Office of Grants and Contracts Export Control - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Office of Grants and Contracts Export Control


Applies to military technology, including items on U.S. Munitions List ... Basic and applied research in science and engineering at accredited institutions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Office of Grants and Contracts Export Control

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Office of Grants and ContractsExport Control
  • Basic Guidelines and
  • Updated Information on
  • Export Control Issues

What Is Export Control?
  • Regulatory scheme to control the transfer of U.S.
    Technology to foreign entities
  • Purpose to protect national security, to further
    U.S. Policy, to protect short supplies
  • Includes licensing procedures to allow sales and
    transfers of technology
  • Imposes stiff civil and criminal sanctions for
    violations of export control laws

Growing Focus on University Research
  • Most licensing and enforcement activity directed
    towards private industry
  • Interagency IG audit conducted in 2003-2004
    focused on university and lab research
  • New government outreach programs directed towards
  • Increase in deemed export licensing

What Regulations Govern Export Control?
  • ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
  • Administered by State Department
  • Applies to military technology, including
    items on U.S. Munitions List
  • EAR Export Administration Regulations
  • Administered by Commerce Department
  • Applies to dual-use technology, including
    items on Commerce Control List

What Is an Export?
  • Sending or taking a controlled article out of the
  • Transferring a controlled article to a foreign
    government (e.g., embassy, trade mission) within
    the U.S.
  • Performing a defense service (e.g., training)
    for a foreign person, whether in the U.S. or
  • Disclosing (including oral or visual disclosure)
    technical data to a foreign person, whether in
    the U.S. or abroad (a deemed export).

What Is a Deemed Export?
  • Release of controlled technology (including
    source code) to a foreign person within the U.S.
  • Such release is deemed to be an export to the
    home country of the foreign person.
  • Release can include oral communication of
    information, visual observation of technology,
    physical or electronic access to technology, use
    of technology, and any other form of technology

Who or What Is a Foreign Person?
  • Any natural person who is not
  • A U.S. citizen by birth
  • A naturalized U.S. citizen, including those with
    dual citizenship
  • A lawful permanent resident of the U.S.
  • A protected individual (political refugee)
  • Any foreign corporation or other business entity
  • Any foreign government or governmental agency or

What exports are authorized?
  • An export of a controlled item for which a
    license has been obtained.
  • An export of a controlled item which is
    specifically permitted without a license.
  • An export of an item which is exempt or excluded
    from export control regulation.

Export Control Exemptions
  • Public domain or published information exemption
  • Teaching exemption
  • Fundamental research exemption
  • Full-time employee exemption (ITAR only)
  • Other exemptions
  • De minimums quantities
  • Research satellites

Public Domain Exemption
  • Information in the public domain is not
    controlled under ITAR or EAR, even if it
    otherwise is included in the USML or CCL
  • Public domain means published and generally
    accessible to the public through
  • Sales at bookstores and newsstands
  • Subscriptions to periodicals and journals
  • Library materials
  • Releases at open conferences and meetings
  • Publicly available patents

Teaching Exemption
  • Information released by instruction in catalog
    courses and associated teaching laboratories of
    academic institutions not subject to EAR
  • Information concerning general scientific,
    mathematical or engineering principles commonly
    taught in schools, colleges and universities not
    subject to ITAR
  • Exemption does not apply to encryption software

Fundamental Research Exemption
  • Basic and applied research in science and
    engineering at accredited institutions of higher
    learning in the U.S.
  • Where the resulting information is ordinarily
    published (actually published under ITAR) and
    shared broadly within the scientific community.
  • Distinguished from research the results of which
    are restricted for proprietary reasons or
    specific U.S. government access and dissemination

Full-Time Employee Exemption
  • Available under ITAR only
  • Release of unclassified information to foreign
    persons in the U.S. exempt if
  • Full-time, bona fide university employee
  • Permanent abode in U.S. during employment
  • Not a national of an embargoed country
  • Institution informs employee in writing of export
    control restrictions

Research Considerations
  • Involvement of foreign nationals in research
  • Nature of research
  • Publication restrictions
  • Access and dissemination controls
  • Information provided by sponsor
  • Information about research equipment
  • Services provided in connection with research

Involvement of Foreign Nationals
  • Many foreign faculty members are either
    naturalized citizens or permanent residents
  • Most foreign students are neither naturalized
    citizens nor permanent residents
  • Exclusion of foreign persons from research
    activities is problematic
  • Discrimination, privacy and competence issues
  • Does not prevent access to research data
  • in unsecure facilities

Nature of Research
  • Basic research
  • Systemic study directed toward greater knowledge
    or understanding of the fundamental aspects of
    phenomena and of observable facts without
    specific applications toward processes or
    products in mind.

Nature of Research
  • Applied research
  • Systemic study to gain knowledge or understanding
    necessary to determine the means by which a
    recognized and specific need may be met.

Nature of Research
  • Development
  • Systemic application of knowledge toward the
    production of useful materials, devices, and
    systems or methods, including design,
    development, and improvement of prototypes and
    new processes, to meet specific requirements.

Publication Restrictions
  • Fundamental Research exemption not applicable if
  • Publication is prohibited
  • Indefinite prepublication review is required
  • Confidentiality provisions restrict publication
  • Temporary prepublication review to protect
    proprietary information is acceptable

Access and Dissemination Controls
  • Fundamental research exemption will not apply if
  • Research is sponsored by U.S. government, and
  • Specific access and dissemination controls
    protecting research information are applicable
  • Access and Dissemination controls include
  • Security classification required for personnel or
  • Restrictions on use of foreign personnel
  • Publication restrictions

Information Provided by Sponsor
  • Fundamental research not affected by
    sponsor-imposed use restrictions on information
    it provides for research purposes if publication
    of research results remains unrestricted
  • Fundamental research exemption will not apply if
    sponsor imposes restrictions which prohibit
    publication of information provided for research

Information About Research Equipment
  • Information on the use, maintenance, and
    operation of controlled laboratory equipment
    remains subject to export control requirements
    even if such equipment is utilized to conduct
    exempt fundamental research
  • Allowing access by foreign persons to controlled
    laboratory equipment and information about such
    equipment may constitute a deemed export of
    such information

Services Provided in Connection with Research
  • A defense service under ITAR includes
    instruction or training provided to foreign
    persons in the U.S. regarding the design,
    development, engineering, manufacture, assembly,
    testing and use of defense articles
  • A license (TAA) to provide instruction to foreign
    persons regarding a defense article is required
    even if all of the information provided results
    from fundamental research and is in the public

Overriding Research Considerations
  • National Security concerns
  • Public Safety Concerns
  • Development of Weapons of Mass Destruction

The Defense Contract Project
  • Sponsor is defense contractor involved in
    biological weapons research
  • NMSU Task 1 Conversion of published mathematical
    formulae into FORTRAN computer code, and
    comparing code with a competing, commercially
    available code
  • NMSU Task 2 Production of experimental fibers

The Defense Contract ProjectSubcontract
  • Unrestricted publication rights, except approval
    of Sponsor required for release of information
    where there is a high likelihood of disclosing
    performance characteristics of military systems .
  • Subcontractor shall not employ Foreign Nationals
    without the specific written approval of Sponsor

The Raman Spectroscopy Project
  • Research involving Raman spectroscopy
  • Unrestricted fundamental research
  • Concern was use of controlled equipment in
    research work
  • Resolution Licensing not required

The NanoSatellite Project
  • Fundamental research on creative, low-cost
    satellite design
  • Project involves designing and building
  • Publication of all research information required

The NanoSatellite Project
  • The nanosatellite components are defense articles
  • The nanosatellite itself is a defense article
  • Instructing a foreign person in the assembly of a
    defense article is a defense service

Export Control Compliance
  • Development of comprehensive NMSU export control
  • Will provide additional and updated compliance
    templates and checklists
  • Will establish procedures for licensing of
    appropriate research projects
  • Will establish guidelines for negotiating
    contracts containing export control clauses
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