Original - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... the group P in as random as fashion as possible, so we should be taking many ... using partition shifting follow similar trends for increasing r values as those ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Original

The Pollard Rho Attack On Elliptic Curve
  • Original Improved Implementations for solving
    ECDLP over finite fields

Why use Elliptic Curves?
  • Cryptosystems must be based on mathematical
    problems that are computationally infeasible even
    for large distributed systems
  • Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) is a popular
    choice as a basis for modern cryptosystems
  • DLP is hard but still feasible for sophisticated
    hackers since there are subexponential time
  • Elliptic curve version of this problem is
    significantly harder no general purpose
    subexponential time algorithms are known

Why study Pollard Rho?
  • Widely accepted as the best method for solving
    Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP)
  • Equivalent or better running time than other
    elliptic curve attacks
  • Can be parallelized in software or hardware
  • Easy to implement
  • Negligible storage requirements
  • General purpose - works for any instance
    regardless of type or representation of
    underlying finite field

Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
  • Based on difficulty of the ECDLP for elliptic
    curves defined over a finite cyclic group
  • In practice, the two common groups used are
  • Fp 0, 1, p - 1 p is prime
  • F 2m b0b1bm bi in (0,1)
  • Both groups offer efficiency and freedom from
    round-off errors
  • ECDLP is equally hard on curves defined over
    either group, thus both provide same level of

Finite field F 24
  • Consider the small field F 24 with generator g
  • Field contains all powers of g from 1 to n where
    gn (0001)
  • Each element can be viewed as a polynomial of
    degree lt 4 (0110) is 0x3 1x2 1x 01
  • Addition is done modulo 2 (i.e 1 1 0) this
    is equivalent to bitwise exclusive OR operation
  • Subtraction is the same operation
  • Multiplication requires special irreducible
    polynomial of degree 4, in this case f(x) x4
    x 1

Elliptic Curves over F 2m
  • An elliptic curve over F 2m satisfies
  • y2 xy x3 ax2 b, a,b ? F 2m , b ? 0
  • Includes all points (x,y) that satisfy above
    equation, where x and y are in F 2m (i.e
    m-length binary strings)
  • Also includes special point at infinity, which
    is the identity ?
  • Number of points on curve is finite and random,
    changing with a and b
  • Order of a randomly-generated curve must be
    computed with Schoofs algorithm, which is

Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem
  • Consider a curve E(Fq) and point P on E with ltPgt
    P, 2P, 3P nP where nP ?, where ? is
  • ECDLP Given ltPgt with generator P and element Q,
    find integer x where Q xP
  • Q is the public key and x is the private key
  • P is chosen so n ordltPgt is large
  • We use additive notationrather than
    multiplicativeto express exponentiationP3 3P
    P P P

Pollards Rho Method
  • Generate a sequence of terms in ltPgt called a
    walk using an iterating function F ltPgt ? ltPgt
  • We set Y0 P
  • Then Yi1 F(Yi) for i 0,1,2
  • Resulting sequence consists of an initial series
    of terms followed by a cycle of terms and thus
    models the letter Rho

Original Pollard Rho
  • Partition the group ltPgt into 3 parts of roughly
    equal size, sayS1, S2, and S3
  • When adapted for elliptic curves, iteration
    function becomes
  • Generates a sequence of terms of form Yk
    akP bkQ where scalars ak and bk are
  • a0 1 and b0 0 (since Y0 P)
  • ak1 ak 1, 2ak, ak mod nbk1 bk, 2bk, bk
    1 mod n

Solving for the Private Key
  • Compare each new termgenerated with a
    fixednumber of stored termsuntil a match is
    found and we have
  • aiP biQ ajP bjQ
  • Since Q xP, we get
  • ai xbi ? aj xbj mod n
  • x (aj - ai)Inv(bi - bj) mod n
  • Rho method works only if inverse exists (i.e.
    gcd(bi-bj, n) 1)
  • In commercial implementations, n is prime due to
    Pohlig-Hellman, so success rate of Pollard Rho is
    nearly 100

Measuring Performance
  • Rho method is exponential with running time O(?
  • We calculate the L-factor as followsL no.
    iterations until match found ? n
  • Experiments have shown that an iterating function
    that produces a truly random walk should have an
    average L-factor of 1.416
  • In this analysis, we consider average L over 500
    instances of the ECDLP for prime order subgroups
    of points on curves defined over F 28

Results of Original Pollard Rho
  • Results are about 35 slower than ideal norm
    for random walk

Why is original so slow?
  • Iterating function does yield a truly random walk
    since point additions done at each step are not
    random enoughIf Yk ? S1, Yk1 Yk (1P
    0Q),If Yk ? S2, Yk1 2YkIf Yk ? S3, Yk1
    Yk (0P 1Q)
  • In partition 1, we are taking a small step by
    adding only 1P
  • In partition 3, when Q is a small scalar value of
    P, we are also taking a small step when Q is
  • What happens if we randomize the size of steps
    taken in rules 1 and 3?

Modified Original Method
  • The iterating function now becomes

where am,bm,an,bn random in 0, n-1
Results of Modified Original
  • Results are better, but still about 30
    slower than ideal norm for random walk

Why is modified also slow?
  • Iterating function is still limited to three
    rules, which means we can only take three
    different sizes of steps at a given turn
  • We wish to explore the group ltPgt in as random as
    fashion as possible, so we should be taking many
    different sized steps
  • Work by Teske has shown that increasing number of
    partitions leads to significant performance
  • We introduce two new walks Adding walks and
    Mixed walks

Adding Walks
  • Partition the group ltPgt into r parts of roughly
    equal size
  • We map an element to a particular partition using
    a hashing function v ltPgt ? 1,r
  • Iterating function becomes
  • F(Y) Y Mv(Y)
  • We have r addition steps, each of which uses a
    representative element Ms for its partition
  • Terms Ms are computed as follows
  • Ms asP bsQ
  • where as,bs random in 0, n-1
  • What is the ideal value of r?

Adding Walk Results
Mixed Walks
  • Partition the group ltPgt into rq parts of roughly
    equal size
  • With hashing function v ltPgt ? 1,rq, our
    iterating function is
  • We have r addition steps using
    representative terms M1, M2Mr, each of which
    is a random linear combination of P and Q
  • We have q doubling steps applied for
    partitions r1,q
  • What is the ideal ratio of r to q?

Mixed Walk Results
Mixed Walk Results (contd)
Adding vs. Mixed Walks
Adding Mixed
  • Using doubling steps only improves
    performance when a small number of additions
    steps are used
  • Improvement of doubling steps vanishes well
    below the area of peak performance for adding
  • Can doubling ever help for large r?

Hash Function Details
  • We examine the original hash function adapted for
    mixed walks, which models v ltPgt ? 1,rq
  • Consider Y ? ltPgt, which is a curve point with
    coordinates x, y ? F 2m
  • Let l (2m / rq)
  • Partitions 1 to r lead to point additions
    and partitions r1 to rq lead to point
  • Curve points with X values in the upper
    range of F 2m are doubled

New Idea Doubling the Identity Point
  • Set hash function so identity point is
  • F(?) ? ? 2? ?
  • When we reach ? in our walk, next term
    generated will also be ?
  • We then have matching terms and can solve
    for the private key
  • Since ? is represented as (0,0), we want
    elements in ltPgt with X value 0 to be mapped
    to a doubling step

Partition Shifting
  • Perform regular hash operation, then shift result
    to a different partition
  • Consider generalized hashing function v(Y) ltPgt
    ? 1,rq
  • Define modified hash function
  • v(Y) v(Y) k mod rq
  • where k ? 1, rq
  • Pick k r. Then we shifts terms in partition 1
    to r1, 2 to r2, etc...
  • Identity is mapped to a doubling step
  • We only need one doubling step, so we set q1 and
    examine the effects of changing r

Results of Partition Shifting
r L-factor
Improve-(q1) Original Shift by r ment
() 3 1.714 1.588 7.35
4 1.610 1.499 6.89 6
1.531 1.414 7.64 8
1.492 1.376 7.77 10 1.448
1.363 5.87 15 1.419
1.352 4.72 20 1.437 1.314
8.56 30 1.400 1.285
8.21 40 1.341 1.261 5.97
60 1.325 1.231 7.09 80
1.381 1.243 9.99
Analysis of Results
  • Partition shifting by a factor of r inmixed
    walks withq1 yields modestperformanceimproveme
  • Average improvement for the 11 values of r shown
    is 7.28
  • L values for instances using partition shifting
    follow similar trends for increasing r values as
    those for adding walks with no shifting
  • In both cases, peak in performance occurs at or
    around r 60

  • Original Pollard Rho method does not achieve
    performance of a truly random walk
  • Randomizing size of steps taken in original leads
    to a slight speed-up
  • Teskes Adding and Mixed walks achieve better
    performance than the average random walk
  • Modifying hash function so identity is always
    mapped to a doubling step gives a modest boost to
  • For future improvements, consider defining an
    iterating function where were likely to reach
    identity quickly
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