- What are the gaps?
- Real audience insight
- Ways to share the insight
- Communication Support tools
- Enabling eco action
- One hundred ways to win a campaign
- The rules of the game (Futerra)
- Grunig and hunt
- www.campaignstrategy.org
- Motion Gallery
- www.filmmakersforconservation.org
3Recommendations for better practice in
communicating about conservation issues.
- Avoid jargon
- Clear messages
- Positive messages
- Linking it to local action
- Learning from advertising industry
- Humor
- Emotion
- Linking it to everyday life
- Images, photos
- Making it relevant
- Human ecology, weaving human life into natural
4Examples of good practice - what has and has not
worked well?
- Partnerships, celebration, (Manchester is My
Planet) - Spring watch (people can make a difference,
celebrating peoples success) - Visitor attractions (e.g. Eden project), very
simple message, digestible message, gives the
feeling of joining a movement, integrity,
encouraging initiative. - World Fairs e.g. Aichi in Japan
- Jamie Oliver, about people and their real lives.
Very emotional and idealistic. It touched the
public. - Suprising Coalitions (e.g. business on climate
change pre G8). - Bold leadership, risk taking with a vision
- Disasters
- Lack of recourses, no commitment from the top.
5Ideas and suggestions about how the effectiveness
of communication campaigns are best measured
- Inspiring learning for all (www.inspiringlearningf
orall.gov.uk) - Need regular feedback on your objectives and
success - Set measurable targets
- Number of pledges
- Live ongoing measurement (creates a sense of
excitement) - Membership increase success
- Comments, critique and reactions to a program
should be recorded - Allow evaluation of brave failures, and share the
6Identify significant challenges and opportunities
in the delivery of your conservation agenda with
this target audience.
- Over saturation of messages
- Lack of coordination
- Cognitive dissonance
- Contradictory policy
- Aspirational products and services for the target
audience - Applying it to daily life
- Empowering the audience
- Joining the club, a feeling of belonging
- Caring and simple action
- Spread the heat
- Making it easy to take action
- Natural disasters, both challenge and opportunity
7Is there enough awareness around conservation
issues in your target audience? If not, who do
we still need to reach?
- Awareness is high
- But dont get involved
- Lack of depth of knowledge
- Lack of emotional engagement
- Lack of empowerment
What is the communications agenda for this
target audience is it awareness raising or call
to action?
- Raising awareness about what to do next
- Creating the air of permission
- Taking responsibility
- Wanting to do it
- Encouraging change and partnership between
organizations - Progressive consensus
88) Limited budgets force us into important
choices where should our priorities lie?
- Warm Prospectors (people interested in changes
that are fashionable) - A diverse group that we need to segment before
targeting them - Policy makers, important persons
- Traditional people
Key communication issues related to conservation
and biodiversity over the next 5 years
- Biodiversity being knocked off by climate change
- Connecting the individual issues into a world
view - Flooding, land use
- Making global issues local
9Best Practice examples
- Spring watch
- Sustaining green places in Southville community
in Bristol