Title: Technology Leaders Education Program for Undergraduate Engineering Students
1Technology Leaders Education Program for
Undergraduate Engineering Students
2The Motivation
3The Motivation
International Competition
4The Motivation
International Competition
The World is Flat
5The Motivation
International Competition
The World is Flat
US Infrastructure Systems
6The Motivation
International Competition
The World is Flat
Impact Cost of Every US Product and Service
US Infrastructure Systems
7The Motivation
International Competition
The World is Flat
Impact Cost of Every US Product and Service
US Infrastructure Systems
Agile Systems for Competitive Advantage
8The Motivation
International Competition
The World is Flat
Impact Cost of Every US Product and Service
US Infrastructure Systems
Agile Systems for Competitive Advantage
First to Market Cost Reduction
9The Motivation
International Competition
The World is Flat
Impact Cost of Every US Product and Service
US Infrastructure Systems
Agile Systems for Competitive Advantage
First to Market Cost Reduction
Systems Integration for Agility
Agile Technology Components
Systems Analysis for Value Identification
10The Motivation
International Competition
The World is Flat
Impact Cost of Every US Product and Service
US Infrastructure Systems
Agile Systems for Competitive Advantage
First to Market Cost Reduction
Systems Integration for Agility
Agile Technology Components
Systems Analysis for Gaining Advantage
We Need the Leaders
11The Motivation
International Competition
The World is Flat
Impact Cost of Every US Product and Service
US Infrastructure Systems
Agile Systems for Competitive Advantage
First to Market Cost Reduction
Agile Technology Components
Systems Analysis for Assessing Value
Systems Integration for Agility
We Need the Leaders
Technology Leaders Engineering Education Program
12The Gaps That Need to be Filled
- Historically the cost of large systems
laboratories has been prohibitive, leading to
limited ability to teach systems technology
integration - In turn, systems engineering has been treated as
a systems analysis discipline, and has not
focused on technology exploitation in systems - As a result, engineering schools naturally
separate systems engineering as an analysis
discipline from component technology related
education and vice versa
13The Gaps That Need to be Filled
- Historically the cost of large systems
laboratories has been prohibitive leading to
limited ability to teach systems technology
integration - In turn, systems engineering has been treated as
a systems analysis discipline, and has not
focused on technology exploitation in systems - As a result, engineering schools naturally
separate systems engineering as an analysis
discipline from component technology related
education and vice versa
Neither ECE nor SIE undergraduate engineers are
prepared to deal with the real need All Three!!
14Modern Technology has Created a New Opportunity
15Modern Technology has Created a New Opportunity
Low Cost Wireless Technology
16Relevant Intel Products and Research Platforms
- Intel Motes (imotes)
- ARM and XScale based advanced Sensor Network
nodes - Intel Gateway Stargate
- XScale based gateway for Sensor Networks
17Modern Technology has Created a New Opportunity
Low Cost Wireless Technology
18Modern Technology has Created a New Opportunity
Low Cost Wireless Technology
Agile Electronic Components
19Imote features
Multicolor status LED
ARM core SRAM FLASH BT radio
2.4 GHz antenna
Stackable connectors (top and bottom)
Optional voltage regulator (bottom)
Optional external antenna connector
Other names and brands may be claimed as the
property of others
20Modern Technology has Created a New Opportunity
Low Cost Wireless Technology
Agile Electronic Components
21Modern Technology has Created a New Opportunity
Open Communications Networks
Low Cost Wireless Technology
Agile Electronic Components
22Deployed CHEETAH Network
23Image Service Physical Configuration
24Modern Technology has Created a New Opportunity
Open Communications Networks
Low Cost Wireless Technology
Agile Electronic Components
25Modern Technology has Created a New Opportunity
Open Communications Networks
Low Cost Wireless Technology
Agile Electronic Components
Agile Systems Technology Laboratory Affordable
and Supportable Flexible Basis for Teaching the
Combination of Needed Skills
26Important and Interesting System Applications to
Motivate Students
- Health Care Body networks for monitoring health
and for drug delivery - Transportation Automated highway
- Environmental Monitoring - Using wireless sensor
networks - National Security Distribution of military
information to mobile users
27Taking Advantage of the Opportunity
- Develop Technology Leaders Program for interested
students First at UVa, later at other
engineering schools - Start by integrating the program across two
Departments - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Systems and Information Engineering
- Develop needed new curriculum and laboratory
courses that combine component technology,
technology integration, and systems analysis - Create the team of faculty who can and wants to
make this happen
28Our Team
- Barry Horowitz (Professor of Systems Engineering)
- Project Leader - John Lach (Associate Professor of Electrical
Engineering) Associate Project Leader - Joanne Dugan (Professor of Electrical and
Computer Engineering) - Curriculum Design - Reid Bailey (Asst Professor of Systems
Engineering) Curriculum Design, Teaching
Methodology, Evaluation - Marie Shoffner (Associate Professor of Education
- Curry School) STEM Participation/Learning/
Program Evaluation - Gerry Learmonth( Associate Research Professor
Laboratory Development/Modernization/
Configuration Control)
29Our Programmatic Ideas
30Our Programatic Ideas (1)
- Partner with Community College to design and
develop lab structure that works Build on
broader UVa Initiative - Develop a relationship that allows the Community
College to have selected students participate in
the program students who are prepared to
transition from 2 year to 4 year program at UVa
after their graduation - Use WICAT I/U CRC to provide students with
special opportunities - Summer jobs with WICAT industry partners
- Summer and academic year research collaboration
- with WICAT graduate students
- Accelerated MS program to start research as
fourth year undergraduate with WICAT thesis
advisors - Participate in fourth year Capstone Projects
advised by WICAT faculty and using WICAT
laboratory infrastructure
31(No Transcript)
32Our Programatic Ideas(2)
- Use NSF REU grants to support students interested
in summer research activities - Transition program to other engineering schools
WICAT partners are an obvious opportunity - Auburn, Columbia, Polytechnic Institute, Virginia
Tech (proposal to join in progress) - Develop a summer initiation program for faculty
from engineering schools with students from
underrepresented engineering populations - Sweet Briar
- Hampton
- Virginia State
- Norfolk State
- Etc
33Our Ideas About Learning Objectives and Curriculum
34Learning Objectives
- Graduates from this program will be able to
- design and build systems and components that can
adapt to change - apply their design skills from both a systems,
top-level perspective and a detailed,
component-level perspective - apply fundamental concepts from both electrical
and computer engineering and systems engineering - lead teams in the designing such systems
35Technology LeadersCurriculum Overview
Core Objectives Applied in Real World Large
Project, Real Client
Students are Motivated, Engaged Simple
Students can Explain Apply Fundamentals
Core Objectives Applied in Lab Short Real World
36Getting Students Excited About the Curriculum
- Before arriving at UVA
- At orientation stimulate interest in ENGR 162TL
and STS 101TL, the Technology Leaders cohort
sections of the first-year design course - Bridge program existing program to assist
minority students with transition (summer before
matriculation) - During first year at UVA
- ENGR 162TL Technology Leader section of
Introduction to Engineering - STS 101 Engineering, Technology, and Society
link with ENGR 162TL to explore context - ECE 200 Science of Information
- University Seminar
37Curriculum Years 1 and 2
Students are Motivated, Engaged Simple
Students can Explain Apply Fundamentals
- SYS 201 Systems Engineering Concepts
- ECE 203 Circuit Analysis
First Year
Second Year
ENGR 162TL (1 section) STS 101TL
SYS 201 ECE 203
ECE 200 University Seminar
SYS 202TL ECE 230
- SYS 202TL Data and Information Engineering
- ECE 230 Digital Logic Design
Courses not required for program
2 added courses beyond major requirements for
3 faculty (ENGR 162TL) (STS 101TL) (University
1 faculty (SYS 202TL)
38Curriculum Years 3 and 4
- Lab Courses
- Hands-on
- Short projects taken directly from real world
(e.g., WiCAT companies, prior capstone projects,
etc.) - Open-ended projects
- Course A Multi-scale systems
- Course B Adaptability to change
- Capstone
- Tie into Systems capstone structure
Core Objectives Applied in Lab Short Real World
Third Year
New lab course A
New lab course B
2 added courses beyond major requirements for
Nothing added capstone choice is focused on
select projects
2 faculty
39Curriculum Interfaces
2 yr college students enter
Core Objectives Applied in Real World Large
Project, Real Client
Students are Motivated, Engaged Simple
Students can Explain Apply Fundamentals
Core Objectives Applied in Lab Short Real World
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
ENGR 162TL (1 section) STS 101TL
SYS 201 ECE 203
New lab course A
ECE 200 University Seminar
SYS 202 ECE 230
New lab course B
After graduation
Before Arrival
Job in engineering field, graduate degree in
Orientation Bridges program
REU, Internship with WiCAT company
40Curriculum Use of Lab
Core Objectives Applied in Real World Large
Project, Real Client
Students are Motivated, Engaged Simple
Students can Explain Apply Fundamentals
Core Objectives Applied in Lab Short Real World
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
ENGR 162TL (1 section) STS 101TL
SYS 201 ECE 203
New lab course A
ECE 200 University Seminar
SYS 202 ECE 230
New lab course B
Use of WiCAT Learning Lab
Use lab to complete projects
small, simplified projects
Integrate lab use into existing classes
Core lab experience
41Curricular Nuggets
- Design throughout the curriculum
- Vertical team integration
- Technology Leaders Community of practice
- 3rd year students can be hired by 4th year
capstone teams for specific aspects of their
capstone project - 3rd year students design mini-projects for ENGR
162TL section - 4th year students at least one capstone teams
project is to redesign the lab - Multidisciplinary capstone ECE and SYS students
on same team
42Direct Faculty Requirements (to develop/teach
the courses)
- Summer month to prep (3 total months)
- First Year Courses
- ENGR 162 TL
- STS 101TL
- Second Year Courses
- SYS 202TL
- Faculty to prepare and teach (2 faculty)
- Third Year Courses
- Lab Course A
- Lab Course B
43Technology Leader Assistants
- Three graduate students
- Assist with initial set up of lab
- Maintain lab
- Develop lab activities for courses
- Activities for the third year core lab courses
- Activities for integration into existing courses
44Curriculum Summary
- Program Requirements
- Courses required for student to complete program
8 - Additional courses beyond existing major
requirements for students 4 - These numbers do not include Technology Leaders
Community of Practice as a course - Courses
- Completely new courses created 2
- Two lab courses
- New sections of existing courses 4
- ENGR 162TL, STS 101TL, University Seminar, SYS
202TL - Current courses modified to incorporate concepts
4 - ECE 200, ECE 203, ECE 230, Capstone
45Our Ideas About Program Evaluation
46Program Evaluation
- Mixed Method Design
- Three Stage Process
- Formative and Summative
- Multiple Levels
- Multiple Participants
47Summative Evaluation
- Extent of project goal completion
- Project effectiveness after completion
- Most and least effect aspects of project
- Effectiveness with diverse students
- Effectiveness across diverse contexts
- Generalizability (Transportability) to other
48Formative Evaluation
- Project implementation
- Ongoing processes
- From recruitment to post-graduation
49Possible Questions
50Brief Example of Evaluation Based on Learning
51Strategy for Funds for Proceeding
52Three Outlooks
- What do we want to do?
- Local UVa initiative
- State initiative
- National initiative
- All three outlooks start in a similar manner, but
quickly diverge - Our team wants to start the Technology Leaders
Program now, targeting a 2008 roll-out - We want to address all three outlooks
- Natural desire to do more
- Starting steps are similar
- A broader objective allows us to seek external
funding support, and we are confident about
funding likelihoods - If we fail to gain funding we can sequentially
reduce the scope of our ambitions - But, doing more costs more to get started
53Why Does Doing More Cost More?
- Need to organize to liaison with other schools
- Community Colleges
- WICAT Partners
- Schools with underrepresented populations
- Even high schools
- Need to prepare a whole bunch of proposals to
gain external funding support - already underway,
but lots of opportunities (and work) for getting
more - Need to prepare course materials and laboratories
for reuse and develop a distribution system for
others to use and to provide feedback plus add to
the UVa materials - While our faculty can do a lot with no special
direct support, we will need - Project Manager Non-tenure track faculty member
dedicated to this effort - Interface to external schools
- Interface with external funding sources
- Manage Student Community of Practice/Scholarship/R
esearch/Summer jobs/Capstone - Manage laboratory configuration control
activities - Manage integrated budget
- TLA Support Technology Leader Assistants
(GRA/TA equivalents) - Undergraduate Scholarship support
- Some faculty time for new course and laboratory
54External Funding Efforts(1 of 2)
- REU Site Program for 12 Scholarships (400K,
3-year proposal submitted to Engineering
Division, late spring award date) Learmonth - NSF Program Mgr invited Unsolicited Proposal
focused on Learning Methods and Evaluation ( Four
year, 600K / 150K per year proposal, December
target ) -Shoffner - NSF REESE Program for Evaluation of STEM and
Learning and Underrepresented Populations
(January 8th submission) Shoffner, Bailey
others - NSF Program Mgr invited Phase 2 Education
Initiative Proposal to develop TL program, lab
structure, learning concepts, Community College /
Underrepresented University relationship2 (Four
year, 600K / 150K per year proposal, January
10th submission) Bailey
55External Funding Efforts(2 of 2)
- State of Virginia - Learmonth
- Virginia CAER (Center for Advanced Engineering
and Research currently a 100K / year WICAT
member) Interested in providing 400K for
hardware support to TL program if we make
relationship with Community College (recommended
CVCC) - CVCC In discussion with VP for Workforce
Development on collaboration and possible joint
proposal to State to introduce secondary schools
into the mix - State Secondary Education Research Office
Interested in helping and in the process of
discussing possible support with UVa/CVSS/CAER - This can all happen before the next academic year
56External Funding Efforts(2 of 2)
- State of Virginia - Learmonth
- Virginia CAER (Center for Advanced Engineering
and Research currently a 100K / year WICAT
member) Interested in providing 400K for
hardware support to TL program if we make
relationship with Community College (recommended
CVCC) - CVCC In discussion with VP for Workforce
Development on collaboration and possible joint
proposal to State to introduce secondary schools
into the mix - State Secondary Education Research Office
Interested in helping and in the process of
discussing possible support with UVa/CVSS/CAER - This can all happen before the next academic year
57Internal Support Needs
- Our concept for internal funding support is to
assume a four year commitment that launches and
supports the initial four year student cadre,
and, in parallel, find external sources that
reduce internal support - Wed like the Engineering School to commit to
provide four years of financial support for - full time Project Manager
- a set of TA/GRA funds (3 full TLAs per semester)
- 5 four year Undergraduate Scholarships per year
- recruiting materials and travel for recruiting
- laboratory class room(s) with Cheetah/Internet/802
.11 access - 25K per year for HW/SW costs
- Wed like the Curry School to support a graduate
student and faculty time required to getting
started on the Learning Methods/Evaluation part
of the program - We will want to get VEF help to solicit support
from donors to make this a named program (e.g.,
Aylor Technology Leaders Program). The funds
would support scholarships and program
development needs.