Title: The Technical Division
1The Technical Division
- Victor Yarba
- 9 January 2006
2 Technical Division Mission
- The research, development, design, fabrication or
procurement, and testing of accelerator and
detector components - Support the Accelerator Complex
- Conduct Accelerator RD
- Support Projects
- CMS Muons, LHC Accelerator Project, Pierre Auger
- Provide Lab-wide Services
- Incoming inspection, material control,
specialized machine shop - TD is 230 people accustomed to
- Working on technical HEP RD devices
- Responding to customer requirements
- Preparing designs to be production ready,
including integration w/ industry - delivering on accelerator projects for Fermilab
and other HEP labs.
3TD Personnel (FTE)
Oct 05 snapshot We have shifted FTEs from
support to scientific roles in the past 6 years
within the scope of the lab funding situation
TDs ability to support and track record of
performance on outside projects supports our
4FY06 TD Labor Plan (FTE)
Machine Shop (cost neutral) and LOA
ILC / 3.9GHz / RF Infrastructure now incorporated
in Project 18, Directorate fundingoutside
the Division
LHC and LARP are true outside projects
5FY06 Cost of Labor (SWF)
- Red outside funding 8.4 of FY06 SWF
- Green Project 18 21.8
TD base SWF for FY06
6Operating Income
- TD also handles additional MS money for
outside projects and Accel. Division purchases - In FY05 we handled
- 12 K of MS for CMS
- 646 K of MS for the LHC project
- 394 K of US Auger funds (US portion of
project is 25) - 1,020 K for Accel. Division purchases via
Material Control Dept - 3,085 K of MS and SWF flowed through the
machine shops. (This organization operates on a
charge back system such that it is intended to be
cost neutral for the Division) - The total MS SWF handled by the Technical
Division in FY05 was 34,559 K - Expect FY06 to be essentially flat based on
7Future of TD Efforts
- Activity FY06 FY07 and
beyond Comments - Run II flat flat?
Extras will roll off - BTEV ended
effort shifted to LARP,PD,ILC - LHC ends 1450
? 238 K of SWF in 06 - LARP growth flat
500K SWF in 05gt1379 in 06 - HFM flat flat
part of LARP agreement - Auger flat flat?
(Auger North ?) - ILC/SCRF growth growth !
- Proton Driver growth growth !
Big Areas of growth are all in SCRF. The Division
is making substantial changes to respond to
changing priorities
8Technical Division Openings
In background check
In background check
060011 EE/ME III
SRF Processing In background
9Goals of FY06 TD labor Plan
- Goal 1st Priority is to provide needed
resources to accomplish the Labs Run II goals
(necessary repairs, spares, new devices for
luminosity upgrades, studies related to machine
performance) - Goal Meet project commitments to LHC Auger
- Goal Meet ILC RD commitments to GDE and ramp
up a serious ILC effort at FNAL - Goal Complete critical Proton Driver RD CD1
docs - Goal Develop SCRF infrastructure per plan to
GDE - Includes SCRF materials program support for
Peoples Fellow - Goal HFM LARP Nb3Sn Magnet RD
- Meet LARP commitments
- Develop HFM infrastructure
Verbatim from Oct Budget review presentation
10What isnt Accomplished with the Guidance?
- TD guidance is insufficient to provide the
required MS to fund the 3.9 GHz module we
promise in the DESY MOU - Funds are inadequate for PD, ILC, and SCRF
infrastructure given our stated goals ( more in a
separate talk) - Would need to cut something to maintain Dept MS.
choices ILC, Proton Driver, SCRF infrastructure,
or HFM. None are very attractive - There is limited flexibility in the TD to hire
needed experts in SCRF cavities, cavity testing,
and high power RF
Verbatim from Oct Budget review presentation
- Can TD live with the FY06 budget guidance?
- Yes It allows TD to provide the required Run II
labor - Yes TD can pay the salaries of people in the
Division working on HFM, ILC, PD, Auger, etc. - No Dept MS budgets cannot erode away each year
by inflation. There are fixed costs, and some
that increase with time. We need at least an
additional 435 K to make up for lost outside
income. (down by 609 K) or take it from project
MS - No ILC and SCRF infrastructure will be a lot
less than FNAL told GDE - No Proton Driver will not be able to accomplish
planned FY06 goals for CD-1 - Both programs would be starved for MS relative
to what is needed to make real progress - We have no flexibility to hire needed SCRF
experts, RF power engineers, and Accelerator
physicists. - These RD efforts are the future of this lab
Verbatim from Oct Budget review presentation
12TD Organization
Department and Project Leaders will give a brief
overview of how their department supports the TD
mission, and introduce themselves
14TD Budget Cycle and Info
- Fiscal Year is October September
- We are on the verge of getting the FY06 Budget
- This is not unusual
- Yearly Budget Cycle includes
- Directorate Budget Review in October
- Report on previous year and upcoming year
- WPAS Plan in March
- Plan for current year and 2 out years, includes
FTE counts in certain categories - Monthly Budget Reports
- Effort and Materials on task numbers Project
Managers and Department Heads are expected to
check and be accountable for the tasks w/ their
signature authority - A budget revision / check in May/June
- Correction of allocations in Division, also
potential transfers across Divisions