Presented at Symposium on Current Trends in
International Fusion Research 7-11 March 2005
presented by Dr J. H. Degnan Air Force Research
Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate
J.H.Degnan, A. Brown (2), T.Cavazos (1),
S.K.Coffey (2), M.Frese (2), S. Frese (2), D.Gale
(1), C.Gilman (1), C. Grabowski (1), B. Guffey
(2), T.P.Intrator (3), R.Kirkpatrick (3),
G.F.Kiuttu, F.M.Lehr, R.E.Peterkin, Jr (1),
N.F.Roderick (4), E.L.Ruden, R.E.Siemon (5),
W.Sommars (1), Y F. Thio (6), P.J.Turchi (3),
G.AWurden (3), S. Zhang (3) Directed Energy
Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory,
Kirtland AFB, NM, USA (1) SAIC, Albuquerque, NM,
USA (2) NumerEx, Albuquerque, NM, USA (3) Los
Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM,
USA (4) Permanent address Department of Chemical
and Nuclear Engineering, University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA (5) University of
Nevada Reno, Reno, NV, USA (6) DOE-OFES This
research was sponsored by DOE-OFES
3Elements Of Magnetized Plasma Compression, aka
Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF)
4MTF Is A Hybrid Of ICF And MFE
- ICF relies on rapid imploding boundary to achieve
adiabatic compression of fuel- requires driver
to deliver megajoules in nanoseconds- requires
several 10s cm/microsecond implosion velocity-
validated by underground tests - MFE relies on magnetic field to confine modest
density, high temperature plasma for seconds or
longer- problems are instabilities and
impurities- has achieved gain 0.5 (gain
energy out/energy in) - MTF uses magnetic field to suppress thermal
conduction , imploding boundary to compress
plasma- requires 10s of megajoules in 1 to 10
microseconds- requires 1 cm/microsecond
implosion velocity- greatly reduced driver power
(x100 to 1000) relative to ICF
5Magnetized Target Fusion
- Magnetized target fusion (MTF) identified in US
and Russia as an alternate approach intermediate
between MFE and ICF parameter regimes - Closed magnetic field configurations reduce
electron thermal conduction losses - Enables (slower) adiabatic compression with
modest driver requirements - 10X radial compression required
- Typical precompression plasma parameters 100 eV,
1017 cm-3, 5 T
6Field Reversed Configuration Self Organized
Magnetic Equilibrium
- Closed magnetic field lines
- Magnetic field line tension squeezes axially when
radially compressed - Particles that drift across flux surfaces are
lost to open field lines beyond separatrix - Equilibrium lifetime is anomalously long (many
Alfven times), but not theoretically understood
- Initial diagnostics for FRC formation
- Diamagnetic field exclusion magnetic probe array
- Radial view laser interferometry
- Axial view fast photography
- Current and voltage probes on all discharges
- Later additional FRC formation diagnostics
- Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) probe arrays for purity
monitoring and temperature, density information
8AFRL eight chord laser interferometer installed
on FRC formation system at LANL
9Density vs. time at various radii via Abel
The radii chosen correspond to the closest
approach of each laser chord to the FRC axis
(impact parameters). Shot 1973
10Density vs. radius at various times for FRC
inferred from Abel Inversion algorithm.
11FRC status as of mid 2003 achieved parameters
are approaching pre-compression goals
12FRC Compatible Imploding Liner Hardware Design
- The 30 cm long liner implosion experiments
extend our experience to longer liners - The
diagnostics on these initial shots include flash
radiography, interior magnetic field
compression, discharge current and voltage, and
an interior instrumented impact package
13Shiva Star Facility at AFRL
- 82 kV, 1300 uF, 44 nHfor first Z-pinch driven
long liner experiments - 12 Megamp, 10 ?sec risetime discharge implodes
30 cm long, 10 cm diameter, 1.1 mm thick Al liner
in 24 ?sec - 4.4 MJ energy storage gives 1.5 MJ in liner KE
Shiva Star Capacitor Bank (up to 9 Megajoules, 3
?sec) available now for implosion - compression
14Radiographs from FRC compatible Liner Implosion
on Shiva Star
t 0.0 ?sec, diam 10 cm
Achieved velocity, radial convergence, symmetry,
stability needed for compression of FRCs to MPC
15Avoiding Sliding Liner-electrode Contact
- Avoiding the sliding liner-electrode contact is
desirable in order to - - Avoid impeding FRC injection into interior of
liner - Improve purity of injected FRC - Improve axial diagnostic accessTwo approaches
to achieving this are - Using deformable liner-electrode contact for
Z-pinch driven liner - Using a theta-pinch driven liner
16Connecting current to the liner
Uniform-thickness liner
Variable-thickness or shaped liner
Glide-plane electrodesused in 1999 Shiva-Star
experimentswould interfere with FRC injection
Shaped liner recently tested
172D-MHD simulations indicate feasibilty of
deformable liner-electrode concept
Double frustrum profiled liner density contours
at 1 ?s before peak compression
Double frustrum and smooth liner initial
thickness profiles
Smooth profiled liner density contours at 1 ?s
before peak compression
Deformable Liner-Electrode Contacts Offer
Advantages in Purity of the Compressed Plasma and
Diagnostics Access for Z-pinch Driven Liner
these examples are for 8 cm diameter electrode
18Deformable contact liner implosion performed with
8 cm diameter electrode apertures results
indicate that Z-pinch imploded liner approach is
Static radiograph of portion of liner adjacent to
electrode, prior to experiment. Inner diameter
9.78 cm.
2D-MHD simulated density contours for similar
parameter liner implosion, at 0.5 ?s before
Experimental radiograph for portion of liner
adjacent to electrode, at 22 ?s after start of
current, approximately 0.5 ?s prior to peak
compression. Bottom of liner to top of field of
view is approximately 4.5 cm.
Overlay of 2D-MHD simulation density contours and
radiographs at approximately same size scales.
19Mid-gap radiograph indicates 17 x radial
compression of inner surface
Top radiograph of liner at t0, near mid-gap, ID
9.78 cm, OD 10.0 cm. Bottom radiograph of
liner at t 22 ?sec, near mid-gap. ID of non-m0
portion ? 0.58 cm, corresponding to radial
compression of inner surface 17. We believe
that the m0 portion is right at mid-gap. If
there had been an FRC inside, it would be
compressed gt 10x radially prior to significant
growth of this instability.
We suspect this late m 0 feature is due to
release of initial axial compression, combined
with thickness derivative discontinuity (from
double frustrum thickness profile) at 9 cm from
mid-gap. Both the initial axial compression and
the thickness derivative can be removed by design
20Axial view fast optical photos indicate symmetric
implosion of inner surface of liner with inner
diameter consistent with simulation
Left 200 nanosec optical framing photo, axial
view, of load. Inner diameter of opening is 8.0
cm. Photo used Xenon flash backlighting. Right
200 nanosec optical framing photo, axial view, of
load at 21?sec into implosion discharge. Inner
diameter of smallest part of liner (most imploded
part) is 1.5 cm.
21An 1 mil (.025 mm) thinning of liner over
central cm near mid-gap would explain late m 0
t 21 ?s
t 22 ?s
Z 15 cm mid-gap
Z 0 cm
R 4.0 cm
R 0 cm
Mach2 2D-MHD simulation density contours for half
height of liner at t 21 ?s and 22 ?s for double
frustrum liner thickness profile from z 0 to 6
cm, uniform thickness 1.1 mm from z 6 to z
14.5 cm, thickness tapers from 1.10 to 1.075 mm
from z 14.5 cm to mid-gap. Electrode aperture
radius is 4 cm. Â
22Alternative liner thickness vs profiles are being
examined via Mach2 simulations
A family of such simulations uses an analytic
profile which includes Gaussian thinning region a
few cm from electrodes
Z0 distance from liner midplane. Zo 11.5
corresponds to 3.5 cm up from electrode. Z00
3.5 ? is the half width at half max and ? is a
measure of the amplitude. Other parameters are
defined in following table (next slide)
23Deformable liner thickness profile parameters
R0 R1 z1 z0
? ?
242D-MHD simulations indicate that use of Gaussian
thinning regions a few cm from electrodes
controls divergence of liner ends variants of
this are being investigated computationally
15 cm
4 cm electrode inner radius
Baseline 01
03 05 06
07-1 07-2
08 08-1
09 09-1
Contour plots show half (15 cm) of 30 cm tall,
5 cm initial outer radius, Al liner position and
shape at 21 microseconds after start of 1300
microfarad, 80 KV, 44 nanoHenry initial
inductance Shiva Star discharge, with standard
safety fuse. Initial liner thickness is 1.1 mm at
mid-gap (15 cm above lower electrode).
25Normal current delivery to liner and symmetry
were obtained for experimental Bi-frustrum
Current peaked at 12 megamps, at 10 ?s after
start of current rise. Insulator crowbar occurred
at 17 ?s, as expected.
26Simulation Details FRC Formation and Translation
- The FRC formation uses a flux-based resistive
diffusion model. - The simulation includes
- Thermal diffusion
- Radiative emission
- After about 2 ms, the forming FRC translates
itself down the formation region into the liner
implosion region. - We generally use an FRC from 4 ms into the
formation simulation to insert (interpolate) into
the imploding liner simulation.
27FRC Formation and Injection Setup
Schematic (not to scale)
Formation And Translation Region
Implosion Region
Liner (not in formation/translation phase)
28FRC Formation and Translation Te Flux
Liner Implosion Region
t 0 ms
t 1 ms
t 2 ms
t 3 ms
t 4 ms
t 5 ms
29Integration of the Two Simulations
- Around 13 to 14 ms, we interpolate the FRC
simulation data into the liner implosion
simulation and continue the implosion. - We can vary the time of the insertion (relative
to the liner implosion) and the age of the FRC. - The following series of figures shows the liner
(in white), the temperature, and the flux lines
as the liner implodes. - In this particular simulation, an FRC 4.2 ms old
is inserted into the liner at 13 ms as shown at
30Early Liner Evolution with Injected FRC
- The downward momentum of the FRC tries to force
it out the bottom of the liner. - The mirror field trapped in the imploding liner
captures it, but some mass escapes.
t 13 ms
t 13.5 ms
t 14 ms
t 14.5 ms
The white line is the liner.
31Liner Evolution with Injected FRC
t 15 ms
t 16 ms
t 17 ms
t 18 ms
t 19 ms
- This combination of timings seems to capture and
re-center the FRC. - The grid motion is stopped at 17.4 ms
- The lower portion of the grid is shown in the
32Late Liner Evolution with Injected FRC
- By 20 ms, the liner has com-pressed to an inner
radius of 0.5 cm. - The temperature in the center of the FRC is over
8 keV. - There are temperatures as high as 13 keV within
the FRC, near the axis.
t 19.5 ms
t 20 ms
33Design concept for integrated FRC formation
hardware with imploding liner compression
hardware is evolving - adequate space for
existing FRC formation load hardware design in
vertical orientation under Shiva Star center
section with implosion load hardware - even more
space available with re-positioning of FRC vacuum
34Presently planned layout of FRC Formation
Hardware Under and Around Shiva Star
- Main single re-configured Shiva Star module
- PI pre-ionization bank
- Bias, guide, and cusp banks in NE sextant of
floor space - rail mounted FRC formation train is under
Shiva Star B transmission line when mated to
implosion chamber - rail mounted FRC formation train is withdrawn
to NE corner of workspace for FRC formation
experiments with greater formation diagnostics
complement, allowing other uses of Shiva Star
FRC formation load in axial orientation
Re-configured Shiva Star module
35Can Imploding Liner Magnetized Plasma Compression
Be Made Repetitive?
- Implosion-compression of several-cm-radius shells
on the 1 to 10 microsecond time scale can be used
for magnetized target fusion (MTF) - This can be done in a manner with standoff of the
driver, e.g., using arrays of laser or particle
beams, which enables repetitive operation (for
power plants or propulsion) - Similar to inertial confinement fusion (ICF)
drivers, but with 103 to 104 times slower pulses,
hence easier - There are also schemes for repetitive operation
of magnetic pressure driven liner implosions
(R.W. Moses et al, LA-7683-MS, 1979), and for
pneumatic pressure driven implosions of
rotationally stabilized, re-usable liquid Li
liners (P.J. Turchi et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 36,
1613 (1976)) - A plasma jet spherical array compression scheme
has also been proposed (Y.C.F.Thio et al,
Proceedings of Second Symposium of Current Trends
in International Fusion Research, 1999) - Single shot versions of such implosion-compression
can be done now via magnetic pressure
implosions, using our existing large capacitor
bank - Such single shot implosion-compression
experiments can be used to investigate critical
technical issues before developing and building
more expensive, repetitive drivers