Title: Improving Tobacco Indicators for GPRA
1Improving Tobacco Indicators for GPRA CRS
- Dayle Knutson, RN, BSN
- Public Health Nursing
2Brief Overview Government Performance and Results
Act (GPRA)
- Federal Statute (Law) 1993
- Funding Accountability
- Annual Performance Plan Annual Report with
budget request - Supports HHS Strategic Plan FY 2007-2011
- Linked to OMB Presidential Initiatives
3Impact of GPRA Measureson IHS Budget
- IHS Budget
- Goal is to meet 82 of the measures. The goal is
equal to the met of the previous GPRA year. - OMB considers the following during the budget
process - GPRA PART Performance
- Previous IHS Budget has it been flat or
increasing? - User Pop is it growing (more work just to
maintain last years GPRA performance) - Meeting GPRA measures definitely helps the
4Relationship Between GPRA and CRS
- The IHS Director has designated the Clinical
Reporting System (CRS) as the national tool for
reporting of all GPRA clinical measures - Federal (IHS) facilities are required to use CRS
for GPRA reporting - Urban facilities in the CAO are required to use
CRS for GPRA reporting - Urban facilities in other Areas are not required
to use CRS however, more are using it because
CRS makes reporting much easier - Tribal facilities are not required to use CRS but
are encouraged to use it
5Brief Overview of Clinical Reporting System (CRS)
Version 8.0
- Split into 2 separate reports National GPRA
report Other Clinical Measures - Patient Lists Reports will have patient lists
where user can choose to include patients meeting
the measure, not meeting the measure, or both - Area Aggregate Reports Available for both the
National GPRA ONM Reports - Quarterly Reporting Sites will be asked to
export data for both the National GPRA and Other
National Measures Reports
6CRS PerformanceMeasure Terminology
- Denominator The total patient population being
reviewed to determine how many of the total meet
the definition of the measure - Different measures have different denominators
- Active Diabetic patients
- Active Clinical female patients
- User Population patients
7CRS Performance Measure Terminology (contd)
- Numerator The number of patients from the
denominator who meet the logic criteria for a
performance measure - Examples
- Patients with controlled blood pressure during
the Report Period - Patients with LDL cholesterol during the Report
Period - Patients with a Pap smear in the past 3 years
8CRS Performance Measure Terminology (contd)
- Performance Measure The combination of one
denominator and one numerator - Example Active Clinical patients 50 or older
who have received or refused an influenza
immunization during the Report Period - Performance Measure Rate Calculated by dividing
the numerator by the denominator - Note Some performance measures are counts vs.
rates, such as of topical fluoride
applications, dental sealants
9CRS Performance Measure Terminology (contd)
- Performance Measure Logic The codes and
conditions that are checked when determining if a
patient meets the denominator and numerator
10Tobacco Specific Measures
- Tobacco Use Exposure Assessment
- Denominators
- 1)Active Clinical patients ages 5 older,
broken down by gender and age groups 5-13,
14-17, 18-24, 25-44, 45-64, 65 and older (HP
2010). - 2)Pregnant female User Population patients
with no documented miscarriage or abortion.
11Tobacco Specific Measures (cont)
- Numerators
- 1)Patients screened for tobacco use during
the Report Period (during the past 20 months for
pregnant female patients denominator). - a) Any tobacco related Health Factor
- b) POV or PCC problem list of 305.1
Dental Code 1320 - c) Code V15.82 (personal hx of
tobacco use) - d) Any patient education with TO or
SHS indicated - 2)Patients identified during the Report
Period (20 months) as current tobacco users as
documented by Health Factors - a) Current Smoker
- b) Current Smokeless (Chew/spit
tobacco) - 3)Patients exposed to Environmental Tobacco
Smoke (ETS) during the report period (20 months) -
12Tobacco Specific Measures (cont)
- Tobacco Cessation/Intervention
Denominator 1)GPRA Active Clinical patients
identified as current tobacco users prior to the
Report Period, broken down by gender and age
groups lt12, 12-17, 18 and older. Numerators
1) GPRA Patients who have received or refused
tobacco cessation counseling or received a
prescription for a smoking cessation aid during
the Report Period. Documented by TO/SHS education
codes, clinic code 94, dental code 1320, CPT
codes G0375-G0376-4000F A) Patients who
refused tobacco cessation counseling.
via refusals to TO or SHS education codes. 2)
Patients identified during the Report Period as
having quit their tobacco use. Identified via
Previous Use Health Factors, POV code 305.13
13Improving Local Data
- Patient List options in CRS
- Generate list of patients not meeting indicator
requirements/current users to case-manage for
cessation - Individual review/determine barriers
- Evaluate local screening process
- Evaluate local documentation process
- Implement new strategies
14Tobacco Specific Patient List
- Any user with the security key BGPZ MENU will be
able to run the reports. Ask your Site Manager
to assign this key to you if you do not have it. - IHS recommends all Area and site Quality
Improvement staff, Compliance Officers, GPRA
Coordinators, clinical staff, and other providers
at the local facilities as well as Area Directors
any other staff involved with clinical quality
improvement initiatives use CRS to run their own
15Tobacco Specific Patient List
- Select GPRA from Menu options
- (Community Pt Panel All)
- Selected Performance Measure 21
- Select (s)?21?Quit (q)?
- Date Prompt?Pt list prompt (yes)?Select?1?
- Tobacco Use
- P with NO documented tobacco screening
16Tobacco Specific Patient List (cont)
- Select GPRA from Menu options
- (Community Pt Panel All)
- Selected Performance Measure 22
- Select (s)?22?Quit (q)?
- Date Prompt?Pt list prompt (yes)?Select?1?
- Tobacco Cessation
- Tobacco Users with Cessation Intervention,
or - who quit tobacco.
17Data Integrity
- Individual Chart Reviews
- -if review shows the pt did not have the
indicator performed it confirms CRS information. - -if review shows pt did meet the measure,
further evaluation needs to be taken
18Data Integrity
- Incorrect ICD-9 code/CPT code used
- Not picked up by data-entry due to improper
documentation on PCC - Data-entry behind
- Pt. with documented refusal-not picked up by
data-entry - Historical Info noted but not entered
19Clinic Process Barriers
- Who completes screening documentation for
tobacco use _at_ your facility? - Standardized documentation process
- -reminder stamp on PCCs
- -electronic entry via E.H.R. of ed codes and
health factors -
- Population Management software tool that helps
you manage the care of your patients. - The ability to create multiple panels of patients
with common characteristics (e.g., age,
diagnosis, community) allows you to personalize
the way you view patient data. - Windows-based, client-server graphical user
interface (GUI) to the IHS Resource and Patient
Management System (RPMS). - Retrieves important patient information from
various components of the RPMS database and
brings it together under a single, user-friendly
21iCare Cessation Case-management
- Creation of pt panels based on clinic code 94 or
local created code - Tobacco Cessation Performance Measures in iCare
- -cessation counseling
- -clients who have quit
- -tobacco use assessment prevalence.
- Panels can be automatically repopulated and may
be shared with other providers
22Additional Resources
- www.ihs.gov/cio/crs/
- www.ihs.gov/CIO/ca/icare/index.asp
- www.ihs.gov/MedicalPrograms/Epi/
- www.ihs.gov/NonMedicalPrograms/NC4/Documents/Tobac
co2-06.pdf -