Title: Ayurhridayam is the best Wellness Center in Noida
- Ayurhridayam is a multi speciality Ayurvedic and
kshara sutra treatment centre. We offer
traditional Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments for
chronic disorders, also specialised in piles,
fissure, fistula and pilonidal sinus treatments.
3Wellness Center in Noida
- Ayurhridayam Wellness Centre in Noida.
Ayurhridayam is a luxurious wellness center in
Noida that provides a unique recovery at an
affordable price. We have a team that is experts
in physiotherapy. They specialize in Piles,
Fissure, Back Neck Pain, Posture alignment
also we provide lady doctors for piles Fissure.
4Significance of Health and Wellness
- Weight Management
- Further Develop Mood
- Forestall Diseases
- Help Energy
- Further Develops Life Span
BR-91, Sector 116, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
201305 91-98-999-519-59 www.ayurhridayam.com