- Mrs Almitra H Patel, Member
- Supreme Court Committee for Solid Waste
Management - Advisor, Clean Jharkhand Project
- almitrapatel_at_rediffmail.com
2India is blessed with a powerful and free press,
radio TV
- It is believed and trusted by the citizens.
- So it can play an important role in supporting
President Kalams efforts to improve Indias
self-esteem and provide positive role-models for
our youth.
3In many progressive Indian cities, the media has
changed public indifference to filth and
- This is most successful when
- highlighting small and large successes
- of individuals and neighbourhood civic
- experiments.
4BBCs program showing door-to-door waste
collection in Bangalore captured public
- It inspired many neighbourhood groups all
- over India to copy this pattern and get rid of
- unsightly waste-bins on streets.
- It is catching on in Ranchi too, through
- Pocket Development Committees (PDCs)
- This was the most important message of the BBC
- program and others like it.
- Encouraging good efforts has now become
- acceptable, even fashionable.
- Reporters find that they need not be always
- critical, always negative, in order to impress
their - bosses and their readers with their impartiality.
6Positive News helps enormously
- Kottayams 100-Literacy success is the best
example. - The District Collector, Mr K J Alphons, got a
quarter-page on page one of every local paper for
his daily human-interest stories on
newly-literate drop-outs, adults, grandmothers,
which the public eagerly awaited.
7Mumbais ALMs are also a media-assisted movement
- Over 400 Zero-Waste colonies with
- Advanced Locality Management have
- sprung up after the pioneers successes were
featured and new ones regularly high-lighted.
8ALMs first beautify, then clean up, then locally
compost, their area wastes.
- Wet food wastes are daily collected
door-to-door, and composted in neat sites. - Dry recyclable waste is sold or given as
kooda-daanam to poor rag-pickers weekly, at the
9Ahmedabads SEWA is famous too
- There, rag-pickers have formed a large
- cooperative for organised and punctual
- weekly door-to-door waste collection.
- They also have their own savings and loan
- bank for micro-credit to coop members.
10Terrace-gardens grown on food wastes have also
been highlighted.
- This has made it possible for Pune to insist
- on vermi - composting arrangements in
- every group of high - rise apartments
- before completion certificates are issued.
- This is impossible without media support.
11Bangalore features 1 Ward a week
- Plus and minus points of the areas infra-
- structure are highlighted.
- A popular Box features the positive efforts
- and achievements of one outstanding hard-
- working citizen working for civic issues.
- This has inspired otherwise passive and
- silent citizens to improve their areas too.
12Ranchi already has 49 PDCs, all started by
word-of-mouth demand.
- An entrepreneur is cleaning 7 areas since 7
years, without publicity. - A street market plans self-help clean-up.
- Local waste-points may soon be bio-
- sanitised odour-free as in Jamshedpur.
13All this is enough material for a story a week on
local achievers in Ranchi and Jharkhand
- These can convince the public that it is more
- profitable to be pro-active and get involved
- in a Clean City movement, than to simply
- criticise non-performance while paying for
- it in doctors bills and absenteeism from
- school and work.
14The choice is Ranchis, with the medias help.