Title: Tax Sale Support Personal Coaching Program
1www.taxsalesupport.com Tax Sale Support
Personal Coaching Program The Personal Training
program gives us the chance to personally work
with highly motivated members. Our objective with
mentoring is to help each student make money
through Tax Lien or Tax Deed investing. The
reality of making it happen is what makes our
mentoring program so special. We have Coaching
Members buying and selling property every week.
Much of that comes from picking the right
coaching students! Because it takes more than our
experts to help a member have success with
Coaching. We need Members that are teachable and
willing to work! Does that happen to be you? We
have created hundreds of success stories over the
last 20-Years! Do you want to be our next
Testimonial? Fill out the form below to see if
you qualify for Coaching.
Personal Training Curriculum Helping students
make money with liens and deeds doesn't happen
overnight. Investing in tax liens and tax deeds
takes time. This is why we look for ways to
simplify and speed up the investing process. One
of the ways we do this is by giving our mentoring
students access to lists of OTC properties we
have preselected from larger lists. We also hold
a group coaching call every week to share
information about upcoming tax sales.
2- www.taxsalesupport.com
- The Coaching Program is structured to help
students locate, research, and evaluate potential
tax sale investments. New coaching students tend
to focus on acquiring property. Once this has
been completed, our focus shifts toward helping
the student monetize the investment. Our ability
to guide the student through every aspect of the
investment process is what makes our mentoring
unique. - We build a Coaching Program customized to You
- Everything about you is unique. From where you
live, to your goals and finances, each variable
makes you one of a kind. The purpose of mentoring
is to get personalized help with your investing.
Our objective with every mentoring student is to
help them make money investing in Tax Liens or
Tax Deeds. When you join the Personal Mentoring
Program, you become part of a small group of
investors that work directly with Stephen and
Shade's team of coaches. You will also have
access to our Weekly Group - Coaching Session taught by Stephen and Shade.
- Personal Mentoring Includes
- Personal Sessions
- Group Coaching
- Pre-Selected Lists
- Phone Hotline
- Chat Support
- Email Support
- Gold Membership
- TSS Coaching Pages
- OTC Links Page
- Coaching Forms
- Mentoring Eligibility Take Action Now!
Personal Coaching Contact Form Please fill out
the form belo if you're interested in Personal
Mentoring, and would like to be notified when
openings become available. You can also fill out
the form if you have questions about Coaching,
and would like to learn more. After filling out
the form we will contact you to set up a Strategy
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Sale101 LinkedIn - https//www.linkedin.com/compa
ny/tax-sale-suppport/ YouTube-
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