Title: Center for the Integration of
1Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching,
and Learning (CIRTL) NSF Center for Learning
and Teaching University of Wisconsin -
Madison Michigan State University Pennsylvania
State University
2CIRTL Mission
To promote a a national STEM faculty committed
to implementing and advancing effective teaching
practices for diverse student audiences as part
of their professional careers.
3develop a national STEM faculty ...
UNDERGRADS Community College Liberal
Arts HBCU Masters University Comprehensive
Univ. Research University
FACULTY Community College Liberal
Arts HBCU Masters University Comprehensive
Univ. Research University
100 RUs gt 80 Ph.Ds
The nation must develop STEM faculties who
themselves continuously inquire into their
students learning.
- Engagement in teaching as engagement in STEM
research - Hypothesize, experiment, observe, analyze,
- Aligns with skills and inclinations of
graduates- - through-faculty, and fosters engagement
in - teaching reform
- Leads to self-sustained improvement of STEM
5Learning Communities
Rich, enduring, integrative environments for
change in learning and teaching learning
communities are life-changing.
- Provide community with shared values of learning,
teaching, and professional development
- Blend diverse participants and levels of
- Develop strong relationships that are a
foundation for institutional and national change.
Many STEM faculty are not aware of the diversity
of their students and thus do not design their
teaching practice to respond to them.
- STEM faculty are teaching ever more diverse
student populations.
- Mounting research shows the pivotal role of
classroom experiences on student learning and
- Thread teaching and learning with diverse student
audiences through every facet of the learning
7CIRTL Programs
Learning Community
Informal Education
Instructional Materials
Teaching with Technology
College Classroom
8The CIRTL Network
National Conversation
Annual Forums
CIRTL Fellows
Web Sites
Distance Learning
Prototype Professional Development Program
Delta Program
- Evaluation
- Guide CIRTL Program Development
- Produce Effective Tools and Strategies
- Demonstrate Value of CIRTL Programs
9 CIRTL Forum 2003 Sharing Successful
- Theme of Forum
- Integrating research, teaching, and learning in
- the training of STEM graduate students
- Goals for Forum
- Establish measures of success for preparing
STEM - graduate students in teaching and learning
- Begin a census of university programs around
- the nation
- Promote exchange of successful strategies and
- connections between universities
10 CIRTL Forum 2003 Sharing Successful
- Participants
- 67 research universities
- Teams of provosts, deans, graduate students,
- faculty, academic staff
- Distinguished guests
11 CIRTL Forum 2003 Sharing Successful
- Program
- Goals and Measures of Success
- Wednesday morning
- Sharing Successful Strategies
- Wednesday afternoon
- Next Steps at Home and Nationally
- Thursday morning
- Reflections and Synthesis
- Thursday morning
12 CIRTL Forum 2003 Sharing Successful
- Logistics
- If you need help, look for a blue name tag!
- Evaluation
- Formative - Use boxes at back of room
- - At end of last breakout
- Summative - Form in registration packet
13Delta Program in Teaching and Learning
- Curriculum
- Teaching in the College Classroom (23 students)
- Instructional Materials
- Teaching with Technology
- Informal Education (18 students)
- Learning Community
- Creating a Learning Environment (16 stud-fac)
- Expeditionary Learning (34 students - faculty)
- Drop-in Clinic, Peer Mentoring, Connections
- Internships
- Beloit, Edgewood, MATC, UW-Whitewater
- Campus faculty
- Campus research programs
14 Informal EducationProf. Steve
Ackerman, Atmospheric and Oceanic SciencesProf.
Sharon Dunwoody, Journalism
- Objective
- design, implement, and evaluate an informal
education product for a diverse audience - Seminar
- central questions of informal education
- basic learning theory
- research strategies for measuring learning
- experience a wide range of informal education
- Teaching-as-Research Project
- develop research tools
- implement and evaluate
- communication of results
15CIRTL Outcome
A national STEM faculty that enables all students
to achieve STEM literacy, that enhances
recruitment into STEM, and whose leadership
ensures the ongoing advance of STEM education.
16The CIRTL Hypothesis
- STEM Professor as Change Agent
- Teaching-as-Research
- Hypothesize, experiment, observe, analyze,
improve - Self-sustained improvement of STEM education
- Learning Community
- Support growth in teaching and learning
- Graduate student, post-doc, faculty community
- Foundation for institutional change
17Broader Impactand Institutionalization
- Participants create evaluated products for
- broader impact.
- Interns integrate products within institutions.
- Participants become future academic
- workforce.