Title: Sustainably Upgrading the District
Respect the beauty of
Florida International University Invites you to
- Sustainably Upgrading the Districts Wastewater
Treatment Plant
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Background
- Objectives
- Planning
- Facility Assessment
- Design
- Dynamic Bio-Machine
- Costs
- Conclusion
3Problem Definition
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- As a result of community growth, the WWTP is
to be expanded. - reuse being a favorable method of disposal
- contain nitrogen reduction processes
4Loxahatchee River Control District
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Southeast Florida Coast
- South Florida Water Management District
- Drainage Basin of Loxahatchee River
- Within Palm Beach Martin Counties
- Area Population 46,000 (1996 US Census)
- 2010 Projected Population 90,000
5Existing Facility
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- 4 MGD by 1978
- Oxygen Reactors (2)
- Clarifier (3)
- Filters (6)
- Upgrade by 1986
- IQ Reuse Program (90 of Effluent in 1999)
- DIW as backup (Rated At 18 MGD)
- At 9 MGD Capacity
- Average Flow 5.4 MGD
- Daily Peaks of 14 MGD
- Mostly Residential Sewage
6Project Objectives
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Preliminary Design for Expansion (10 Years)
- Reuse as Method of Disposal
- Nitrogen Concentrations (lt10ppm)
- Phosphorus Concentrations
- Plant Specific Issues
- Complement Loxahatchee Ethic
- Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness
7Facility Assessment
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Literature Review
- FDEP (Permits) Plant Records
- Question Administration Staff
- Tour Facility
- Inquire About Plant Specific Issues
- Evaluate Land Material Availability
- Refine Determination of Future Needs
8Research Methods
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Journal Articles
- Standard Textbooks
- Internet Resources
- Graduate Student Consulting
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Conventional
- Standard Expansion with Bardenpho for N P
- Hybrid 1
- Second Set of Oxygen Reactors
- Lake Wetlands for N P Treatment
- Hybrid 2
- Living Machine Turn Key Biological System
- 3 - 1MGD Units in Parallel
- Aggressive
- Aquatic Plant Treatment
- Innovative, Progressive, Most Sustainable
10Weighted Sum Method
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Feasibility Screening
- Method Source EPA
- Evaluating Criteria Included
- Ease of OM (5)
- Low Operational Costs (8)
- Low Maintenance Costs (4)
- Low Capital Costs (9)
- Short Implementation Period (3)
- Potential to Remove N P (10)
- Reliability of Performance (9)
- Innovation (10)
- Pollution Prevention (7)
- Maximum Use of Facilities (5)
- Long Useful Life (9)
- Minimal Plant Disruptions (10)
11Result Aggressive Alternative
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Most Cost Effective
- Satisfies Objective Criteria
- Incorporates Existing Facility into Design
- Fits Within Spatial Parameters
- Uses Energy Efficient Concepts
- Coexists with Neighboring Nature Center
- Reinforces the Loxahatchee Ethic
12Advantages Limitations
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Advantages
- Provides High Treatment
- Operation Costs Minimal
- Zero Chemical Usage
- Low or Non-Existent Odors
- Variable Loads Capacity
- Pleasing Aesthetics
- All Wastes Reusable
- Limitations
- Requires Large Land Area
- Requires Continuous Water Supply
- Seasonal Fluctuations
- Estimated Removal Efficiency Rates
- Harvesting Laborious
- Solids/Ammonia Overloads Threat
- Planting Nursing Before Operation
13Universal Upgrade
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- 9 MGD ? 12.4 MGD
- New Mechanical Bar Screens
- Equalization Basin
- Primary Clarifiers
- Replace Oxygen Compressors
- Dewatering of Filter Backwash
- Plant Automation
14Universal Upgrade Details
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Headworks
- Existing Capacity of 30 MGD
- Motorized Barscreens Controlled Via Automation
- Address Rag Problem
- Projected Peak Flow of 19.8 MGD
- Equalization Basin
- Stabilize Projected Peak Flow of 19.8 MGD
- Use Existing Lined Pond
- Floating Aerators to Control Odors
- Prevent Hydraulic Overloading of Secondary
15Universal Upgrade Details (cont.)
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Primary Clarifiers
- Detention Time 1.7 Hours
- Diameter 100 ft
- Depth 15 ft
- Sludge Mixed with Waste Activated Sludge
- Handles Settling for Entire Plant
- Oxygen Compressors
- Replace Existing Units
- Annual Energy Savings Approximately 192,863
16Universal Upgrade Details (cont.)
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Dewater Filter Backwash
- Reroute to Avoid Closed-Loop
- Dewater and Include with Solids Disposal
- Plant Automation
- Simplify Operations Maintenance
- Allow for Robust Data Collection
- Connect to Neighboring Facilities
- Reduce Health and Safety Risks
17FIU Bio-MachineAn Engineered Ecosystem
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- 8-1 MGD Bio-Machine Streams
- Selected Aeration
- Cattail, Water Hyacinth, Duckweed, Various Fish
- BOD Requirements Satisfied
- TN Requirements Satisfied
- TSS Requirements Satisfied
- TP Requirements Satisfied
- Bio-Machine Pond
- Aerobic Environment
- Floating Aerators
- Water Hyacinth
- Odors Controlled
- BOD Levels Reduced
18Bio-Machine Pond
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- 810,000 ft2 ( 18.6 acres)
- Detention Time 3 Days
- Floating Aerators
- Water Hyacinth Cover
- BOD Reduced from 179 to 80 mg/l
- Nitrifying Bacteria Enabled to Flourish
19Plug Flow Model for Natural Systems
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
(Ce,i/Co,i) e-ki(t)
- i Individual Constituent
- Ce,i Effluent concentration (mg/l)
- Co,i Influent concentration (mg/l)
- ki First order reaction rate coefficient
(1/day) - t Detention time (day)
- Retarded Plug Flow May Be Used for Extended
20Bio-Machine Streams
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- 8 - 1 MGD Streams in Parallel
- 4 Depth X 20 Width X 15,000 Length
- Detention Time 11.67 Days
- Aerated Sections
- BOD Reduced from 80 to lt1 mg/l
- Cattails ? TSS via Settling
- Water Hyacinth Duckweed ? Nitrogen
- Pest Management ? Mosquito Fish
21Bio-Machine Constituent Removal
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
22Sludge Management
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Current Disposal of Sludge to Triple E Ranch in
Martin County - Martin County Considering Elimination of Sludge
Disposal - Cattail Reed Beds Only Require Dredging at 5 Year
Intervals - Sludge Disposal Frequency Significantly Reduced
23Harvesting Detritus
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Surface Vegetation Harvest Schedule
- Mechanical Bar Screen Used in Lakeland
- Detritus Dewatering
- Multiple Uses
- Fermentation for Bio-Fuel (Ethanol)
- Composting for Land Application
- Chopping for Livestock Fodder
24Pilot Study
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Use Existing Lined Pond (.77 acres)
- Construct 1 MGD Stream
- Determine Actual First Order Reaction Rate
Coefficients for Individual Parameters - Experiment with Best Combination of Plant Types
for Particular Sewage Treatment - Acquire Empirical Harvest Data for Utility
Analysis - Lime Dosages and Polymer Types Determined for
Sludge Treatment - Data from Pilot Plant Valuable Information for
Regional Plants with Interest in Expansion Using
Natural System
25Individual Unit Upgrade Costs
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- (Estimated In Millions)
- Automation 0.2
- Improved Headworks 2.6
- Equalization Basin 0.9
- Primary Clarifier 3.1
- Oxygen Compressors 0.5
- Bio-Machine (Pond) 8.2
- Bio-Machine (Streams) 12
26Total Cost Summary
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Estimated Capital Costs 27.5M
- Estimated Annual OM Costs 5.6M
27Summary of Results
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- WWTP Expanded to 12.4 MGD Average Flow
- Influent Treated to IQ Reuse
- Nitrogen Level Treated to lt10ppm
- Plant Specific Issues Resolved
- Sludge Production Minimized
- Plant Operates More Efficiently
- Energy Savings Subsidize Capital Costs
- Intensifies Loxahatchee Sustainable Ethic
28Selected References
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Tchobanoglous, George. Small and Decentralized
Wastewater Management Systems. Boston WCB
McGraw-Hill, 1998. - United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
Aquacluture Systems for Wastewater Treatment
Seminar Proceedings and Engineering Assessment
Utilization Of Water Hyacinths for control of
Nutrients in Domestic Wastewater. Washington
D.C EPA Office of Water Program Operation, 1979.
273-293. - Reynolds, Tom D., Paul A. Richard. Unit
Operations And Process In Environmental
Engineering. Second Edition. New York PWS
Publishing Company, 1996. - Santos, E. J., H. B. C. Silva, J. M. Fiuza, T.
R. O. Batista, P. P. Leal. A High Organic Load
Stabilization Pond Using Water Hyacinth___ A
Bahia Experience. Vol. 19 (1987) 25-28. - Imaoka, Tsutomu, Seiji Teranishi. Rates of
Nutrient Uptake and Growth of the Water Hyacinth
Eichhornia Crassipes (Mart.) Solms. Water
Resources Vol. 22, No. 8, 1988 (943-951).
Background ? Planning ? Design ? Costs ?
- Florida Water Environment Association, Board of
Directors - Loxahatchee River District WWTP
- Tom Vaughn, Chief Operator
- Mike Spannick, Operator
- Living Machine Technologies, Inc.
- Florida International University Department of
Civil Environmental Engineering - Dr. L. David Shen, Department Chair
- Dr. Hector R. Fuentes, Advisor