Title: Education Plans: Map Out Counseling Strategies
1Education Plans Map Out Counseling Strategies
- Aldine ISD, Houston, TX
- Regional Counselors Network Workshop Corpus
Christi, Texas October 2008
- Franklin Higgins
- Director of Career and Technical Education
- 281-985-6646 ? fhiggins_at_aldine.k12.tx.us
- Angela Whorton
- Program Director for Career and Technical
Education - 281-985-6652 ? awhorton_at_aldine.k12.tx.us
- Joseph Lopez, Counselor
- MacArthur High School ? jlopez_at_aldine.k12.tx.us
- Sabrina McLemore, Counselor
- Teague Middle School ? srmclemore_at_aldine.k12.tx.us
- Michael Rogers, Counselor
- Aldine 9th Grade School ? mrogers_at_aldine.k12.tx.u
3Presentation Outline
- Education Plans in Aldine ISD A Historical
Perspective - Implementation of Education Plans
- The Impact of Education Plans
4Aldine ISD ? Houston, TX
- 111 square miles in north Harris County
- 61,000 students on 72 campuses
- Ethnic Composition
- Hispanic 64.34
- African American 30.16
- White 3.54
- Asian/Pacific Islander 1.88
- Native American 0.08
5CTE in Aldine
- Offers 15 Programs
- Agriculture, Automotive, Building Trades,
Business, Computer Aided Drafting, Computer
Maintenance, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice,
Family Consumer Sciences, Health Science, HVAC,
Marketing, Military Science, Technology Education -
- Serves 15,000 students Grades 9 12
- Serves 26 of Aldine students
6Education Plans in Aldine ISD A Historical
7Role of the 8th Grade Counselor
- Process begins in 8th grade
- Education Go Get It
- 9th Grade Counselors visit 8th Grade Classes
- Students take career assessments using Bridges
Career Education Planning software - Career Finder
- Major Finder
- Cluster Finder
8Role of the 8th Grade Counselor
- Career Cluster chosen based on survey results
- Counselors determine Education Plan/Course
Selection Guide - Counselors assist students with course selection
for Year 1 of Education Plan
9(No Transcript)
10Role of the 9th Grade Counselor
- Plan Codes are entered into SASI prior to
distributing copies to teachers - 9th grade students take Career Connections
- Students take inventories to identify interests
and aptitude determining Career Cluster - Counselor, Career Connections teacher, and
student complete Years 2 4 of Plan
11Completed Education Plan
12Role of the 9th Grade Counselor
- Completed Education Plans are sent to parents for
review and signature - The 9th grade school counselors verify the
accuracy of course selections - High school counselors ensure that students
receive a Course Verification Form and
preliminary schedule indicating course selections
for the next school year
13Students receive verification of course
selections for the next school year
14Students receive a preliminary schedule of course
selections for the next school year
15Role of the High School CounselorPlan
Maintenance - Grades 10-12
- Counselors share responsibility of plan
maintenance (alpha breakdown) - Maintain and update Plan as needed
- Verify Plan Codes have been entered in SASI
- Enter changes made to Plan Code (at student
request or based on coursework)
16Plan Maintenance (contd)
- Work with new students to select career choice
and complete plan - Use Plan to determine student schedules
- Plan codes used to determine CTE staffing needs
- of Health Plans additional teacher
- Expansion of Criminal Justice Courses offered
17Plan Maintenance (contd)
- Used as a tool for academic and career counseling
- Students understand the process and request to
see Plan during conferences - Verification letters issued through teachers
provides opportunity for teachers to discuss
Plans with students
18How Do We Make It Happen?
Middle and high school campuses are on a
scheduling timeline
23(No Transcript)
24Education Plan Coding
- Students completing course within the Education
Plan - Coherent Sequence - Data - PEIMS How do they become 2s and 3s
A. Campus counselors enter the educational
career plan number of the students chosen
pathway in Career 1. This is done upon
completion of the 4-year educational career plan
B. Upon actual entry into the coursework of the
coherent sequence of the selected educational
career plan, the campus counselors enter the plan
number in Career 2. The student must be able to
earn a minimum of 3 credits from the Pathway
Course Options before a code is entered in the
Career 2 field.
A. Campus counselors enter the educational
career plan number of the students chosen
pathway in Career 1. This is done upon
completion of the 4-year educational career plan
C. The Student Services department (who manages
the software and processes PEIMS) queries a PEIMS
code of 2 or 3 into the Career/Tech field for
those students with an appropriate educational
plan number in the Career 2 field. 1s are
automatically entered into PEIMS depending upon
the student being currently enrolled in a CT
class (if not already a 2 or 3). For example a
student who is enrolled in BCIS and has no code
in Career 2 will be coded a 1 for PEIMS.
B. Upon actual entry into the coursework of the
coherent sequence of the selected educational
career plan, the campus counselors enter the plan
number in Career 2. The student must be able to
earn a minimum of 3 credits from the Pathway
Course Options before a code is entered in the
Career 2 field.
A. Campus counselors enter the educational
career plan number of the students chosen
pathway in Career 1. This is done upon
completion of the 4-year educational career plan
Codes in Career/Tech field used for both PEIMS
and TAKS pre-coding
31Impact On Counseling
- Students course selections are determined by
Education Plans - Schedule changes are very limited once school
begins - Used as a working document for counselors
- Helps counselors be more effective and efficient
with scheduling students - Creates a more organized and less hectic opening
of school
32Impact on the District
- All students in Grade 9 12 have an
Education/Career Plan - CTE Program Growth (Criminal Justice, Health
Science, Computer Maintenance) - CTE Staffing
- Master Scheduling
- Creates a more organized and less hectic opening
of school - Aligned with AchieveTexas