Title: Environmental Tobacco Smoke Indicators
1Environmental Tobacco Smoke Indicators
- Giuseppe Gorini, Antonio Gasparrini,
- Maria Cristina Fondelli
- Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Unit
- CSPO , Florence, Italy - g.gorini_at_cspo.it
- Giovanni Invernizzi
- Tobacco Control Unit National Cancer Institute,
Milan, Italy
2Environmental tobacco smoke constituents
classified as certain or probable carcinogenic or
reproductive toxicants
3Health impact of ETS exposure
- Among health effects associated with ETS
exposure, I stress on asthma in children as the
European Environment and Health Strategy
suggests. - In Italy every year
- 27,000 asthma cases in children are attributable
to ETS exposure (9.1 of all asthma cases in
children) - Adults
- 300-400 lung cancer deaths out of 2,100 lung
cancer deaths in non-smokers are attributable to
ETS exposure - 2,000 deaths for ischemic heart disease out of
24,000 deaths in non-smokers are attributable to
ETS exposure
4Nicotine measurements ETS Project, Italy
5ETS Project Italy II
6 - Nicotine is spreadly used because it is specific
of tobacco-smoking, but it is possible to measure
average concentrations of the sampling period
only. - Nicotine decays in a unpredictable way.
- Have a look to an other ETS marker PM
7(No Transcript)
8Educational perspective PM from ETS vs. diesel
car exhaust
9 - Although PM2.5 is a reliable marker of ETS, it is
not specific. In fact it is produced by many
sources of combustion such as fossil fuels or
cooking activities. - BUT
10 Project ETS markers Review of methods for
monitoring exposure levels
- Aims of the project are
- reviewing different markers of ETS in order to
better understand the available methods for
measuring ETS exposure, and which marker is the
most suitable for monitoring ETS exposure in
Public Places. - discussing the specific characteristics of
different methods in order - to compare their practicability, the methodology
of measurements - friendly-user characteristics,
- rapidity of response,
- reproducibility of results, costs
- capacity to impact with people understanding,
11- Description of the working process/ methodology
- Review of Literature published in peer-reviewed
journals (Medline) on ETS markers. - Production of synoptic tables in order to compare
characteristics of different ETS markers. - Production of a Report
12Results and dissemination of results
- The review of ETS markers will contribute to
better understand which marker (or which
combination of markers) is the most suitable for
monitoring the compliance with the anti-smoking
Laws in Europe. - The review might constitute a contribution for
the Authorities which have to prepare the
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Standards for ETS. - Educational perspective (e.g., ETS vs. diesel car
13Environmental markers
- Vapour-phase Markers carbon monoxide, nicotine,
benzene, particle-bound polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, toluene, xylenes, solanesol,
scopoletin, myosmine, 3- etenylpiridine - Particulate Markers PM10, PM2.5 , UVPM, FPM,
Solanesol, Scopoletine
14Biomarkers measured in urine, blood, saliva,
hair of non-smokers exposed to ETS
- 1. Carcinogenic
- PAH. 1-HOP (1-hydroxypyrene) benzo-a-pyrene and
its metabolites. As DNA , albumine or hemoglobine
adducts. Not tobacco-specific - Aromatic amines. 4-ABP (4-aminobiphenyl), as DNA
or hemoglobin adducts tobacco specific - N-nitrosamines. NNAL 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-
pyridyl)-1-butanol , metabolite of NNK
spreadly used tobacco-specific. Used also HPB
4-hydroxy-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone , a NNK
metabolite. - Benzene. 2 metabolites tt-MA (trans,trans-Muconi
c Acid) and S-PMA (S-phenylmercapturic acid). - Â
15Biomarkers II
- 2. Non carcinogenic tobacco-specific
- Nicotine hair concentration for long time ETS
exposure evaluation - Cotinine. Nicotine metabolite. Spreadly used.
Short time ETS exposure evaluation measured in
saliva and urine. - Others
- Â