Title: Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
1Chapter 1 Strategic Management and Strategic
- Overview Eight Topics
- Nature of Competition
- I/O Model of Above-Average Returns (AAR)
- Resource-Based Model of AAR
- Strategic Vision and Mission
- Stakeholders
- Strategic Leaders
- The Strategic Management Process
- What is Performance?
2Nature of Competition Basic concepts
- Strategy
- Integrated and coordinated set of commitments and
actions designed to exploit core competencies and
gain a competitive advantage - Competitive Advantage (CA)
- When a firm implements a strategy that
competitors are unable to duplicate or find too
costly to imitate - Strategic Competitiveness
- Achieved when a firm successfully formulates
implements a value-creating strategy
3Nature of Competition Basic concepts
- Above Average Returns
- Returns in excess of what investor expects in
comparison to other investments with similar risk - Risk
- Investors uncertainty about economic
gains/losses resulting from a particular
investment - Average Returns
- Returns equal to what investor expects in
comparison to other investments with similar risk - Strategic Management Process (SMP)
- Full set of commitments, decisions and actions
required for a firm to achieve strategic
competitiveness and earn above average returns
4The Strategic Management Process
5 Industrial Organizational (I/O) Model of
Above-Average Returns (AAR)
- Explains the external environments dominant
influence on a firm's strategic actions and
performance - Characteristics of and conditions present in the
external environment determine the
appropriateness of strategies that are formulated
and implemented in order for a firm to earn
above-average returns. - The choice of industry in which to compete has
more influence on firm performance than the
decisions made by managers inside the firm.
6 Industrial Organizational (I/O) Model of
Above-Average Returns (AAR)
- 4 Underlying Assumptions
- External environment imposes pressures and
constraints that determine the strategies
resulting in AAR - Most firms that compete within a particular
industry - Control similar strategically relevant resources
- Pursue similar strategies in light of those
resources - Resources for implementing strategies are highly
mobile across firms - Therefore any resource differences between firms
will be short-lived - Organizational decision makers are rational and
committed to acting in the firm's best interests,
as shown by their profit-maximizing behaviors
7 Industrial Organizational (I/O) Model of
Above-Average Returns (AAR)
8Industrial Organizational (I/O) Model of
Above-Average Returns (AAR)
- Limitations
- Only two strategies are suggested
- Cost Leadership
- Produce standardized products at costs below
those of competitors - be THE low-cost leader - Differentiation
- Produce differentiated products that customers
are willing to pay a premium price for - Internal resources capabilities are not
considered - AAR are earned when a firm implements the
strategy dictated by external environment
(general, industry, and competitor)
9The Resource-Based Model of AAR
- Basic Premise - a firm's unique resources
capabilities is the basis for firm strategy and
AAR - Each organization is a bundle of unique resources
and capabilities - Performance difference between firms emerge over
time due to these unique resources and
capabilities (versus industrys structural
characteristics) - Combined uniqueness should define the firms
strategic actions - Resources are tangible and intangible
10The Resource-Based Model of AAR
- Resources
- Inputs into a firm's production process
- Includes capital equipment, employee skills,
patents, high-quality managers, financial
condition, etc. - Basis for competitive advantage When resources
are valuable, rare, costly to imitate, and
nonsubstitutable - 3 categories of internal/firm-specific resources
- Physical - things you can touch/feel tangible
- Human - people / employees
- Organizational capital - relative to the firm
11The Resource-Based Model of AAR
- Capability
- Capacity for a set of resources to perform a task
or activity in an integrative manner - Core Competency
- A firms resources and capabilities that serve as
sources of competitive advantage over its rival - Summary
- A firm has superior performance because of
- Unique resources and capabilities, and the
combination makes them different, and better,
than their competition driving the competitive
12The Resource-Based Model of AAR
13Vision and Mission
- Purpose to inform stakeholders of what the firm
is, what it seeks to accomplish, and who it seeks
to serve - Vision
- Picture of what the firm wants to be and, in
broad terms, what it ultimately wants to achieve - Gives the firm direction
- The responsibility of a firm's top strategic
leader the CEO - CEO works with others to form a firms strategic
vision - Serves as foundation for mission
- Mission
- Specifies the business(es) or industries in which
a firm intends to compete and the customers it
intends to serve - More specific than the vision
- Mission and vision provide foundation for
strategy formulation and implementation
- Basic Premise a firm can effectively manage
stakeholder relationships to create a competitive
advantage and outperform its competitors - Stakeholders are individuals and groups who can
affect, and are affected by, the strategic
outcomes achieved and who have enforceable claims
on a firms performance - Must minimally meet the expectations of each
stakeholder group - AAR make this easier to do
- 3 Major Stakeholder Groups
15The Three Stakeholder Groups
16Strategic Leaders
- People (primarily managers) located in different
parts of the firm using the strategic management
process to help the firm reach its vision and
mission - Decisive and committed to firms efforts to
achieve their desired strategic outcomes - Create and sustain organizational culture
- Can exist at different organizational levels
- Corporate, business, functional, operating
17Strategic Leaders
- The Work of Effective Strategic Leaders
- Work long hours
- Must be able to think strategically
- think seriously and deeplyabout the purposes of
the organizations they head or functions they
perform, about strategies, tactics,..and
peopleand about the important questions they
need to ask. - Set ethical tone for organization
- Try to predict the outcomes of their strategic
decisions before they are implemented - Involved in internal and external analyses and
strategy formulation and implementation
18The Strategic Management Process
19What is Performance?
- Performance is central to the study and practice
of strategy - Organizational performance is complicated
- Numerous definitions, approaches, and types of
performance - Can be an elusive concept
- Examples
- Goal attainment - Vision/mission, objectives
- Effectiveness A hospital curing sick people
- Quality Customer service
- Efficiency - Inputs versus outputs
- Financial/accounting/economic Returns ROA, EPS
- Can also vary by type of firm
- For-profit versus not-for-profit
- Publicly traded?
- Government
20What is Performance?
- Normal Economic Performance
- Economic value generated is equal to owners
expectations - Below-Normal Economic Performance
- Economic value generated is less than owners
expectations - Above-Normal Economic Performance
- Economic value generated is greater than owners
214 Major Approaches to Measuring Performance
- Firm Survival
- A firm that survives over a relatively extended
period of time must be generating at least normal
economic performance - Strengths
- Easy to use
- If a firms operations are ongoing, the firm is
surviving and thus generating at least normal
economic value - Weaknesses
- When does a firm no longer exist?
- Firm death can be protracted
- No insights concerning above-normal performance
224 Major Approaches to Measuring Performance
- Multiple Stakeholders View
- An organizations performance should be evaluated
relative to the preferences and desires of
stakeholders that provide resources to a firm - Stakeholders include
- Customers, Labor, Unions, Management, Top
Managers, Suppliers, Partners, Equity Holders,
Society at Large, Environment, Communities,
Government, Public Interest Groups - Different stakeholders can have different
interests and different criteria for evaluating
performance - May need to choose which stakeholders to satisfy
- Must minimally satisfy the interests of each
stakeholder group
234 Major Approaches to Measuring Performance
- Simple Accounting Measures
- Most popular approach
- Publicly available for many firms
- They communicate a great deal of information
- Most often rely on ratio analysis
- 4 Major categories of ratios
- Profitability
- Liquidity
- Leverage
- Activity
244 Major Approaches to Measuring Performance
- Profitability Ratios
- Ratios with some measure of profit in the
numerator and some measure of firm size or assets
in the denominator - ROA, ROE, margins, EPS, p/e ratio
- Liquidity Ratios
- Ratios that focus on the ability of a firm to
meet its shortterm financial obligations - Current ratio, quick ratio
254 Major Approaches to Measuring Performance
- Leverage Ratios
- Ratios that focus on the level of a firms
indebtedness - Debt to assets, debt to equity, times interest
earned - Activity Ratios
- Ratios that focus on the level of activity in a
firms business - Inventory turnover, average collection period
264 Major Approaches to Measuring Performance
- Adjusted Accounting Measures
- Require the estimate of a firms expected
performance and its actual performance - Expected performance is reflected in a firms
cost of capital - Firms with returns less than the cost of capital
will be unable to attract additional capital - Firms with returns greater than cost of capital
will be able to attract additional capital
27The Relative Nature of Performance
- Performance is always relative to other firms
- Performance should be compared to industry
average(s) - AAR are above industry average
- Industry adjustments
- Some industries are more profitable than others
- Can adjust for industry performance and compare
performance levels across industries - Can also adjust for risk
- Looking at trends can also be useful
- From earlier
- I/O Model - Pick attractive industry(ies) to
compete in - Resource-Based Model - Develop unique bundles of
resources and capabilities