Title: AssessmentDriven Design Education: A CrossDisciplinary Collaborative Approach
1Assessment-Driven Design Education A
Cross-Disciplinary Collaborative Approach
- Deans Summit on Education for a Technological
World - Baltimore, MD
- October 1-2, 2001
- EDUCATION Michael Trevisan, Judy Mitchell (dean)
- ENGINEERING Denny Davis, Anjan Bose (dean)
2Growing Collaboration
Joint engineering and education project funding
from NSF since 1995
- Washington Council for Engineering and Related
Technical Education - 26 community colleges, 5 state universities, 5
private colleges
Northwest Roundtable for Engineering Education
engineering-related university, industry,
government leaders
Mid-Program design education and assessment
End-of-Program design education and assessment
Project Focus
3Focus of Collaboration
Educational Objectives
Junior Senior Education Process
Freshman Sophomore Education Processes
Mid-Program OutcomesAssessment
End-of-Program OutcomesAssessment
Assessment Processes
4Statewide EndorsementA Basis for TIDEE
(Approved by WCERTE 25 October 1996)
- The foundations fordesign education mustbe
incorporated intothe first two yearsof
engineering andengineering technologycurricula.
- This includes development of competence in
communication, teamwork, and the creative problem
solving or engineering design process.
Washington Council for Engineering and Related
Technical Education
5Keys to Quality AssessmentsA Basis for
- Clear purposes for assessment
- Clear and appropriate achievement targets
- Target and method match
- Appropriate content sampling
- Bias and distortion are eliminated
Stiggins, R.J. 1995. Assessment Literacy for the
21st Century. Phi Delta Kappan, 77(3) 238-245.
6Mid-Program Assessment of Team-Based Design--
Three components
Component 1 SHORT ANSWER (15 minutes)
Component 2 GROUP ACTIVITY (45 minutes)
Component 3 2-PAGE ESSAY (take-home)
- Define essential elements of
- Design process
- Teamwork
- Design Communication
- Team project
- Organize team
- Record process
- Produce required deliverables
- Reflect on project
- What was done
- What produced desired results
- How to improve performance
Basic Knowledge
Application of Knowledge
Critical Analysis
Increasing Level of Learning
7Assessment Scoring Reliability Study Fall 2000
Sampling of Population
- Two institutions, five class sections, five
instructors - One administrator of assessments
- Four disciplines
- Mechanical engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Computer engineering
- Biological systems engineering
- n 139 students
8A 3-Step Scoring Process
Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation Team
Standard Administration of Assessment
Evaluation Team
Establish Scoring Criteria
Establish Decision Rules
Score Assessment Results
Subsets of Student Work
Population of Student Work
Reliability for Group Performance (mean of 3
0.43 0.85
9Approach to End-of-Program Assessment for
- Use capstone project as assessment exercise
- Team-based design projects (1 or more terms in
length) - Required part of all engineering curricula
- Provide students a project guide to
- Communicate achievement targets expected
- Elicit student responses used for each outcome to
be assessed (match target and method) - Establish scoring scales and decision rules for
use in scoring student work - Engineering intern
- Entry-level engineer
- Project engineer
10End-of-Program Assessment Using Capstone Design
11Outcomes of Collaboration
- Defined Educational Outcomes
- Workshops with industry and academic engineers
- Mid-program and end-of-program outcomes defined
- Developed Mid-Program Assessment Instrument
- Instrument pilot tested and disseminated
- Scoring process defined and reliability
determined - Developed Curriculum Materials
- Activities for design process, teamwork, design
communication - Workshops used to disseminate materials and
methods - Materials cataloged and posted on project web
site - Created Web-Based Survey of Alumni and Employers
- Survey developed and used by multiple programs,
12Challenges and Opportunities in Collaboration
- Challenges
- Establishing relationships of trust and mutual
goals - Funding graduate students in engineering
- Creating publications valued by both disciplines
- Opportunities
- Meets need in engineering for educational
expertise - Provides education faculty ready laboratory
- Results contribute to scholarship in both
13Next Steps in TIDEE Engineering and Education
- Build on Combined Assessment Strengths
- Identify best practices in engineering design
assessment - Bridge from Mid-Program Assessment to reliable,
transferable End-of-Program Assessment - Build on Combined Curriculum Strengths
- Expand curricular materials to develop critical
capabilities in students - Extend curricular materials and methods to
support generic problem solving and critical
thinking - Enhance student learning through guided
multi-disciplinary capstone projects