Title: Current Issues in Charity Accounting
1Current Issues in Charity Accounting
Janet Slade Accountancy Policy Team
2Current Issues
- SORP Committee- stakeholder research
- Public Benefit
- Public Benefit Reviews
- Public Benefit reporting
- Charitable Incorporated Organisations
- Whistleblowing and Serious Incident reporting
3Other Issues
- Threshold Review
- Excepted and Exempt Charities
- Charity Tribunal
4SORP Committee thinking
- In preparing for a future SORP the Committee is
carrying out initial research - Forum in April 2008 shared the main challenges
and set the scene - Roundtables to take the conversation deeper and
hear from you, the Stakeholders - Preparers, auditors and examiners
- Funders and financial supporters, and analysts
5Whats to debate (1)?
- CAPE Review of public benefit SORPs
- Structure of primary statements the SoFA
- Designated funds
- Capital grants
- Multi-period funding
- Narrative reporting
- Combinations and consolidations
6Whats to debate(2)?
- The content and form of reporting
- How reporting is best focussed
- Whose needs it should meet
- What the annual report should say
- What the accounts should say
- To what level of detail
7SORP challenges
- UK GAAP is changing to converge with IFRS
- The need to maintain public confidence
- Growing expectations of what charities can do
- Growing demands for accountability and
transparency - Smaller charities desire simpler reporting
8What the roundtables have been doing
- To hear the views of all stakeholders
- Looking at questions about the report and the
accounts and debating them - A questionnaire for all participants to complete
- A feedback form to set down any other things
things that matter to stakeholders
9Thinking about the annual report
- The story is told from objects- aims-
activities-achievements- results. Does it work,
if not how should it be changed? - The report includes governance disclosures who
the trustees are, policies, advisers. Is this
useful? - Should SORP shape sector practice eg risk,
ethical investments, trustee induction or is this
best left to sector preference? - Should the focus stay with stewardship or should
it switch to looking forward? - Who are your stakeholders and what matters to
10Thinking about the accounts and notes
- Is the terminology in the SoFA right?
- What about the columns, should restricted funds
just be in the notes? - Can the SoFA be simplified, if so how?
- On the balance sheet should designated funds be
shown? - Are accounting policy disclosures useful?
- Is the level of detail in the notes about right
or too much? - How could the accounts be made easier for smaller
charities? - In conclusion is SORP a good thing?
11What I would like today
- Please complete the questionnaire.
- Fill in the feed back form re any burning issues.
- Attend one of the stakeholder round table events
if you want to discuss things further.
12Future dates for Round Table events
- Wales Council for Voluntary Action
- 20th February 2009 Cardiff
- 10th March 2009 Rhyl
13Future dates for Round Table events
- CFDG- 17th February Leeds (info_at_cfdg.org.uk)
- 2nd February 2009 London
- 5th February 2009 Leeds
- 12th February 2009 Newcastle
- Consultation closes 31st March 2009
14Public benefit
- To be charitable, a purpose must also be for
public benefit - General guidance January 2008
- CC consulted on sub sector guidance
- Trustees to have regard to the guidance
15Public benefit
- Principle 1
- There must be an identifiable benefit or benefits
- It must be clear what the benefits are
- The benefits must be related to the aims
- Benefits must be balanced against any detriment
or harm
16Public benefit
- Principle 2
- The benefit must be to the public or a section
of the public - The beneficiaries must be appropriate to the aims
- Where the benefit is to a section of the public,
the opportunity to benefit must not be
unreasonably restricted - People in poverty must not be excluded from the
opportunity to benefit - Any private benefits must be incidental
17Public benefit
- Public Benefit Assessments
- Initial round of assessments on existing
charities. - Assessment on registration for new charities
18Public benefit
- Explicit public benefit reporting in trustees
annual report for years beginning on or after 1
April 2008
19Charitable Incorporated Organisations
- New form of charity
- Not subject to company law
- Governed by charity law
- Draft Regulations to be consulted upon
20Charitable Incorporated Organisations
- The consultation closed on 10th December 2008,
but OTS decided to be open to replies until the
end of the year. - Just under 100 replies received
21Whistleblowing/SI Reporting
- Serious Incident Reporting
- Duty of Auditors to report Matters of Material
Significance to The Charity Commission/OSCR - Duty of Independent Examiners to report matters
of Material significance to The Charity
22New Whistle-blowing Duties
- Matters suggesting dishonesty or fraud involving
a significant loss of, or a major risk to,
charitable funds or assets - Failure(s) of internal controls, including
failure(s) in charity governance, that resulted
in a significant loss or misappropriation of
charitable funds, or which leads to significant
charitable funds being put at major risk
23New Whistle-blowing Duties
- Matters leading to the knowledge or suspicion
that the charity or charitable funds have been
used in money laundering or such funds are the
proceeds of serious organised crime or that the
charity is a conduit for criminal activity
24New Whistle-blowing Duties
- Matters leading to the belief or suspicion that
the charity, its trustees, employees or assets
have been involved in or used to support
terrorism or proscribed organisations in the UK
or outside the UK
25New Whistle-blowing Duties
- Evidence suggesting that in the way the charity
carries out its work relating to the care and
welfare of beneficiaries, the charitys
beneficiaries have been or were put at
significant risk of abuse or mistreatment
26New Whistle-blowing Duties
- Significant or recurring breach(es )of either a
legislative requirement or of the charities
trusts - A deliberate or significant breach of an order
made under the 1993 Act prohibiting a particular
transaction or granting consent on particular
terms involving significant charitable assets or
27New Whistle-blowing Duties
- And
- The notification on ceasing to hold office or
resigning from office, of those matters reported
to trustees
28New Whistle-blowing Duties
- If the charity is a cross border charity you may
need to whistleblow to more than one regulator.
29New Whistleblowing Duty
- Whistleblowing_at_.charitycommission.gov.uk
30Threshold Review
- Compulsory registration with Charity Commission
- Annual return to Commission
- Preparing a Trustees annual report
- Audit Threshold
- Independent examiner to be qualified
- Income over 5000 per annum
- Income over 10,000 per annum
- All registered charities
- Income over 500,000
- Income over 250,000 and under 500,000
31Threshold Review
- Unchanged
- Requirement to refer to registered status on
documents - Charities ability to spend capital, transfer
property and modify powers
- Income over 10,000 per annum
32Threshold Review
- Increased
- Submitting annual report and accounts to the
Commission - Income over 100,000 must have audit if assets
over 2.8m - Must have an external scrutiny
- Income over 25,000 per annum
- Income over 250,000 must have audit if assets
over 3.26m - Income over 25,000 per annum.
33Threshold Review
- Increased
- Preparation of accruals accounts by non company
charities - Cost of proving right to title of rent charge.
- Only required if Income over 250,000 per annum
- If charge released under 1000 charity can
recover costs from other party
34Threshold Review
- Increased
- Definition of professional fundraiser
- Qualified right to refund of donations to
broadcast appeals
- An individual who receives more than 1000 per
annum or 10 per day. - Applies to donations of 100 or more.
35Charity audit
- Charity specific opinion
- Company audit a charitable company is not small
(def per Companies Act) - PN11
- An extensive duty to report to the regulator
(non-company only prior to 1 April 2008) -
36Independent examination
- Charity specific
- Much more than an audit exemption report
- But not an audit
- A form of negative assurance
- Must follow the 12 Directions (CC63a) financial
years beginning prior to 1 April 2008 - Must follow the 10 Directions (CC31) financial
years beginning on or after 1 April 2008 - Report format set out by 2008 Charities (Accounts
and Reports) regulations - New duty to report to the regulator from 1 April
2008 -
37Scrutiny arrangements
- Non-company charities financial years starting on
or after 27 February 2007 and all charities for
financial years beginning on or after 1 April
2008 - Audit if income gt 100,000 and assets gt 2.8m or
income gt 500,000 - Independent examination 10,000 to 500,000
- No scrutiny if under 10,000
38Scrutiny arrangements
- Separate regimes company and non-company (prior
to 1 April 2008) - Companies wef 27 February 2007
- Audit if assets gt 2.8m or income gt 500,000
- Audit exemption report 90,000 to 500,000
- No scrutiny if under 90,000
- Separate company thresholds cease for years
beginning on or after 1 April 2008
39Excepted and Exempt Charities
- Excepted charities Registration where income is
above 100,000 - Exempt charities regulation by principle
regulator or registration( where income is above
40Major changes
- Charity Tribunal
- (PO Box 6987, Leicester LE1 6ZX. 0845 355
5155 - www.charity.tribunals.gov.uk)
41Further Information
- www.charitycommission.gov.uk