Title: Dark Energy Survey Survey Strategy
1Dark Energy Survey Survey Strategy
- James Annis
- Experimental Astrophysics Group
- Fermilab
2Survey Strategy WBS 1.3
- Survey planning
- Science requirements and technical specifications
- Survey observing strategy
- Calibration
- Photometric calibration
- Astrometric calibration
- Photometric redshift calibration
- Survey data simulations
- Catalog level simulations
- Image level simulations
- Mock data challenge
- Mock analysis challenge
- Survey operations
- Defined as after commissioning
3Survey Planning (WBS 1.3.1)
- Science requirements and technical specifications
- Survey observing strategy
4Science Requirements (WBS 1.3.1)
Science goals drive the science requirements,
science requirements flow down to technical
- 5000 deg2 in the South Galactic cap
- overlap SPT
- redshift surveys
- Photometric redshifts
- To z1.0 and ½ L with dz lt 0.05
- all z lt 1 SPT clusters
- g,r,i,z
- PSF sufficient for weak lensing, FWHM lt 0.9
- 40 deg2 supernova area
- Time domain, 1 hour every 2 days
- 10-sigma limiting magnitude
- g24.6 500 sec
- r24.1 500 sec
- i24.0 900 sec
- z23.6 1600 sec
- Calibration Accuarcy
- 10 single image
- 1 final coadd
- 2 spectrum convolution
DES Technical Flowdown Document v1 Dec
2003 v3 May 2004
5Science Requirements Footprint
- Extinction Map, Centered SGP
- Midnight on Nov 1 at CTIO
- Black lines
- Equatorial coords
- Green lines
- Footprint
- 5000 sq-degrees total
- In order of priority
- 4000 sq-deg SPT
- 250 sq-deg SDSS stripe 82
- Photo-z areas
- 700 sq-deg overhead
- Alama, VLT, APEX, ACT
6Survey Strategy Design Goals
- Efficiently attain required depth
- Minimize photometric calibration errors
- Scientifically interesting data at natural points
in the survey - After year 1
- internal goal, we reserve the right to be
affected by weather - After year 3
- After end of survey
7Survey Strategy
- Decisions
- Area as function of time
- Area more important than depth
- Entire survey area the first year
- Work during all phases of moon
- g,r during dark time
- i,z during bright time
- Moonlight has little effect
- Instrumental Factors
- Telescope slew time 35 sec
- Instrument read time lt 20 sec
- Implies 2 filters per position to minimize
overhead - Data Quality
- Airmass limit lt 1.5
- Seeing limit lt 1.1
8Survey Strategies
- Baseline Strategy
- 2 filters per night
- 2 tilings of survey area per year, per filter
- 100 second exposures
- Calibration to 2 the first year
- 5 tilings is break point
- Calibration is 1
- g,r filters done
- i,z filters increase exposure time (years 4-5)
- Standard stars during night
- Alternate Strategy
- 1 tiling of survey are per year, per filter
- Divide total integration by 5 to find exposure
time - Calibration to lt5 first year
- Standard stars during poor seeing nights
We are exploring alternatives.
9Survey Strategy Characteristic Magnitudes
- Note nonlinear behavior of limiting magnitude as
function of time - Knee at transition from S/N time to S/N
?time - Reach characteristic magnitude in O(100) seconds
10The Main Survey Strategy Table
N8 gal/sq-arcmin
N12 gal/sq-arcmin
N16 gal/sq-arcmin
N20 gal/sq-arcmin
Catalog completeness
N28 gal/sq-arcmin
Weak lensing depth maximal
11Survey Calibration (WBS 1.3.2)
- Photometric Calibration
- System response functions
- Relative calibration
- Absolute calibration
- Astrometric Calibration
- Photometric Redshift Calibration
12Large Area Survey Photometry
- Unique properties of large surveys
- Single stable instrument
- Huge homogeneous photometric data set
- System defined by 108 magnitudes of the survey
- Placing onto a standard system is unimportant
- Though transformations to standards is very
- The aim of calibration in large surveys
- The magnitudes may be calculated by convolving a
spectrum with good spectrophotometry with the
system bandpasses, and - The magnitudes vary only by 2.5log10(f1/f2),
independent of position - f1/f2 are the ratio of the photon fluxes
- The magnitudes have a well-defined absolute
13The magnitudes may be calculated by convolving a
spectrum with good spectrophotometry with the
system bandpasses
- Full system response measurement
- 1nm resolution
- Through all components of the instrument
- Focal plane array
- Filters
- Corrector
- Primary
- If without this, input beam has correct f/number
- Aimed at final system testing prior to ship
14The magnitudes vary only by 2.5log10(), where
are the ratio of the photon fluxes, independent
of position
- Relative photometry
- Use overlapping images of stars to place all
images on same relative system. - 1000s of stars per overlap
- Precision very high, limited by systematics
- Overlapping tilings
- Allow reduction of systematics
1 tiling 3 tilings 3 more
15Relative Photometry Simulation
- A multiplicative flat field gradient of amplitude
3 from east to west - A multiplicative flat field gradient of amplitude
3 from east to west - An additive scattered light pattern with a
amplitude from the optical axis, 3 at the edge
of the camera - An additive 3 rms scattered light per CCD
- Solution
- Simutaneous least squares solution to the
underlying relative photometry given the
scaling bar is 0.20 mags to 0.20 mags
16The magnitudes have a well-defined absolute
- Absolute photometry
- Transfer standard star magnitudes
- Need fainter standards (Tucker and Smith)
- Questions
- How many transfers to tilings?
- When are standards taken?
- What spatial pattern?
Constant airmass tracks, std at end Standards on
poor seeing night, on sparse hex grid
17Absolute Photometry Simulation
- As before
- g band, 10 extinction
- Full photometry model of atmosphere
- Plus a linear gradient in k over night
- Induces RA gradients
- Constant airmass tracks, 4 standards night
- Assuming each standard calibrates track to 5
- Solution
- Simutaneous least squares solution to the
underlying absolute photometry given the
scaling bar is 0.20 mags to 0.20 mags
18Quality Assurance on Photometry
- Use principal axes of stellar locus to check
colors - Photometry calibrates mags, not colors
- sigma_o is 0.003 mags
- Check on CCD scales, and on smaller scales,
looking for systematics
19Survey Simulations (WBS 1.3.3)
- Survey observation simulations
- Catalog level simulations
- Image level simulations
Huan Lin will cover in detail in the next talk
20Mock Data Reduction Challenge (WBS 1.3.4)
- Task reduce 1 year of imaging data
- Input 1 Survey year of Image level simulations
- From Survey Simulation (WBS 1.3.3)
- Transfer to NCSA
- Run through Survey data pipelines
- Transfer to Fermilab
- Deliver to Mock Analysis Challenge (WBS 1.3.5)
- Results
- Integration testing of pipelines
- Data throughput testing
- Plan
- Staged 1 night, 1 month, 1 year
- Aim at 1 year in starting in mid 2007
21Mock Data Analysis Challenge (WBS 1.3.5)
- Task analyze 1 year of data
- Input 1 Survey year of pipeline processed
simulations - From Mock Data Reduction Challenge (WBS 1.3.4)
- Make available to Science Teams
- Coordinate science team efforts to
- Integrate science codes to catalogs
- Analyze 4 key project science goals
- Results
- The season after the first year of observing will
be spent on arguing the science, not developing
science codes. - Plan
- Staged start with catalog level simulations,
then to MDRC data - Aim at full test starting in 2008
22Survey Strategy WBS 1.3
Fermilab FTEs
Fermilab Computing
- Year 1 (FY2005)
- Scientist 1 FTE
- Year 2
- Scientist 1 FTE
- CP 0.5 FTE
- Year 3
- Scientist 1 FTE
- CP 1.5 FTE
- Year 4
- Scientist 1 FTE
- CP 1.0 FTE
- Year 1 (FY 2005)
- Year 2
- 10 TB
- Year 3
- 50 compute nodes
- 50 TB
- dCache front end
- 100 TB Enstore
- Year 4
- 100 compute nodes
- 100 TB
- dCache front end
- 300 TB Enstore
- Survey Planning
- Science requirements and technical specifications
- Survey observing strategy
- Calibration
- Photometric calibration
- Survey data simulations
- Catalog level simulations
- Image level simulations
- Mock data challenge
- Mock analysis challenge