1 UN Convention and Kioto ProtocolBali, 9
December 2007
- Ana Belén Sánchez
- Energy and climate change
2The beginning
- First, it was a scientific issue (1960-1970)
- Secondly, it gets a public issue
- Finally, it becomes in a political issue, must be
discussed appear the Convention - There is always something to take into account in
the process Although we could reduce the
emissions, the atmospheric concentration of GHG
will continue increase some centuries more
Increase of the world temperature anyway.
3Scientific analysis, 1960-1970
- Decade 1960-1970
- Conclusions the atmospheric CO2 concentrations
was producing an increase of the global world
temperature in the planet (greenhouse effect) - These emissions were a result of the humanity
activity, specially because of the use of energy. - Consequences more frequency and gravity of the
extreme climate effects hot and cold waves,
droughts and floods, biodiversity looses
4It becomes a public-political issue, 1988
- In 1980 the governments decided it is a
difficult question and must be broached for an
independent institution - In 1988 it is created the IPCC, under UNEP and
the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) - Aim study why its produced this climate change
effect, which are its environmental and
socioeconomics effects and present some solutions
to the problem - IPCC doesnt do any research These scientifics
analyze other studies already published - And finally, provide information to governments
and policy makers.
5IPCC First report, 1990
- In 1990 is published the first IPCC report
- Principal conclusions the human activities and
their emissions had produced a huge quantity of
greenhouse gases emissions - The CO2 is almost the half of the whole gasses
- The consequences will be huge along the whole
planet - And its a growing problem, unless we act soon,
there will be some kind of effects which will do
impossible to adapt to. - Finally, we should reduce at least 60 of the GHG
emissions to avoid it!! - Now, There are three more reports
6The 4th assessment report (main findings)
- The human activities are responsible of the
climate change effect - How will be the future? If the countries take
actions to reduce the GHG emissions, there will
be a peak in the next 10-15 years and later the
emissions should declance to a 85 of the 1990
levels (in 2050) - With the current technologies its possible to
achieve it! We dont have to wait to develop some
others new
7Political negotiation, 1990
- As a consequence of the first IPCC report at the
end of 1990s it was created the
Intergovernmental Committee to negotiate a
Convention about climate changes issues - But the negotiation is very difficult because the
needed changes to solve the problem meant drastic
changes in the current economies of all countries
and it was needed the implementation of unpopular
measures - Those changes would affected energy sector,
transport, industrial, agricultural and forestry
the whole economy
8Differences between countries
- The most difficult problem the countries which
must achieve a solution had a very different
economies - Developed countries didnt want their economies
to be stopped and developing countries didnt
want have limits to their development and
insisted that it was a problem created by the
developing countries! - Finally principle of common but differentiated
9UNFCCC, United Nation Framework Convention on
Climate Change, 1994
- In 1992 is written and accepted. It is offered to
sign in at the Rio Earth Summit - In 1994 entered into force. Now there are189
parties. - Objective To control the atmosphere
concentrations of GHG in a level to avoid
dangerous interferences with the humanity - And that must happen in a period of time enough
to allow the adaptation
10Included gases
- CO2 Carbon Dioxide
- CH4 Methane
- N2O Nitrous Oxide
- HFCs Hydrofluocarbons
- PFCs Perfluorinated hydrocarbons
- SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride
- Resources energy sector, including transport,
housing sector, agricultural, deforestation some
kinds of industrial process.
11Parties (countries) forming the Convention
- Annex I developed countries obligatory
commitments to reduce their emissions - Annex II The 24 highly developed countries, In
addition to reducing their emissions, are also
required to financially support the effort of the
developing countries. - With transition economies Most countries in
Eastern Europe and ex URSS - Non Annex I developing countries. They have
general commitments to respond to climate change,
with fewer specific commitments (give information
about their steps taken, mainly)
12Subsidiary Bodies, COP, MOP,
- There is an annual meeting between parties, named
Conference of the Parties (COP) and MOP (Meeting
of Parties) for the Kioto Protocol - The convention and KP is supported for two
subsidiary bodies - Subsidiary body for Scientific and Technological
Advise (SBSTA) - Subsidiary Body of Implementation (SBI)
- The subsidiary bodies have two annual meeting,
one in the COP and the other around May
13Decisions making process for UNFCCC bodies
- COP 1 Berlin (Germany) 1995
- COP 2 Geneva (Switzerland) 1996
- COP 3 Kyoto (Japan) 1997
- COP 4 Buenos Aires (Argentina) 1998
- COP 5 Bonn (Germany) 1999
- COP 6 The Hague (Netherlands) and Bonn (Germany)
2000 - COP 7 Marrakech (Morocco) 2001
- COP 8 New Delhi (India) 2002
- COP 9 Milan (Italy) 2003
- COP 10 Buenos Aires (Argentina) 2004
- COP 11/ MOP 1 Montreal (Canada) 2005
- COP 12/ MOP 2 Nairobi (Kenya) 2006
- COP13/MOP 3 Bali (Indonesia) 2007
15Kyoto Protocol
- In 1997, in COP3, in Kyoto, after three years of
negotiations, the Convention adopts a Protocol
an international agreement that stands on its own
but is linked to an existing treaty. - The Protocol establishes stronger commitments
than the Convention, and more complex details.
There is a first commitment period (2008-12) in
which the developed countries must reduce their
emissions at least 5 from theirs in 1990 - It entered into force in 2001 after more than 55
countries, with more than 55 of the total
emissions, had ratified it. - USA, although it was involved in its development
hasn't ratified it. - Australia decided to signed it recently
16Kyoto Protocol cont.
- Its the second step after the Convention
- It sets legally binding targets and timetables
for cutting developed country emissions - It highlights effective domestic policies and
measures for reducing emissions - The Protocol encourages governments to work
together - KP assigns a national target to each country
- There are three flexible mechanisms emissions
trading, clean development mechanism (CDM) and
Join Implementation (JI)
17Flexible Mechanisms
- Emission Trading Scheme, allow industrialized
countries to buy and sell emissions among
themselves - CDM Clean Developed Mechanism, provide credit
(CERs) for financing emissions- reducing or
emissions-avoiding project in developing
countries. - JI Joint Implementation, offer emission
reduction units for financing projects in other
developed countries, with economies in transition
18Reductions commitments
- To achieve bigger reductions of GHG emissions
- To continue advancing in the scientific knowledge
- To enhance the public support to the adaptation
and mitigation measures - It is necessary continuing the path that the KP
has began, not only to reduce emissions but to
achieve a sustainable development along the world.
20Challenges for the future (as trade unions)
- Main to follow with the road that began with the
DP and reduce the GHG emissions worldwide. - Analysis the consequences of CC on employment in
general, at the sectoral and local/regional level - Analysis the consequences on the employment of
the measures and policies putting in place due to
climate change. - Enhance the policies for adaptation and
mitigation policies - Remind!! There are some years to act and avoid
the worst effects of climate change
21The Bali Roadmap
- There have been recognized several building
blocks for the new agreement - Emission reductions
- Adaptation
- Technology
- Financing of the climate policies
- Probably there will be two parallel process
- Negotiations for the Kioto Protocol for 2012
- Process for the all countries (Dialogue)
- Both process must finish in 2009 (to have enough
time for countries to sign it)
22- Thank you!!
- Ana Belén Sánchez
- absanchez_at_istas.ccoo.es
23The 4th assessment report. Observed changes
24Comparision of temperatures
25The 4th assessment report projections for the
26Who are the biggest emisors?
27The future the roadmap to Bali
- The Bali Roadmap must be
- A possible, necessary and just agreement
- To be accepted by all countries
- Enough to achieve the objective of the Convention
(reduce emissions) - Dont produce damage anyone
- Based on the scientific knowledge (IPCC)
- Flexible enough
- To have an agreement ready for 2013, the
negotiations have to finish in 2009 and to get it
in Bali have to define the main lines of the that
agreement. That is the Bali Roadmap - To take into account if the necessary reductions
of GHG emissions are late, later, it will be
necessary to have reductions much higher
28How could be a Kioto Protocol II?
- The new agreement should
- To limit the increased temperature to 2ºC
(According with the IPCC scenarios), reduce 85
the GHG emissions in 2050) that means to have an
increased of temperatures with consequences
manageable - To assure, specially, the capacity of developing
countries to adapt to the changes - All countries must go into the agreement
according the Conventions principle common but
differentiated responsibilities according with
their capacity (social and economic state of
development) - Developed countries reductions more ambitious
than current (30 for 2020 y 85 for 2050,
following the European commitments) - Developing countries the most advanced countries
have to adopt measures to stabilize, control or
prevent the GHG emissions through objectives of
renewables, energy efficiency or avoiding
deforestation and developing a public transport
29Criteria for the burden sharing
- Always according with the Conventions principle
- Taking into account equity criteria (according
the social and economic development) - Diffuse sectors the emissions per capita base
- The industrial sectors to the emissions trading
system with benchmarking sectoral (CO2/t product)
when is possible and auctioning. Always with the
Best Available Technologies - Adjustment indicators to take into account the
differences with number of people, density, size
of country (transport) and the kind of energy
30How to encourage developing countries to control
their emissions?
- It will be respect the right to develop
- It will be transferred the most modern technology
and less emissions producer - It will be make easier the flow of funding and
investment to developing countries - They will control their emissions taken into
account - Their capacities
- The help (resources) that they will receive
- Their national priorities
- Their respect for the right to their economic
31Building blocks for the future regime
- Carbon price
- To follow with the carbon market through the CDM
- Adaptation to find ways for the financing
- We have to think best ways to establish
frameworks to help to establish RD programs at
the national, regional level and different ways
to share these new findings (technologies) - Incentives to investments
- Deforestation control and CO2 sinks
- BUNKERS (Aviation and maritime emissions)
32Social issues that must be develop in the CC
- What kind of social cost will mean the necessary
changes in our way of life (production and
consumption) to fight against CC? - How will be distribute the mitigation costs?
(according with the IPCC, 0,12 GDP in 2030)? - How can be minimized the distributive effects of
CC policies among countries and inside each
country? - How could be enhance the adaptation capacity of
the people (workers) but distributing equality
the costs? - Who will pay for the adaptation costs?(Air
conditioned, medicines, renewable energies) - How could be much more taken into account the
social consequences of CC in the international
negotiations? - Others
33Employment in the future agreement JUST
- The new agreement must be taken into account and
analyze the different evolution that could be
possible linked to the emissions reductions and
assure that there will be a smooth transition
process. Therefore we need to have - Effects on the employment because of CC
(emigrations because of environmental reasons,
unemployment in those sectors climate sensitive) - Effects on the employment due to the
implementation of the adaptation measures.
Opportunities - Effects on the employment due to mitigation
efforts. Opportunity and risks - The whole measures must be taken into account the
most vulnerable (poorest, elderly, youths...) - Its necessary to establish the social dialogue
as an important instrument at every level to
evaluate each policy and measure that will take
place because of CC, advance the effects and
propose solutions. And training and social