Title: Delimiters for Selection-Action Pen Gesture Phrases in Scriboli
1Delimiters for Selection-Action Pen Gesture
Phrases in Scriboli
Ken Hinckley Patrick Baudisch Gonzalo
Ramos Francois Guimbretiere Microsoft Research
2The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
- Copy Paste 1. Select Lasso Mode
3The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
4The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
5The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
6The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
- 5. Invoke Edit Menu again
7The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
8The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
9The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
- 8. Drag copy to desired position.
10The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
11The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
- Waste time moving the pen
- Focus attention on small targets
- Same steps every time
- But what did I forget?
12The Traveling (pen) SalesmanProblem
- 9) Forgot to reselect PEN mode. Oops.
13Pen Computing Now?
14Recognize Pen Gestures?
- Classic problem ink or gesture ?
- Hard problem any gesture could be ink
- All we need to solve this is ONE BIT of info
- Scriboli Make it a physical skill instead of
guessing game - physical button on bezel
- nonpreferred hand, no trip to lasso mode
- Next paper Li, Hinckley, Guan Landay
- works really well
15Gestures for Nouns Verbs
- Lasso selection Marking menus
- Crossing selection? Abandon lasso selection?
- How to combine scope command efficiently?
16Delimiters for scope selection marking
- A delimiter is something different
- lexical structure of stroke
- e.g. self-crossing gesture stroke
- VIDEO delimiter techniques
17Experiment Design
- Pigtail, Handle, Timeout, Button X
- Practice 32 trials
- Main Block
- All 8 Marking Directions (N, NE, ) X
- 2 Selection Types (single, or row/column) X
- 5 trials
- 80 main block trials
- Repeated Invocation (RI) Block
- Lasso one item, select E from menu 24x
18Results Completion Time
Button Handle Pigtail Pigtail2
- Left bar main block right bar repeated block
- Dotted bars are Pigtail2 design iteration
19Results Learning Effects
- For the 24 trials of Repeated Invocation Block
20Results Error Rate
Button Handle Pigtail Pigtail2
- Error rate of selecting wrong marking direction
21Improving Pigtail
- Problems
- 1. Pigtail Size
- No upper bound
22Pigtail Design Iteration
- Problems
- 1. Pigtail Size
- No upper bound
- 2. Pretzels
23Pigtail Design Iteration
- Problems
- 1. Size Limit
- Alt5600 no good
- 2. Pretzels
- 1st intersection? No.
24Pigtail Design Iteration
- Problems
- 1. Size Limit
- Alt5600 no good
- 2. Pretzels
- 1st intersection? No.
- 2nd intersection? Yep.
25Pigtail2 Preliminary Results
Button Handle Pigtail Pigtail2
- No errors at all in Repeated Invocation block!
26Scriboli DEMO
- Direct manipulation phase
- Scope, command, manip in one stroke
- Self-revelation techniques
- Disjoint Selections
- Lassos, Crossing, Tapping
- Circles of exclusion
- Performance data on delimiter techniques
- Data suggest Handle has slight advantage
- But handle was large at 48x48 pixels
- pen up/ pen down spatial mux
- Cant be used e.g. in paper interface
- Pigtail offers design alternative
- Performs almost the same, lasso tough case?
- Seems to offer some unique design advantages
28Future Work
- grammar of building blocks for pen UI
- What are alternative designs for each part?
- More complex phrases possible?
30Handle vs.Pigtail
- Handle can get in the way
- Adds some visual clutter
- Pigtail handles more than one scope elegantly
31Handwriting has a Deep Structure
- Learning cursive
- fast, brief, repetitive, pre-programmed
- variations on oscillatory movements
- The scribbling of Scriboli
32Qualitative Results
- Favorite 7 Handle, 4 Pigtail, 4 Timeout
- Handle
- two strokes disruptive, natural
- Clutter box makes part of screen inaccessible
- Timeout
- good for beginners but I hate waiting for it.
- I felt like I was almost too accurate with it
- Pigtail
- Felt just like handwriting once I learned it, I
could open up fly! - Pigtail was trouble. I got a little mad at it.
- Takes a little bit of practice.
33(No Transcript)
34Marking Menus
- Blind Prompted
- Scale-independent in blind mode (333ms)
- Visually-guided in prompted mode
35Preserves scale-independence
- Scale-ind. only matters for blind marking
- Dragging naturally lasts longer
marking starts
visual menu pops up
cross outer boundary
check for crossing
blind phase
333 ms
36GEdit Kurtenbach Buxton
Delete one obj.
Copy add final C to move
Delete group end stroke inside lasso
- One of the first works considering pen phrases
- Every stroke is gesture
- Only 3 cmds
- Group vs. single obj. inconsistent
Move end stroke outside. Objects move on PenUp.
37FlowMenu Francois Guimbretiere
- Integrates command selection with continuous
parameter manipulation - But no blind marking, size of gesture matters
Crossing in?out chooses Item submenu
Crossing out?in chooses Move command
Dragging continues
38Design Philosophy of Scriboli
- Fast motions, repeatable, no waiting / dwelling,
minimal demands on visual attention - UNAMBIGUOUS
- No guessing games
- No reco unless I tell the system otherwise
- (There is almost no reco in Scriboli)
- Supports many commands, easy to grow design
- Mechanisms for a wide span of pen apps, not
restricted to specific niche application
39Other Delimiter Techniques
- Handle
- 2 strokes
- Box makes part of screen inaccessible
- Timeout
- 500 ms dwell(stroke-and-hold)
- Button
- Hit when want to bring up menu
- too early / too late