Title: Ken Hinckley
1Quantitative Analysis of Scrolling Techniques
- Ken Hinckley
- Edward Cutrell
- Steve Bathiche
- Tim Muss
- Microsoft Research Microsoft Hardware
- April 23, 2002
2Motivating Questions Product
- Multi-Channel scrolling devices
- (1) save time to grab scrollbar
- (2) maintain visual focus on primary task
- Can performance of the scrolling wheel be
improved? - How does it compare?
- How to evaluate test our new scrolling
products in general?
3Accelerated Scrolling Wheel
- Scroll further when you roll faster
- Extend range of wheel
- But Is it really any better?
- Possible loss of control / precision?
4Motivating Questions Research
- How should one experimentally evaluate scrolling
performance? Distance Precision? - Which is fastest blue or green (dotted) ?
5Fitts Law Cough Syrup for Input Devices
- Widely used to study rapid, aimed movements
(Fitts 1954) - Used in pointing device studies since 1978
- Task Point at a target W wide at distance D
- The Law
- MT a b log2(D/W 1)
- a, b fit by linear regression using observed MT
- Never applied to scrolling
6Scrolling Experimentfounded in Fitts Law
- Scroll back forth between 2 lines in a doc
- Ex comparing paragraphs
- Each Trial had at least 10 Phases of individual
scrolling movements
7Experimental Design
- Device X D X W
- ScrollPoint
- Standard Wheel
- 3 lines/notch
- Accel. W1
- 1 line/notch
- Accel. W3
- 3 lines/notch
- nonsensical D X Ws
- e.g. D6, W18
8Note on Practice Effects
- First 2 phases of each trial eliminated due to
start-up effects
9Results Average Movement Times
- Overall average Movement Time (MT)
- ScrollPoint Std. Wheel do not differ
significantly - But what if we control for D/W ?
10Results By Distance (Raw Data)
- Hard to see whats going on in raw MT data
- D 3.5 cm to 2.25 meters So MT also has wide
11Results By Distance (Scaled)
- Significant crossover interaction by Distance!
- Std Wheel faster at small D, ScrollPoint for
large D - Accel mappings improve performance
12Results By Width
- No interesting crossover effects for Device X W
- A faster device is faster across all W
13 and Fitts Law Describes our Data
14Representative Tasks for Scrolling
- We experimented with several tasks
- Scrolling while proofreading text for
misspellings - Searching for highlighted line in document
- and following the link Zhai
- Searching for highlighted target word in
document, in presence of highlighted distracter
words - Fitts task sensitive to subtle device diffs
- Cognitive visual search issues ignored
15Design Insights
- No one device or acceleration setting is best
- Accel W1 vs. Std Wheel faster better
resolution - Is it possible to combine Accel W1 / Accel W3
mappings to have optimal performance?
16Qualitative Results
- ScrollPoint Most Ss preferred for long D
- But in practice many would just grab scrollbar
- very ineffective in targeting lines
- my hand didnt get tired
- Standard Wheel moved predictably
- Fatigue / comfort frequent negative comment
- Accel W3 very easy to scroll long distances,
but most Ss disliked larger notches - Accel W1 liked finer notches, but still tedious
to scroll long distances
17Naturally Occurring Behaviors with the Wheel
- How do users roll the wheel?
- (1) trying to get somewhere fast, or
- (2) reading
18How Acceleration Works
- Roll faster ? move further
- But do not change reading experience
- For ?t lt 0.1 notch/s
- ?y K1(1 K2?t)a
- Otherwise
- ?y 1 line
- The user does nothave to learn anything new!
- To play with Accel. Scrolling, download
IntelliPoint 4.0 - Differs slightly
- e.g. no fractional lines
- http//www.microsoft.com/ hardware/mouse/downloa
20Future Work
- Apply Fitts approach to a scroll/select task
- Scroll, then click on object of varying W
- Two-handed scrolling Current experiment can
compare right- vs. left-handed devices, but not
higher level benefits of 2h scrolling, e.g. - Anticipatory cursor motion
- Avoid fatigue from single hand doing everything
- Scrollbar cost of moving mouse back and forth to
scrollbar needs to be considered - More scrolling expts needed with Fitts Law
21Thank You!
- Questions?
- kenh_at_microsoft.com
- http//www.microsoft.com/ hardware/mouse/download
22(No Transcript)
23Extra slides for questions etc.
24Jellinek Card 1991
- Gain theoretically does not affect performance
- MT a b log2(D/W 1) gD/gW D/W
- Observed MT almost unchanged for g 1 ? 10
- g Reduces footprint of device reclutching
- On Wheel, reduced footprint faster MT
25Principles of Bimanual Action
- Yves Guiard, 1987. For right-handers
- Right-to-left reference Action of the right hand
occurs within the frame-of-reference defined by
the left. - Scale Asymmetry Movements of the right hand
occur at higher spatial and temporal frequencies
than the left - Left-hand Precedence Action starts with the left
26Principles of (Bimanual) Scrolling
- Scrolling is a background task that should be
assigned to the nonpreferred hand.
- Right-to-left reference Movement of mouse cursor
is within current document view. - Scale Asymmetry Scrolling is a coarse task,
cursor movement selection are high-precision - Left-hand Precedence Scrolling precedes detailed
activity in the document.
(MacKenzie 1998)
27Bimanual Scrolling
- No switching between pointing scrolling
- Overlapped action of the 2 hands
- Maintain visual focus concentration on work
- Buxton Myers 1986bimanual scrolling 25
faster than scroll bar
28Bimanual Controlon Office Kbd
- Navigation controls on left
- Scrolling wide wheel
- Web Forward / Back
- Windows AppToggle
- Cut, Copy, Paste also well suited to left side
- Compound selection or placement of IP
articulation of command
- Automatic transmission for the wheel (accel.)
- Evaluating Informally, seems to work great!
- in a 10 pg doc
- IntelliPoint 4.0! ?
- IP 5.0 (?) ?
- All of these have 1 line/notch precision