Title: Attention
2The meaning of attention
- Term attention doesnt mean the same thing to all
people - We apply the term attention to a huge range of
phenomena, from the basic notion of arousal and
alertness all the way up to consciousness and
awareness. - Attention the mental process of concentrating
effort on a stimulus or mental event an activity
that occurs within the cognitive system, a
3Types of attention
- Input Attention
- Alertness or arousal
- Orienting reflex or response
- Spotlight attention
- Controlled Attention
- Selective attention
- Mental resources and conscious processing
- Supervisory attentional system
44 interrelated ideas about attention
- First, we are constantly confronted with much
more information than we can pay attention to - Second, there are serious limitations in how much
we can attend to any at one time - Third, we can respond to some information and
perform some tasks with little if any attention - Fourth, with sufficient practice and knowledge,
some tasks become less and less demanding of our
attentional processes.
5Basic characteristics of attention
- Attention is a mental process that requires
mental resources to direct and focus mental
processes - These mental resources are limited the more
attention one tasks requires the less available
for performing others
6Alertness and Arousal
- The nervous syytem must be awake, responsive, and
able to interact with the environment - Input Attention The basic processes of getting
sensory information into the cognitive system. - Explicit Processing Involving conscious
processing, conscious awareness that a task is
being performed, and usually conscious awareness
of the outcome of that performance. - Implicit Processing Processing in which there
is no necessary involvement of conscious
7Reflexive Attention and the Orienting Response
8Posners results
9Reflexive Attention and the Orienting Response
- Posners Spatial cuing task
- Benefit/Facilitation A faster-than-baseline
response resulting from the useful advance
information - Cost A response slower than baseline because of
the misleading cue - Spotlight attention The mental
attention-focusing mechanisms that prepares you
to encode stimulus information. - Posner concluded from this and related
experiments that the attentional focus subjects
were switching was a thoroughly cognitive
phenomenon it was not tied to eye movements or
other overt behavior but to an internal focusing
10Treismans Visual Search In this panel, search
either for a capital T or a boldfaced letter. In
the following illustrations, search for a
boldfaced capital T.
11Treismans Visual Search
12Treismans Visual Search
13Contrasting Input and Controlled Attention
- Treismans two conditions provided clear evidence
of both a very quick, automatic attentional
process and a much slower, more deliberate
attention, the type used for the conjunction
search. Input attention is the fast, automatic
process of attention and the slower one is
controlled attention.
14Contrasting Input and Controlled Attention
- Spotlight attention appears to be rapid,
automatic, and perceptual. It is thereby
distinguished from the slower, controlled or
conscious attention process that matches the more
ordinary connotation of the term attention. - Conscious or controlled attention prepares us to
respond in a deliberate way to the environment.
It is slower, operates in a more serial fashion,
and is especially influenced by conceptually
driven processes.
15In conclusionattention
- Three basic senses of the term attention refer to
alertness and arousal, the orienting reflex, and
the spotlight of attention. These correspond to
input attention, a fast process involved in
encoding environmental stimuli into the mental
16Controlled, Voluntary Attention
- Controlled Attention Forms of processing in
which there is a deliberate, voluntary allocation
of mental effort or concentration. - Selective Attention The ability to attend to
one source of information while ignoring or
excluding ongoing messages around us.
17Selective Attention and the Cocktail Party Effect
- Filtering or selecting When you try to ignore
the many stimuli or events around you so you can
focus on just one, the ones you are trying to
ignore are distractions that must be eliminated
or excluded. The mental process of eliminating
those distractions, eliminating unwanted
messages, is called filtering or selecting.
18Selective Attention and the Cocktail Party Effect
- Shadowing Task
- A task devised by E. Colin Cherry. In this
task, Cherry recorded spoken messages of
different sorts on tape, then played the tape to
a subject who was wearing headphones. The
subjects task was to shadow or repeat the
message to the right ear out loud as soon as it
was heard. In most of the experiments, subjects
were also told to ignore the other message, the
one coming to the left ear. - Conclusions Subjects could report accurately
on a variety of physical characteristics of the
unattended (left ear) message, but were unable to
notice other things about it.
19Broadbents Filter Theory
- In Broadbents view, the auditory mechanism acts
as a selective filter regardless of how many
competing channels or messages are coming in, the
filter can be tuned, or switched, to any one of
the messages, based on characteristics such as
loudness or pitch.
20Broadbents filter theory of selective attention
21Treismans Attenuation Theory
- Treisman rejected the early selection notion
embodied in Broadbents theory. Instead, she
claimed that all incoming messages receive some
amount of low-level analysis, including the
analysis of the physical characteristics of the
message. When the unattended messages yield no
useful or important information, those messages
are attenuated they are weakened in their
importance to ongoing processing.
22Normans Pertinence Model
- Donald Norman proposed a useful modification to
the Treisman scheme his model specifically
included a mechanism for top-down processing.
The model claims that at any instant in time,
attention to some piece of information, some
message, is determined by two factors, sensory
activation and pertinence. - Pertinence The momentary importance of
information, whether caused by permanent or
transitory factors.
23Selection Models
- Two things about selection attention
- First, selective attention can occur very early
in the processing sequence, based on very
low-level, physical characteristics, as Broadbent
proposed. - Second, it can be influenced by both permanent
and temporary factors. Permanent factors include
highly important information such as your name
and highly overlearned and personally important
24Automatic and Conscious Processing Theories
- Automaticity Occurring without conscious
awareness or intention and consuming little if
any of the available mental resources. - Two explicit theories of automaticity have been
proposed, one by Posner and Snyder, and one by
Shiffrin and Schneider. They differ in some of
their details but are similar in their overall
25Posner and Schneiders 3 characteristics of an
automatic process
- The process occurs without intention, without a
conscious decision - The mental process is not open to conscious
awareness or introspection - The process consumes few if any conscious
resources that is, it consumes little if any
conscious attention.
26Conscious Processing
- The process occurs only with intention, with a
deliberate decision - The process is open to awareness and
introspection - The process uses conscious resources that is, it
drains the pool of conscious attentional capacity
27Automatic and Conscious Processing
- The Role of Practice and Memory
- Shiffrin and Schneiders theory of automatic and
conscious processing stresses the role of
repetitive practice.
28Attention and Automaticity
- Attention is essentially conscious mental
resources we can devote these attentional
resources to only one demanding task at a time or
to two less demanding tasks, as long as the two
together do not exceed the total capacity
available. - The route to automaticity is practice and memory.
With repetition and overlearning comes the
ability to perform in an automatic fashion what
formerly needed conscious processing.
29Disadvantages of Automaticity
- Mental processes become more automatic as a
function of practice and overlearning. A
disadvantage of automaticity is that it is
difficult to reverse the effects of practice in
an automated task, and automaticity can lead to
errors of inattention.
30A Disorder of Attention Hemineglect
- Hemineglect A disruption or decreased ability
to look at something in the (often) left field of
vision and pay attention to it. Thus,
hemineglect is a disorder of attention in which
one half of the perceptual world is neglected to
some degree and cannot be attended to as
completely or accurately as normal.
31Drawings copied by a patient with contralateral
32Hemineglect, in conclusion
- This order of attention which shows how the
attentional system can be affected by brain
damage, thus informing us about normal attention.
In hemineglect, the patient is unable to direct
attention voluntarily shift attention to the
neglected side of space - The evidence suggests that this arises from an
inability to disengage attention from a stimulus
on the nonneglected side, hence disrupting the
process of shifting attention to the opposite