Title: Famous Cash Home Buying Myths that Just Arent True
1Famous Cash Home Buying Myths that Just Arent
By - https//joehomebuyerofsouthflorida.com/
2- A cash home buyer is a company that centers
around offers for homes. This means that they are
not required to get financing from a Florida
bank, so it's not necessary for them to get
pre-approved by the bank before making an offer
on a house.
3- In most cases, cash home buyers make all-cash
offers to sellers who are having trouble selling
their homes because of negative equity or other
reasons. These offers are usually higher than
what banks would offer for the same house.
4- Many people don't know what a home buyer is or
how they work, so when someone has cash offers
for their house it seems too good to be true and
they wonder if this person is going to take
advantage of them somehow.
5Cash buyers are scammers False.
- Cash home buyers in Florida are not scammers.
Theyre real people with real cash offers for
Florida homes and real financing options. A home
buyer is someone who has enough money to buy a
house without a bank loan or mortgage. Cash
buyers are often called "all-cash buyers" or
"hard money lenders" because they make all
purchases using cash, rather than borrowing from
a lender.
6- If youre selling your home to a home buyer,
you might be concerned about the offers being
shady or fraudulent in some way, but it isnt
cash buying is a legitimate business model that
operates within legal parameters.
7Cash buyers can't buy your home fast False.
- Some sellers think that these buyers are
slow-moving and inexperienced, but that's just
not true. Cash buyers can close quickly on their
Florida offers because they don't need to wait
for financing or mortgage approvals. They also
don't have to worry about selling their current
home before they buy another one. They can take
as much time as they want to look at properties,
test out the market and find the right house for
them before beginning offers.
8- Cash home buyers only want to buy homes at a
steep discount and make money on the flip False. - Actually, most buyers are individuals who
dont have enough money for a down payment or
arent interested in getting a mortgage loan and
would rather pay all cash (i.e., no debt). These
people tend to be more conservative, as they
dont want to get into any financial trouble. So
for an honest choice for selling your home, go
with a reputable company like Joe Homebuyer!