themselves,
including domestic chores, childcare, and
- 1. To examine the relationship between care
giving and health behaviors and practices in
relation to demographic variables - 2. To examine similarities and differences in
health behaviors and practices between caregivers
in two Nova Scotian communities in relation to
demographic variables
4Hypotheses what we expected!
- Caregivers are more likely to be female, married,
middle-aged, unemployed, less education, lower
income - Caregivers poorer emotional health status, and
similar physical health status - Caregivers and non-caregivers will have similar
health utilization and health behavior patterns
5Variables What we looked at!
- Demographics
- gender, marital status, education, age,
income, and occupational status - ? Health Status
- perceived physical and emotional health
- objective measures limited activity and
medication use -
6Variables contd
- Health Care Utilization
- frequency of visits to physicians, other
health care providers, mental health
professionals, OP/Emerg. - Health Behaviors
- frequency of pap smears mammograms,
- smoking, exercise within various time
- frames
7Variables contd
- Social Support
- frequency of contacting relatives or neighbors
- frequency in attending religious events
- ability to partake volunteer activities
8Glace Bay - respondents
9Glace Bay - Caregivers
10Caregiver characteristics
- Non-Caregivers
- ?55.8 female
- ?58.5 - gt45 (N)
- ?58.8 - M/CL (N)
- Caregivers
- ? 12.6 of sample (206)
- ? 67.5 female (C)
- ? 69 - gt45 (C)
- ? 69.5 - M/CL (C)
- ? Similar income education levels
13Main Activity
14Education Level
15Household Income
16Health Status
17Perceived Health Status
18Limited Activity Levels
19Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory
21Blood Pressure Medication
22Stomach Remedies
23Emotional Health and Stress
24Life Stress
25Not Accomplished What You Want
26Enough Time with Family/Friends
27Trying to Accomplish More
28Health Care Utilization
29Physician Contacts
30Visits to ER/OP
31Health Practices and Behaviors
33Pap Tests
34Exercise Patterns
36Social Support
37Contact with Family
38Contact with Neighbours
39Attendance at Religious Events
41Suggestions for Future Research
- Resource availability
- Factors associated with care-receivers illness
- Length of time in caregiver role
- Caregivers health status pre- and post-care
giving role