Title: New England Regional Colloquium Series
1New England Regional Colloquium SeriesSystems
of State Support
- B. Keith Speers
- January 24, 2007
2Intended Outcomes
- Become more aware of issues facing states as they
partner with regional providers / personnel to
support School Improvement. - Discover new approaches to School Improvement
Support work through shared dialogue with
3Intended Outcomes
- Learn more about Ohios Statewide System of
School Improvement Support. - Develop greater networks through which they can
problem-solve and continuously improve their
States System of Support.
North Carolina
5Key Element 1 System Overview
- Participants will be more aware of Ohios
Statewide System of School Improvement Support. - Participants will develop greater networks
through which they can problem-solve and
continuously improve their States System of
6Tri-Tier Model of School Improvement Support
7Technical Assistance Model
- Two Views
- Service Delivery
- Tiered Support
8Technical Assistance Model
- Cognitive Coaching Model
- http//www.cognitivecoaching.com/
- Increasing Support Over Time
- Continuum from Technical Assistance toward
9Technical Assistance Model
- Support Aligned to NCLB
- Needs Assessment and Goal Setting
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation and Feedback
10Technical Assistance Model
- High Quality Technical Assistance
- is purposeful, structured and a continuous
process - is informed by multiple sources of data
- is collaborative
11Technical Assistance Model
- High Quality Technical Assistance
- includes varied learning experiences that
accommodate individual educators knowledge and
skills - results in acquisition, enhancement of refinement
of skills and knowledge - is evaluated by its short and long term impact on
professional practice and achievement of all
12Technical Assistance Model
- A brief 16 minute video overview of Ohios
Statewide System of School Improvement Support is
available on our website. - Go to www.ode.state.oh.us.
- Type Statewide in the search engine.
13Opportunities for Growth
- Communication of School Improvement Support
products, programs and services provided by the
State Agency
14Opportunities for Growth
- Ensure quality of professional development
provided across the state meets the HQPD
Standards adopted by the Ohio State Board of
15Opportunities for Growth
- Better integrate and coordinate State Agency
initiatives to ensure an aligned system of
support that is considered value-added by
District and Building Leaders
16System Components
- Purpose
- Context
- Structures
- Functions
- Processes
17Key Element 2 Scope of Work
- Confessions about our Rubrics
- 1,000 little pieces possible
- Attempt to model the concept of focus
- Recurring references in School Improvement
research - You may think some pieces should fall in other
parts of the rubricGOOD!
18District Partnership Agreement Rubrics
- Curriculum
- Instruction
- Assessment
- Conditions / Climate
- Leadership
19Focus of Our Work
- District and Instructional Leaders
- Teachers acting in roles typically assigned to
administrators - Commitment and Capacity
- Research-based District assurances
- Partnership Agreement process
20Focus of Our Work
- Build capacity to plan and implement School
Improvement processes - Roles and Responsibilities
- What needs to happen in and what support is
needed for each role? - Innovation Configuration Maps
- Services not Funding
21District Partnership Agreement Rubrics
- Four point scale
- Self-scored
- Evidenced-based
- Sets standard while allowing district to
determine the strategies
22District Partnership Agreement
- Supports existing District Improvement Efforts
- Focused intended outcome aligned to movement on
the scales - Logical and sequential action steps yield the
intended outcome -
- Long term focus with short term timelines
23District Partnership Agreement
- Requires evidence of implementation and impact
- Identifies responsible person
- Connects District Systems change efforts to
formative and summative student achievement data -
- Iterative documents that grow and change
24Opportunities for Growth
- Refinement of evidence listed in each box on the
scales to provide greater clarity and support for
District self-assessment efforts
25Opportunities for Growth
- Identification of tools, templates and resources
to support improvement in each system
26Opportunities for Growth
- Compilation of research summary for each system
that includes milestones and exemplar practices
to reach those milestones
27Opportunities for Growth
- Prioritization of the systems arranged in a
building block fashion to assist Districts in
knowing where to start
28Opportunities for Growth
- Identification of how much time it takes to
accomplish the work and whether adequate
resources and time have been set aside to provide
the necessary support.
29System Components
- Purpose
- Context
- Structures
- Functions
- Processes
30Key Element 3 Performance Measurement
- What gets measured gets done!
31Performance Measurement
- Infrastructure
- Efficiency
- Effectiveness
- Service Delivery
- Implementation
- Impact
- Efficiency
- Cost
- Coordination
- Integration
- Alignment
- Collaboration
- Effectiveness
- Timeliness
- Responsiveness
- Reaching our Target Customers
- Customer Perceptions of added value
34Service Delivery
- Implementation
- Did we do what we said we would do by the time we
said we would do it? - What evidence / artifacts do we have?
35Service Delivery
- Impact
- What difference did it make as measured by
movement on the Rubrics? - What does the District do or have now that it did
not do or have before? - What evidence / artifacts do we have?
36Performance Measurement
- Impact Measures
- Improvement of student achievement demonstrated
on formative and summative assessments - Movement within state designations
- Movement regarding Adequate Yearly Progress rating
37Continuous Improvement Metric
- Systems for data collection
- System to Achieve Results with Students (STARS)
- Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP)
- Elluminate tracks virtual meetings
- Camtasia tracks recorded video professional
38Continuous Improvement Metric
- District Portfolio Summary
- Artifacts not collected electronically
- Focus on telling the Districts story
- Progress to date
- Barriers to progress
- Potential strategies to address barriers
39Continuous Improvement Metric
- Quarterly Implementation
- Data collection and reporting
- Data validation by Teams
- Cut score for each indicator established
- Corrective Action Plans as required
40Opportunities for Growth
- Identification of measures to assess quality of
service providers - Content knowledge
- Process knowledge
- Credentialing
41Opportunities for Growth
- Narrowing the number of measures and determining
which measures are most critical and will yield
the greatest improvement
42Opportunities for Growth
- Refinement of evaluation of quality of the
District Partnership Agreement document - Debate over whether we should assess the written
plan or only the implementation of the plan with
the District - How much time should we spend revising our
written agreement with the District?
43System Components
- Purpose
- Context
- Structures
- Functions
- Processes