Title: Tomorrow's Learners Today
1Tomorrow's Learners Today Brain Gain Session May
9, 2006 Kevin Driscoll Prospect Hill Academy
Charter School
2Tomorrow's Learners Today Overview
0. Who am I? 1. MySpace is good for kids 2.
Plagiarism in a cut'n'paste culture 3. Leveraging
technology vs. privelege 4. What's next?
3Tomorrow's Learners Today Looking at PHA
- PHA's Upper School is grades 6 12
- Computer Science is required for 6 9
- Advanced CS is an elective for 10 12
- Highly diverse (ethnicity and income)
- Many first generation Americans
4Tomorrow's Learners Today MySpace
- Meta-social environment, parallel ecosystem
- Integral to high school social lives
- More common than IM or email
5Tomorrow's Learners Today MySpace
- Building identity
- Developmentally appropriate
- Absolute control of one's appearance
- Experimentation, exploration
- Existential need fulfilled
6Tomorrow's Learners Today Originality?
- Fundamentally different understanding
- Hip-hop and punk as pop appropriation
- Cut'n'paste is powerful!
- Someone else said it better.
7Tomorrow's Learners Today Empowerment
- Many PHA students without PCs, Internet
- Barriers to access / institutions of power
- Private information perpetuates privilege
- Control over one's expression via text
- Educate a student empower a family
8Tomorrow's Learners Today What's next?
- When does CS stop being Science?
- Supporting parents, training teachers
- Spending our money effectively
9 Thank you! http//kevindriscoll.info/ driscollkev