Title: Walsall Borough Strategic Partnership
1Walsall Borough Strategic Partnership
- A Vision for Walsall 2021
2Walsall in a Global Context
- A global dimension to our lives
- What might the future hold for us?
3The Future Is Asia
4China Economic Growth Forecast
Overtakes Germany 2008
Overtakes Britain 2005
Overtakes America 2035
5China Tomorrow
- Highly motivated, educated talent pool
- Growth of knowledge, high-tech sector
- China corporations in acquisition trail
- China determines currency rates and world trading
6India Economic Growth Forecast
Overtakes US 2050
Overtakes Britain 2022
Overtakes Japan 2032
7India Tomorrow
- Continuous upgrading in talent pool
- High tech/knowledge based sector
- Infrastructure investment
- Emerging affluent consumer market
- Opportunities
- Indian companies in acquisition trail
- Improved compliance enforcement
8India China
- 2.5 billion people into the world economy
9A Vision for Walsallin 2021
- A vision needs to be both locally strong and
globally aware - The WBSP wanted to create a longer term vision
- And, involve the wider community in creating that
- Leaders articulate a vision and persuade people
that they want to become part of it, so that they
willingly, even enthusiastically, accept the
distress that accompanies its realisation.
- Vision is the link between dream and action.
- When people have a vision they are motivated to
make it a reality.
- We each are influenced by our own mental
picture of what we are building with our
effortsthese mental pictures are visions and
they play an important part in what a community
13Why 2021?
- The vision for 2008 provided focus, direction and
cohesion - Pride and confidence have been built around
specific objectives - Vision 2008 was a shorter term timescale people
related to well
14Why 2021?
- A longer term vision is required
- Connecting here and now to the future
- Recognising the potential for Walsall
- Connecting the local to the global
15The Vision 2021 Project
- In late 2005 Oi was asked by WBSP to carry out
some preliminary work on a Vision for Walsall in
2021 - Aimed to report to the Walsall summit in Spring
16The Purpose of the 2021 Inquiry
- To engage partners and stakeholders in a process
of discovering what Walsall can be in 2021, in
order to - Create a compelling vision for the community.
- Determine the necessary components and milestones
to achieve the vision.
17The Purpose of the 2021 Inquiry
- Generate relevant and meaningful insights related
to the physical, technological, sociological and
organisational design of Walsall. - Create a positive transition to the new Walsall
by building understanding, support and buy-in for
the change (and all that the change implies). - We are using Appreciative Inquiry (AI) techniques
to engage people.
18What Is Appreciative Inquiry?
- Ap-pre-ci-ate, v.
- to value or admire highly to judge with
heightened understanding to recognize with
- In-quire, v.
- to search into, investigate to seek for
information by questioning
- Focuses organisations and communities on their
most positive qualities. - Leverages those qualities to enhance the
organisation or community. - Appreciative Inquiry is the study of what
works well
20Why use AI ?
- AI is a way of seeing things in the world, i.e.
problems and solutions are not separate but part
of a whole, made of wishes for and paths to the
future - Our current models tend to be deficit based,
placing high value on the machine metaphor, i.e.
take it apart, fix it and return to some ideal
21Whats Different About AI?
- Purposefully positive
- Builds on past successes
- Grass roots and top down
- Highly participative
- Nurtures a positive inner dialogue
- Stimulates vision and creativity
- Accelerates change
22The 4-D Model
Discovery Appreciate What is
Affirmative Topic Choice
Delivery Create What will be
Dream Imagine What might be
Design Determine What should be
23The Four Appreciative Propositions
- People want to live in Walsall
- Walsall has excellent education and employment
- There are lots of things for everyone to do in
Walsall - Walsall is a friendly place where people get
along well
24The Story So Far
- First round of over 50 organisations, identified
for conversations - Completed the conversations early in 2006
- Now on the second round of conversations
- Keen to increase the team of interviewers and
the number of conversations we hold
25Round One Synthesis
- A skilled workforce for the 21st century
- A more flexible curriculum for children and young
people - A 21st century transport infra structure
- A town centre offer live arts and performance
centre, café culture and great shopping
26What we heard
- .every place has a time thats theirs, where
things happen. I believe that this is Walsalls
time now, if we can grab it and make it our time - Change needs to be vibrant and people need to be
energised by their surrounding - There are huge opportunities for Walsall to
establish itself at the leading edge of a
renaissance for the Black Country and the
Birmingham region. - Investment in young people repays itself
- Walsall is positive about its diversitymoving
forward because diversity brings wealth through
individual enterprise, through cultural exchange
and through the trade and investment that can
follow communities with strong links to foreign
27Round Two Emerging Themes
- The 4 main themes from Round One came out
strongly again - Strong cross sector partnerships for long term
planning and investment - Safety in neighbourhoods and town centre
- Community cohesion celebrating and building
more understanding - Preserving and improving green spaces in and
around Walsall
28Consulting the Citizens Panel
- 715 Panel members replied to a questionnaire in
the Autumn of 2006 - Some questions were based on the positive
elements designed for the AI Conversations - A different methodology to AI
- Not the same sort of creative information did
not allow for the dream element! - But.showing some similar priorities, desires and
29Vision 2021 in 2007
- Bruce Gilbert, Chairperson of the WBSP
30Vision 2021 - Appreciative Inquiry - Part 2
- Remember Appreciative Inquiry is deliberately
positive - People naturally move towards the positive and
what works well - So, discovering what works well is part of the AI
31Discovering What Works Well for You
- Without being modest, what do you most value
about yourself and your capacity to produce and
contribute to your team, your organisation and
community? - What are the main things that support and
encourage high levels of success and satisfaction
in your team, organisation and community?
32In Closing
- How can Vision 2021 help your community, group or
organisation to have appreciative conversations? - We would like you to contribute to Vision 2021 in