Title: Extreme Events, Heavy Tails, and
1Extreme Events, Heavy Tails, and the Generating
Processes Examples from Hydrology and
Efi Foufoula-Georgiou SAFL, NCED University of
E2C2 GIACS Advanced School on Extreme Events
Nonlinear Dynamics and Time Series
Analysis Comorova, Romania September 3-11, 2007
2Underlying Theme
- In Hydrology and Geomorphology Fluctuations
around the mean behavior are of high magnitude. - Understanding their statistical behavior is
useful for prediction of extremes and also for
understanding spatio-temporal heterogeneities
which are hallmarks of the underlying process-
generating mechanism. - These fluctuations are often found to exhibit
power law tails and scaling
- ... scaling laws never appear by accident. They
always manifest a property of the phenomenon of
basic importance This behavior should be
discovered, if it exists, and its absence should
also be recognized. - Barenblatt (2003)
4High-resolution temporal rainfall data
- (courtesy, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research
5Noyo River basin
- Data Available
- Sediment accumulation series
- Time series of bed elevation
- Laser transects of bed elevation
7Experimental setup
- Data Available
- Sediment accumulation series
- Time series of bed elevation
- Laser transects of bed elevation
D50 11.3mm
Discharge controlled here
Channel Width 2.75 m Channel Depth 1.8 m
D5011.3 mm
Diameter mm
- Discharge capacity 8500 lps
- Coarse sediment recirculation system located 55 m
from upstream end.
8Bed Elevation
9Sediment Transport Rates
Accumulated series (Sc(t))
Nearest neighbor differences (S(t))
Sc (t) Accumulated sediment over an interval of
0 to t sec
11Noise-free sediment transport rates
Weigh pan bedload transport rates (Q 5.5 m3/s)
(a) 1 s averaging and 0 point skip (b) 15s
averaging time and 6 point skip (from Ramooz and
Rennie, 2007)
- In Hydrology and Geomorphology Fluctuations
around the mean behavior are of high magnitude. - Understanding their statistical behavior is
useful for prediction of extremes and also for
understanding spatio-temporal heterogeneities
which are hallmarks of the underlying process-
generating mechanism. - These fluctuations are often found to exhibit
power law tails and scaling - There is a continuous need for new mathematical
tools of analysis and new paradigms of modeling
physical phenomena that exhibit a rich
statistical structure
13Localized Scaling Analysis Multifractal Formalism
Characterize a signal f(x) in terms of its
local singularities
Ex h(x0) 0.3 implies f(x) is very rough around
x0. h(x0) 0.7 implies a smoother function
around xo.
14Multifractal Formalism
Spectrum of singularities D(h)
D(h) can be estimated from the statistical
moments of the fluctuations.
Legendre Transform
15Multifractal Spectra
Spectrum of scaling exponents t(q) and Spectrum
of singlularities D(h)
16Multifractal Spectra
- Spectrum of scaling exponents
Spectrum of singularities
17Wavelet-based multifractal formalism(Muzy et
al., 1993 Arneodo et al., 1995)
CWT of f(x)
Structure Function Moments of f(xl) f(x)
Partition Function Moments of T?f(x,a)
- ? Partition Function
- Moments of Ta(x)
- (access to q lt 0)
- ? Cumulant analysis
- Moments of ln Ta(x)
- (direct access to statistics of singularities)
19Two Examples
- Landscape dissection
- Planform topology of channelized and
unchannelized paths (branching structure of river
networks and hillslope drainage patterns) - Vertical structure of landform heterogeneity
perpendicular to the river paths. - River bedform morphodynamics and sediment
transport rates
20Two Ways of Looking at Landscapes
- Planform Dissection
- Topology of the river network (channelized
paths) W(x) - Topology of the unchannelized flow paths A(x)
W(x) - Vertical roughness of topography
- Structure of the river corridor width (RCW)
21 of channels intersected by a contour of equal
flow length to the outlet
of pixels of equal flow length to the outlet
Topology of river network
Topology of the hillslope drainage paths and
topology of river network
22 of channels intersected by a contour of equal
flow length to the outlet
of pixels of equal flow length to the outlet
Topology of river network
Topology of the hillslope drainage paths and
topology of river network
23Walawe River, Sri Lanka (90x90m) A2,000 km2
24Noyo River Basin, California, USA (10x10m) A143
A rich multifractal structure is observed which
is different for A(x) and W(x)
A rich multifractal structure is observed which
is different for A(x) and W(x)
27c1 0.77 c2 0.11 SR 0.07 - 0.43 km
- Hillslope path dominated
- smoother overall than W(x)
- Hillslope drainage dissection is s-s between
scales 0.1 km 0.5km - Statistics of the density of hillslope drainage
paths strongly depend on scale
c1 0.46 c2 0.10 SR 0.13 0.70 km
- River network path dominated
- Rougher overall than A(x)
- Channel network landscape dissection is s-s
between scales 0.1 km to 0.7 km - Strong inntermittency (higher moments of pdf of
channel drainage density has a strong dependence
on scale)
Pay attention not only to the average properties
of landscape dissection but to higher moments
28c1 0.40 c2 0.05 SR 0.4 - 3.0 km
c1 0.50 c2 0.13 SR 2.4 - 6.0 km
Accurate characterization of higher moments needs
high resolution topography data
29Noyo River basin, CA (10x10m) A1430 km2
Walawe River, Sri Lanka (90x90m) A2,000 km2
South Fork Eel River, CA (1x1m 10x10m) A154 km2
C10.77 C20.11
C10.40 C20.05
C10.80 C20.05
30Peano Basin
Not comparable to real networks
Shreves random network model
c10.5 c20
Stochastic S-S model with (a , b)(1 , 2)
c10.62 c20
31(a,b)(1,2) Tk correspond to those of Shreve
Shreve Model H 0.5 S-S tree H 0.62
Difference reflects the effect of the statistical
distribution of Tk (Tk Deterministic for
Shreves model Poisson distributed for S-S tree)
Randomness in the River Network Topology is
reflected in the statistical properties of the
width function
32- Simulated river networks show different
multifractal properties than real river networks.
s-s trees are monofractal with H 0.5 0.65
while real networks are multifractal with H 0.4
0.8. - Differences between scaling properties of A(x)
and W(x) depict differences in the branching
topology of channelized vs. unchannelized
drainage paths. - Deviation from monoscaling stresses the
importance of the dependence on scale of higher
order statistics of the branching structure.
33- W(x) of channels intersected by a contour of
equal length x to the outletW(xdx)-W(x)
of new channels within a strip of dx flow
distance to outlet of copies of new
hillslope hydrographs combined in phase and
delivered to channel. -
- Shreves random topology model c10.5, c20.0,
for all dx - Walawe River Basin c10.5, c20.13 for dx 2
6 km - Deviation from scale invariance (c2 ¹ 0) Þ
extended S-S within a limited range of scales - An intermittent application of in-phase new
hillslope hydrographs along the river network Þ
Higher chance of a disproportionately larger of
in-phase new hydrographs to enter the network at
smaller than larger distances apart Þ
Implications for routing (e.g., scale-dependent
convolution? geomorphologic dispersion?) Þ
Implications for scaling of hydrographs?
34- Conjecture Deviation from scale invariance in
W(x), implies that the variability of the
in-phase hillslope hydrographs entering the
network depends on scale - ÞImplications for routing? scale-dependent
convolution? geomorphologic dispersion? - Þ Implications for scaling of hydrographs?
35River Corridor Width Functions
36River Corridor Width Function (D5m)
- Why are scaling laws of such distinguished
importance? - The answer is that scaling laws never appear by
accident. They always manifest a property of the
phenomenon of basic importance This behavior
should be discovered, if it exists, and its
absence should also be recognized. - Barenblatt (2003)
38Specific Questions Area and Width Functions
- Does the topology of river networks leave a
unique signature on the scaling of W(x) and A(x)?
- How different are the scaling properties of
commonly used simulated trees and those of real
river networks? - Are there differences between the scaling
properties of A(x) and W(x) and what do these
tell us about the topology of hillslope vs.
channelized drainage patterns in a river basin? - What are the hydrological implications of the
39- Need a localized multiscale analysis methodology
to locally characterize abrupt fluctuations
(coming about from the underlying branching
topology) - Energy associated with the small scales is
not uniformly distributed over the river network
characterize the statistical nature of the
points (flow distances from outlet) at which
abrupt local changes in W(x) or A(x) exist. - The multifractal formalism (Parisi and Frisch,
1985) allows this characterization from the
statistics of W(x) and A(x) fluctuations.
40Multifractal Formalism
Spectrum of singularities D(h)
D(h) can be estimated from the statistical
moments of the fluctuations.
Legendre Transform
41Multifractal Spectra
Spectrum of scaling exponents t(q) and Spectrum
of singlularities D(h)
A rich multifractal structure is observed which
is different for A(x) and W(x)
A rich multifractal structure is observed which
is different for A(x) and W(x)
44c1 0.77 c2 0.11 SR 0.07 - 0.43 km
- Hillslope path dominated
- smoother overall than W(x)
- Hillslope drainage dissection is s-s between
scales 0.1 km 0.5km - Statistics of the density of hillslope drainage
paths strongly depend on scale
c1 0.46 c2 0.10 SR 0.13 0.70 km
- River network path dominated
- Rougher overall than A(x)
- Channel network landscape dissection is s-s
between scales 0.1 km to 0.7 km - Strong inntermittency (higher moments of pdf of
channel drainage density has a strong dependence
on scale)
Pay attention not only to the average properties
of landscape dissection but to higher moments
45c1 0.40 c2 0.05 SR 0.4 - 3.0 km
- Hillslope path dominated
- rougher overall than W(x)
- Hillslope drainage dissection is s-s between
scales 0.4 km 3.0 km - Statistics of the density of hillslope drainage
paths depends on scale
c1 0.50 c2 0.13 SR 2.4 - 6.0 km
- River network path dominated
- Smoother overall than A(x)
- Channel network landscape dissection is s-s
between scales 2.6 km to 6.0 km - Much more intermittent (higher moments of pdf of
channel drainage density has a strong dependence
on scale)
Accurate characterization of higher moments needs
high resolution topography data
46- Conjecture Deviation from scale invariance in
W(x), implies that the variability of the
in-phase hillslope hydrographs entering the
network depends on scale - ÞImplications for routing? scale-dependent
convolution? geomorphologic dispersion? - Þ Implications for scaling of hydrographs?
47Noyo River basin, CA (10x10m) A1430 km2
Walawe River, Sri Lanka (90x90m) A2,000 km2
South Fork Eel River, CA (1x1m 10x10m) A154 km2
C10.77 C20.11
C10.40 C20.05
C10.80 C20.05
48Noyo River basin
49Peano Basin
Not comparable to real networks
Shreves random network model
c10.5 c20
Stochastic S-S model with (a , b)(1 , 2)
c10.62 c20
50(Tokunaga, 1996, 1978 Peckham, 1995)
average of tributaries of order w that
branch into a stream of order w
51(a , b) (0.75, 1.894) (1, 2) (1.25, 2.095) (1.5, 2.183) (1.75, 2.266) (1.5, 2.5) (1, 3)
D 2 2 2 2 2 1.76 1.41
order 13 12 11 11 10 10 10
3894 4160 3618 5817 3950 6435 14827
c1 0.65 0.62 0.55 0.55 0.55 Â Â
c2 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 Â Â
Note as a increases, c1 decreases, i.e., when
branching rate increases A(x) exhibits wilder
fluctuations and becomes more irregular.
52(a,b)(1,2) Tk correspond to those of Shreve
Shreve Model H 0.5 S-S tree H 0.62
Difference reflects the effect of the statistical
distribution of Tk (Tk Deterministic for
Shreves model Poisson distributed for S-S tree)
Randomness in the River Network Topology is
reflected in the statistical properties of the
width function
53A(x) W(x)
Walawe A2,000 km2 (90x90m) c10.37 0.40 c20.05 c10.50 c20.132
South Fork A154 km2 (1x1m 10x10m) c10.80 c20.05
Beaver Creek A622 km2 (30x30m) c10.44 c20.05
Noyo River Basin A 143 km2 (1x1m) c10.77 c20.11 c10.46 c20.11
Lower Noyo River Basin A km2 (1x1m) c1 c2 c1 c2
54- Simulated river networks show different
multifractal properties than real river networks.
s-s trees are monofractal with H 0.5 0.65
while real networks are multifractal with H 0.4
0.8. - Differences between scaling properties of A(x)
and W(x) depict differences in the branching
topology of channelized vs. unchannelized
drainage paths. - Deviation from monoscaling stresses the
importance of the dependence on scale of higher
order statistics of the branching structure.
55- W(x) of channels intersected by a contour of
equal length x to the outletW(xdx)-W(x)
of new channels within a strip of dx flow
distance to outlet of copies of new
hillslope hydrographs combined in phase and
delivered to channel. -
- Shreves random topology model c10.5, c20.0,
for all dx - Walawe River Basin c10.5, c20.13 for dx 2
6 km - Deviation from scale invariance (c2 ¹ 0) Þ
extended S-S within a limited range of scales - An intermittent application of in-phase new
hillslope hydrographs along the river network Þ
Higher chance of a disproportionately larger of
in-phase new hydrographs to enter the network at
smaller than larger distances apart Þ
Implications for routing (e.g., scale-dependent
convolution? geomorphologic dispersion?) Þ
Implications for scaling of hydrographs?
56- Conjecture Deviation from scale invariance in
W(x), implies that the variability of the
in-phase hillslope hydrographs entering the
network depends on scale - ÞImplications for routing? scale-dependent
convolution? geomorphologic dispersion? - Þ Implications for scaling of hydrographs?
57South Fork Eel River, CA
Area 351 km2
58River Corridor Width Function (D5m)
- What is the statistical structure of RCW(x)?
- Do physically distinct regimes exhibit
statistically distinct signatures? - How can the statistical structure be used in
modeling and prediction of hydrographs,
sedimentographs and pollutographs across scales?
60SOUTH FORK EEL RIVER, CA Hypsometric Profile
61River Reach 0-6 Km
62Reach 20-28 km
63Motivating questions
- Are statistically-distinct regimes the result of
physically-distinct valley-forming processes? - Do differences in mechanistic laws governing
valley-forming processes leave their signature on
the statistical properties of valley geometry? - How can these statistical properties be used for
modeling and prediction?
64River Corridor Width Function South Fork Eel
6 km
14 km
20 km
28 km
35 km
89 tributaries (1 km2 150 km2)
65River Reach 0-6 km
66River Reach 20-28 km
67Recall the interpretation of multifractal
- C1 a larger value means a smoother function
(more smoothing than roughening mechanisms are
responsible for the formation of this surface) - C2 a larger value means more intermittency
(localized very large fluctuations or bursts
are present signaling nonlinear and localized
transport mechanisms)
Right-Left asymmetry
More localized NL transport mechanism?
More localized on L than R side?
Smoother overall valleys?
Presence of more terraces in R than L?
70Conclusions on RCW Series
- RCW fluctuations exhibit a deviation from
scale-invariance - As we move from the bedrock to more alluvial
valleys, the statistical intermittency increases
indicating an increased presence of very
localized abrupt fluctuations probably due to
increasingly localized transport mechanisms. - There is a significant left-right asymmetry in
the statistical structure of RCWs reflecting
different underlying processes in each side of
the river.
71Conclusions and Open Questions
- Hillslope roughness seems to carry the
signature of valley forming processes need to
provide a complete hierarchical characterization.
Do hillslope evolution models reproduce this
structure? What is the effect on hillslope
sediment variability of the higher order
statistics of travel paths to streams?
72Some Words of Caution
There exist multiple ways by which an emergent
pattern can manifest itself from mechanistic or
physical processes
Ex. 1
Omittance of floodplain and two distinct rainfall
regimes -or- channel-floodplain interactions with
a single rainfall regime ß Both can give a
scaling break in floods Þ need enough underlying
observations to pose the right hypotheses which
might be region-dependent
Peano basins have been used in modeling studies
to relate the scaling of hydrograph peaks to the
scaling of the peaks of the width functions and
several runoff production mechanisms. But scaling
of Peano basin W(x) ¹ scaling of real network
W(x) Þ Implications?
Ex. 2
Gangodagamage, C., E. Barnes, and E.
Foufoula-Georgiou, Scaling in river corridor
widths depicts organization in valley morphology,
Geomorphology, doi10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.04.414,
2007. Lashermes, B. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou,
Area and width functions of river networks new
results on multifractal properties, Water
Resources Research, doi10.1029/2006WR005329,
2007 Lashermes, B., E. Foufoula-Georgiou, and W.
Dietrich, Channel network extraction from high
resolution topograhy using wavelets, Geophysical
Research Letters, in press, 2007. Sklar L. S.,
W. E. Dietrich, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, B.
Lashermes, D. Bellugi, Do gravel bed river size
distributions record channel network structure?,
Water Resources Research, 42, W06D18,
doi10.1029/2006WR005035, 2006. Barnes, E. M.E.
Power, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, M. Hondzo, and W.E.
Dietrich, Scaling Nostic biomass in a
gravel-bedrock river Combining local dimensional
analysis with hydrogeomorphic scaling laws,
Geophysical Research Letters, under review.
74Experimental setup
- Data Available
- Sediment accumulation series
- Time series of bed elevation
- Laser transects of bed elevation
D50 11.3mm
Discharge controlled here
Channel Width 2.75 m Channel Depth 1.8 m
D5011.3 mm
Diameter mm
- Discharge capacity 8500 lps
- Coarse sediment recirculation system located 55 m
from upstream end.
- Data Available
- Sediment accumulation series
- Time series of bed elevation
- Laser transects of bed elevation
- Do the statistics of sediment transport rates
depend on scale (sampling interval or time
interval of averaging) and how? - Does this statistical scale-dependence depend on
flow rate, bed shear stress, and bedload size
distribution (e.g., gravel vs. sand, etc.) - Do the statistics of sediment transport relate to
the statistics of bedform morphodynamics and how? - What are the practical implications of all these?
77Sediment Transport Rates
Accumulated series (Sc(t))
Nearest neighbor differences (S(t))
Sc (t) Accumulated sediment over an interval of
0 to t sec
79Noise-free sediment transport rates
Weigh pan bedload transport rates (Q 5.5 m3/s)
(a) 1 s averaging and 0 point skip (b) 15s
averaging time and 6 point skip (from Ramooz and
Rennie, 2007)
Characterize a signal f(x) in terms of its local
Ex h(x0) 0.3 implies f(x) is very rough around
x0. h(x0) 0.7 implies a smoother function
around xo.
Spectrum of singularities D(h)
D(h) can be estimated from the statistical
moments of the fluctuations.
Legendre Transform
Spectrum of scaling exponents t(q)
- Local analysis (as opposed to global, e.g.,
spectral analysis) - Can characterize the statistical structure of
localized abrupt fluctuations over a range of
scales - Wavelet-based multifractal formalism -- uses
generalized fluctuations instead of standard
differences (f(x) f(xdx)) - Can automatically remove non-stationarities in
the signal both in terms of overall trends and in
terms of low-frequency oscillations coming from
dune or ripple effects - Can automatically remove noise in the signals and
point to the minimum scale that can be safely
interpreted - Can characterize effectively how pdfs change with
scale with only one or two parameters
Variability levels off
Scaling range
C11.10 C20.10
15 min
1 min
85Q 4300 lps
C10.55 C20.15
Statistical Variability regime changes
Scaling range
1 min
10 min
     Polynomial approx. Polynomial approx.
Q (lps) Pan Scaling Range (min) Shield stress t(2) 2 t(1) c1 c2 c1 (cumulants)
 2 1 10 0.085 -0.26 0.40 0.15 0.53
4300 3 1 10 Â -0.20 0.56 0.14 0.57
 4 1 -- 3  -0.10 0.52 0.05 0.53
 2 2 15 0.111 -0.12 1.30 0.11 1.34
4900 3 2 15 Â -0.14 1.33 0.10 1.33
 4 2 15  -0.09 1.24 0.08 1.24
 2 1 15 0.196 -0.13 1.09 0.09 1.17
5500 Â 3 1 15 Â -0.15 1.07 0.09 1.18
5500 Â 4 1 -- 15 Â -0.15 1.15 0.10 1.25
- Higher c1 means a smoother signal
- Higher c2 means a stronger dependence of the
higher moments on scale, spatially inhomogeneous
distribution of extreme bursts, more likelihood
of extreme bursts at very small scales
c20 monofractal t(2)2t(1) all moments can
be scaled with one parameter c1H only CV is
constant with scale
c2¹0 multifractalfractal t(2)lt2t(1) need 2
parameters c1, c2 to scale pdfs CV decreases
with increase in scale
Low flows
- The sedimentation rate is a fractal (s-s)
process - The longer the time interval, the lower the
average sedimentation rate (in double the time,
sedimentation rate decreases by a factor of 0.7
2(-0.4)) - The smaller the time interval, the higher the
chance to encounter an extreme localized rate
High Flows
- The change in sedimentation rate is a fractal
(s-s) process - The longer the time interval, the higher the
expected change in sedimentation rate (in double
the time, the gradient of sedimentation rate
changes by a factor of 1.1 2(0.2))
89Bed Elevation
90Bed elevation data
Note these series are plotted till 3000 data
points to show the same scale
Scaling range
C10.70 C20.11
0.5 min
8 min
Scaling range
C10.55 C20.05
12 min
1 min
93Inferences on Nonlinearity
Basu and Foufoula-Georgiou, Detection of
nonlinearity and chaoticity in time series using
the transportation distance function, Phys.
Letters A, 2002.
94Finite Size Lyapunov Exponent (FSLE)
- FSLE is based on the idea of error growing time
(Tr(d)), which is the time it takes - for a perturbation of initial size d to grow by
a factor r (equals to v2 in this work) - measure the typical rate of exponential
divergence of nearby trajectory - d(nr) size of the perturbation at the time nr at
which this perturbation first exceeds (or becomes
equal to) the size rd - For an initial error d and a given tolerance ?
rd, the average predictability time -
Basu et al., Predictability of atmospherci
boundary layer flows as a function of scale,
Geophys. Res. Letters, 2002.
95(No Transcript)
96(No Transcript)
- Documented a clear dependence of sediment
transport rates and of the corresponding bed
elevation series on scale - Need to explore more rigorously the dependence on
flow rate, grain size distribution, etc. and how
the self-organized structure of the bed elevation
reflects itself in the statistics of the sediment
transport rate - Must think about the implications of scaling for
sampling and also for the development of sediment
transport equations
Gangodagamage, C., E. Barnes, and E.
Foufoula-Georgiou, Scaling in river corridor
widths depicts organization in valley morphology,
Geomorphology, doi10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.04.414,
2007. Lashermes, B. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou,
Area and width functions of river networks new
results on multifractal properties, Water
Resources Research, doi10.1029/2006WR005329,
2007 Lashermes, B., E. Foufoula-Georgiou, and W.
Dietrich, Channel network extraction from high
resolution topograhy using wavelets, Geophysical
Research Letters, in press, 2007. Sklar L. S.,
W. E. Dietrich, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, B.
Lashermes, D. Bellugi, Do gravel bed river size
distributions record channel network structure?,
Water Resources Research, 42, W06D18,
doi10.1029/2006WR005035, 2006. Barnes, E. M.E.
Power, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, M. Hondzo, and W.E.
Dietrich, Scaling Nostic biomass in a
gravel-bedrock river Combining local dimensional
analysis with hydrogeomorphic scaling laws,
Geophysical Research Letters, under review.
99 100(No Transcript)
101(No Transcript)
102Transportation Distance
- based on both the geometric and probabilistic
aspects of point distributions - provide a measure of long term qualitative
differences between any - two time series (x and y).
- µij gt 0 amount of material
shipped from box Bi to box Bj - dij taxi cab metric
normalized to the embedding dimension between
the centres of Bi and Bj
103Bed elevation Summary
Table 2
Polynomial approx. Polynomial approx.
Q (lps) Probe Scaling Range (min) Shield stress t(2) -2 t(1) c1 c2 c1 (cumul)
4300 4 1-12 0.085 -0.0396 0.5686 0.0488 0.5546
4900 3 0.5-20 0.111 -0.0404 0.6187 0.0658 0.5784
5500 3 0.5-8 0.196 -0.1567 0.7054 0.1169 0.7523
RESULT The higher the flow, the smoother the bed
elevation fluctuations overall (larger c1) but
the higher chance to find localized rough spots
inhomogeneously distributed over time (c2
c20 monofractal t(2)2t(1) all moments can
be scaled with one parameter c1H only CV is
constant with scale
c2¹0 multifractalfractal t(2)lt2t(1) need 2
parameters c1, c2 to scale pdfs CV decreases
with increase in scale
105High-resolution temporal rainfall data
- (courtesy, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research