Title: Irregular Menstruation Following a Pregnancy
1Irregular Menstruation Following a Pregnancy
2The abortion regimen is a hormonal play. It takes
about 2-4 weeks for the female hormones to reach
their normal levels and for the menstrual cycle
to become normal again. The symptoms of
abortion may thus last for up to this time. It is
hence very confusing for a woman to understand
the post-abortion menstrual cycle. She may very
often consider spotting within this time frame to
be her periods or may also be faced with
irregular periods for extended durations after an
3When Can I Expect My First Period After An
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5What is this first period like?
6As a matter of fact, the first period after an
abortion may be nothing like your regular periods
in terms of appearance or flow. It may also last
for longer or fewer days than usual. It takes a
few months for the menstrual cycle to gain back
its regularity. The body takes time to adapt to
not being pregnant anymore. A few of the
pregnancy hormones continue to be retained for
months after a successful termination and their
effects might be reflected in the duration of
each cycle, blood flow and severity of cramping.
A few of these changed conditions continue to
last for as long as a few years. Please note
that you must use sanitary napkins instead of
tampons for the first few periods after an
abortion because insertion of anything into the
vagina may hamper the recovery process and also
pose infection threats.
7How do I know if everything is okay?
8No periods after an abortion may also not
necessarily be a worry because there are many
women who take longer to heal. But, one must
ensure that a successful abortion is confirmed
about 2 weeks (14 days) after the intake of
Misoprostol through formal clinical assessments.
A pregnancy test cannot be completely relied
upon. If it has been 4 weeks after abortion and
no period blood is observed, it is advisable to
consult a physician and take an opinion to avoid
undue anxiety. There are chances of an undesired
pregnancy even immediately after an abortion. So,
you must wait for complete recovery and always
use contraception during sexual intercourse.
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