Title: Telling Your ABWA Story
1Telling Your ABWA Story
- Agenda
- Introduction
- Why are we are Here
- Background
- Expected Outcomes
- ABWA Challenge
- Chapter Overview
- What the Journey means to you
- Creating our own Stories
- Committing to the Future
- Personal Background
- Concept of the story
4Why are we here?
Why are we here?
5Outcomes of the Session
Outcomes of the Session
We will leave the session with a clear
understanding of
- The journey our association is taking
- The strength of our history
- Our vision for the future
6Outcomes of the Session- Cont.
- What this journey means for the future
- How we can make a difference
- The contributions we can make
- The success stories we can create
- Our commitment to tell our story
7Why are you here?
Why are you here?
8Chapter One
We have a solid foundation
9We have a solid foundation
The mission on whichwe were founded isas
relevant today as50 years ago
Proven track recordof support
Founding membersprovide mentorshipfor next
We have a solid foundation
10Chapter Two
Our differences are our strength
11Our differences are our strength
Diversity ofoccupations formsan
Our cultural diversity inspirescreativity
Our generationaldiversity secures ourfuture
ABWA/ Business Track/Fun
Our differencesare our strength
12Chapter Three
Our future is our bond
13Our future is our bond
Members around thecountry unite bya common bond
We are more thanmembers-we arefamily
A nationwide support systembuilds
confidenceand security
Our future isour Bond
Regional and national conferences uniteus in
14Chapter Four
We have the formula to succeed
15We have the formula to succeed
Top-Notch programs relevant to todays needs
Nationwidesupport system
The formula to Succeed
A firm foundation
16Chapter Five
We are in the right place
17We are in the right place
What career mindedwomen need
18What does the journey mean to me?
What does the journey mean for us as members of
19Chapter Six
We are focusing on
20Were focusing on.
Reaching thenext generationof ABWA
Sustaining growth forgenerationsto come
Articulatingthe ABWA valueproposition
ABWA extreme makeover
21Exploring our stories
- Split into groups
- Explore stories that illustrate how you or your
colleagues are contributing to the ABWA Story - Stories about one of the chapters, or the five
areas of focus - For instance, a story demonstrating how your
career has benefited from your ABWA experience - You have 10 minutes
22Whats your story?
Seize the opportunity!
23Seize the opportunity!
Our commitmentto growth securesour future
ABWA needs your help toachieve our growth
Expand the legacythat founded us andsustain our
ABWA-Professional womens organization of choice
24In six months time what stories will you create
that demonstrate how we have made a difference to
the ABWA Story?
My Commitment..
My commitment to ABWA is.
26Thats my story and Im sticking to it
The ABWA Story