Plant Management -Industrial Plant
Equipment- Robert Shaffer 76 MXSS 405-370-7644
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l
l e n c e
- - Current State
- - Goals
- - Usage Based Preventative Maintenance
- Online Equipment Health Monitoring
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l
l e n c e
3Current State
Unplanned machine downtime, FIREFIGHTING! Waiting
for equipment to break before addressing a problem
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l
l e n c e
Scheduled Downtime, Uptime Maximized Automated
Condition and Time Monitoring Lifecycle Data
5Usage Based Preventative Maintenance
- Technology to transition from a calendar based
preventative maintenance system to a real-time,
equipment usage based system - Utilizes existing IEEE 802.11b/g WPAv2 secure
network - Utilizes Network Machine authentication
- Implements Data Interface with our computer
maintenance management system (CMMS) to allow
automatic work order generation and tracking - Inexpensive
- Current Preventative Maintenance is performed
after a preset number of Calendar days elapsed - Calendar based maintenance problems
- Too much or too little preventative maintenance
work - No utilization accountability
- Increased corrective maintenance actions
6Usage Based Preventative Maintenance
- Implementation of a usage based system with
wireless data transport improves process by - More timely maintenance actions
- preventative, corrective and predictive
- Equipment utilization data
- Ability to improve shop efficiencies
- Equipment rotation management
- Reduced equipment cost
- Preventative maintenance performed on time
- Previous research has shown substantial monetary
investment with long (10 year) payback periods
required with existing online monitoring
7Online Equipment Health Monitoring
- Currently machine health is acquired by
- Maintenance technicians performing calendar based
checks - Work order history
- Problems
- Reactive Maintenance
- Excessive equipment downtime (overall equipment
effectiveness low)
8Online Equipment Health Monitoring
- Technology to acquire and transmit machine health
data - Including but not limited to vibration,
electrical current and temperature (predictive
technologies) - Preset alarm trigger events
- Utilizes existing IEEE 802.11b/g WPAv2 secure
network - Utilizes Network Machine authentication
- Implement data Interface with our computer
maintenance management system (CMMS) to allow
automatic work order generation and tracking - Inexpensive
9Online Equipment Health Monitoring
10Online Equipment Health Monitoring
Ideal State Alarm sounds if control limits are
11Online Equipment Health Monitoring
- Benefits and application is similar to Usage
monitoring. - Can combine the two applications into one.
- Online Equipment Health Monitoring system with
wireless data transport improves process by - Scheduled Downtime
- Predictive technologies can warn of an impending
failure - Replacement parts, labor, and downtime scheduled
- Reduced equipment cost
- Engineering solutions to troublesome equipment
and components - Previous research has shown substantial monetary
investment with long (10 year) payback periods
required with existing online monitoring
12Online Equipment Health Monitoring
- POCs
- Robert Shaffer, Electronics Engineer, 76th
MXSS/MXDEAA robert.shaffer_at_tinker.af.mil - 2nd LT. David Schimke, 548 PMXS/CCX
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l
l e n c e