Title: KrylovSubspace Methods II
1Krylov-Subspace Methods - II
Lecture 7 Alessandra Nardi
Thanks to Prof. Jacob White, Deepak Ramaswamy,
Michal Rewienski, and Karen Veroy
2Last lectures review
- Overview of Iterative Methods to solve Mxb
- Stationary
- Non Stationary
- QR factorization
- Modified Gram-Schmidt Algorithm
- Minimization View of QR
- General Subspace Minimization Algorithm
- Generalized Conjugate Residual Algorithm
- Krylov-subspace
- Simplification in the symmetric case
- Convergence properties
- Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Review
- Norms and Spectral Radius
- Spectral Mapping Theorem
3Arbitrary Subspace MethodsResidual Minimization
4Arbitrary Subspace MethodsResidual Minimization
Use Gram-Schmidt on Mwis!
5Krylov Subspace Methods
Krylov Subspace
kth order polynomial
6Krylov Subspace MethodsSubspace Generation
The set of residuals also can be used as a
representation of the Krylov-Subspace
Generalized Conjugate Residual Algorithm Nice
because the residuals generate next search
7Krylov-Subspace MethodsGeneralized Conjugate
Residual Method (k-th step)
Determine optimal stepsize in kth search direction
Update the solution (trying to minimize residual)
and the residual
Compute the new orthogonalized search direction
(by using the most recent residual)
8Krylov-Subspace MethodsGeneralized Conjugate
Residual Method (Computational Complexity for
k-th step)
Vector inner products, O(n) Matrix-vector
product, O(n) if sparse
Vector Adds, O(n)
O(k) inner products, total cost O(nk)
If M is sparse, as k ( of iters) approaches n,
Better Converge Fast!
- What is an iterative non stationary method
x(k1) x(k)akpk - How search to calculate
- Search directions (pk)
- Step along search directions (ak)
- Krylov Subspace ? GCR
- GCR is O(k2n)
- Better converge fast!
- ?? Now look at convergence properties of GCR
10Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisBasic
11Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisOptimality of
GCR poly
GCR Optimality Property
Any polynomial which satisfies the constraints
can be used to get an upper bound on
12Eigenvalues and eigenvectors reviewInduced norms
Theorem Any induced norm is a bound on the
spectral radius
13Useful Eigenproperties Spectral Mapping Theorem
Given a polynomial
Apply the polynomial to a matrix
14Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisOverview
Matrix norm property
GCR optimality property
where is any (k1)-th order
polynomial subject to ? may be
used to get an upper bound on
15Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisOverview
- Review on eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Induced norms relate matrix eigenvalues to the
matrix norms - Spectral mapping theorem relate matrix
eigenvalues to matrix polynomials - Now ready to relate the convergence properties of
Krylov Subspace methods to eigenvalues of M
16Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisNorm of
matrix polynomials
17Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisNorm of
matrix polynomials
18Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisImportant
1) The GCR Algorithm converges to the exact
solution in at most n steps
2) If M has only q distinct eigenvalues, the GCR
Algorithm converges in at most q steps
19Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisConvergence
for MTM - Residual Polynomial
If M MT then
1) M has orthonormal eigenvectors
2) M has real eigenvalues
20Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisResidual
Polynomial Picture (n10)
- 5th order poly
- 8th order poly
21Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisResidual
Polynomial Picture (n10)
Strategically place zeros of the poly
22Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisConvergence
for MTM Polynomial min-max problem
23Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisConvergence
for MTM Chebyshev solves min-max
The Chebyshev Polynomial
24Chebychev Polynomials minimizing over 1,10
25Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisConvergence
for MTM Chebyshev bounds
26Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisConvergence
for MTM Chebyshev result
27Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisExamples
For which problem will GCR Converge Faster?
28Which Convergence Curve is GCR?
29Krylov Methods Convergence AnalysisChebyshev is
a bound
GCR Algorithm can eliminate outlying eigenvalues
by placing polynomial zeros directly on them.
30Iterative Methods - CG
Why ? How?
- Convergence is related to
- Number of distinct eigenvalues
- Ratio between max and min eigenvalue
- Reminder about GCR
- Residual minimizing solution
- Krylov Subspace
- Polynomial Connection
- Review Eigenvalues
- Induced Norms bound Spectral Radius
- Spectral mapping theorem
- Estimating Convergence Rate
- Chebyshev Polynomials