Title: Power BI Services: Transform Your Data into Insights
Today, every business has an online presence
through various digital channels like websites,
social media, online directories, etc.
2As a result, organizations are generating a
massive amount of data every day through their
various business operations across departments.
It is becoming hard for enterprises to keep track
of and analyze gathered data that can provide
crucial business insights. That's where Business
Intelligence (BI) plays a significant role in an
organization. This software application comprises
methodologies, processes, and technologies to
retrieve relevant data from the cloud or systems
at your premises, and create dynamic
dashboards-present raw data into meaningful and
easy-to-understand information for better
decision making.
3Many businesses still depend on multiple legacy
software and manual spreadsheets like Microsoft
Excel or Tally to store their data and prepare
reports manually. Tools like Power BI solve the
problem of the time-consuming, labour-intensive,
and error-prone manual reporting process that
further delays important business decisions.
Today, the market is overwhelmed with a wide
range of business intelligence software having
diversity in scope and compatibility. All of
these software systems are created with a number
of features that facilitate faster, better, and
more informed decision-making at all levels of an
4Lets look at the top Business Intelligence
features the enterprises are using today
Business Intelligence Features Power BI
consulting services can provide businesses with
the expertise they need to get the most out of
Power BI. A Power BI consultant can provide a
comprehensive assessment of the data and
analytics needs of a business, and then develop a
strategy to leverage Power BI to meet those
needs. They can also help businesses design a
comprehensive data model to better analyze their
data and make more informed decisions.
5Analyze large datasets to extract insights With
a well-built data model, Power BI helps
enterprises analyze large datasets containing
millions of rows in a spreadsheet. As excel
worksheets or any other basic excel application
come with a standard limit of 1,048,576 rows, the
application becomes slow in performance when the
analysis is done on given rows. By compressing
the large datasets, Power BI extracts insights in
a few minutes that result in faster
decision-making and actions. Create a range of
custom data visualizations In addition to a
wide range of detailed and attractive data
visualizations embedded in Power BI, enterprises
can also build their own custom data
visualizations for their next report. There is
also a library available to create simple to
complex visualizations as you want to represent
your data set.
6 Source and transform data with Power
Query Power BI Desktop is equipped with Power
Query Editor that enables business
decision-makers to connect to one or many
different data sources, shape and transform the
data the way they want. They could change the
data in hand to address their specifications,
make it more informative, user-friendliness, and
then load that model into Power BI
Desktop. Automatic data refreshes With Power
BI's scheduled refresh feature, end-users can
automate the process of refreshing datasets,
reducing the need for tedious, manual report
updates. They can easily extract and share
insights with their team by quickly and
accurately refreshing their data.
7Immersive mobile experience Power BI offers a
set of user-friendly apps for iOS, Android, and
Windows 10 mobile devices. Mobile apps allow BI
users to view mobile-optimized reports, share
insights with colleagues, and set alerts at their
convenience. Seamless integration with other
systems Microsoft Power BIs compatibility with
other legacy and modern systems is seamless. As a
result, enterprises can access not only their
business own data, but also information from
email, social media, websites and more. For
instance, instead of only providing internal
sales data, BI platform could also accompany that
information with reviews and comments about
business products and services.
8- Eastern Software Systems-BI Services
- In order to view the real financial status,
enterprises need business intelligence software
that provides exceptional data exploration
capabilities. ESS has extensive BI expertise and
can help you at every stage of your data journey,
including - Data acquisition
- Data preparation
- Data management and governance
- Data quality
- Data analysis and insights
- Data visualization and presentation
- We have the competency and can provide support in
a variety of technologies and platforms,
including ERP, RPA, BI, and IoT.
Contact us Eastern Software Systems, B-65,
Sector 63, Noida, UP-201 307, India.