Title: Model Fusion AOP Feature Interaction
1Model Fusion?AOP?Feature Interaction
- Tom Maibaum
- McMaster University
- tom_at_maibaum.org
2Some History
- Views idea (models in different formalisms used
jointly to design systems) originated with - Atendolfo Angel Pereda Borquez and Roberto Lins
de Carvalho, PUC/Rio, 1978-82 - mapping models from one formalism to another
- used 4 different formalisms
- Celso Niskier, Daniel Schwabe and Carlos José
Pereira Lucena, PUC/Rio, 1984-86 - built tool PRISMA to represent in Prolog cluses
the information from 3 models, to maintain joint
consistency - Celso came to Imperial College to do a PhD,
introduced the ideas to Anthony Finkelstein and
PRESTO - Bashar Nuseibeh, Steve Easterbrook, etc
3Related Ideas
- Database integration and fusion
- originally, mapping various DB schemas into some
fusion, so as to integrate respective DBs - with modern genetics DBs, with badly defined
schemas and humongous amounts of data, emphasis
on logical (as opposed to real) integration - the idea is to provide a mechanism for joint use
of DBs for computational purposes, without
actually building a joint model
4Relating Models
- Underlying any notion of views/model fusion is a
map from one formalism to another - how to map a model in one into a model in the
other - integrate a view into a global model
- relate one view to another
- This is straightforward enough, BUT
- What happens when structure is taken into
5Relating Models
Different formalisms with different concepts of
object (component) and morphism (structuring
6Relating Models
if formalisms closely related structural
elements are inductively mapped to compound
structures in other formalism
7Relating Models
if formalisms not closely related structural
elements are smeared across the whole structure
in other formalism
see any decent category theory book for a
8model fusion results in smears on smears
see any decent category theory book for a
definition of smear composition
- This puts us in mind of aspect oriented
programming - which puts us in mind of what was the feature
interaction problem of telephony - fused structures lose structure
- a lot of detail related to simply representing
structure indirectly - feature interaction occurs
- order of fusion becomes important
- WHAT A MESS!!!!!!!!!!
- If you dont want to blow a fuse, dont literally