Operating Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Operating Systems


Creation/Deletion of directories. Map files onto secondary storage ... to get two processes that access common memory to behave in an orderly fashion ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Operating Systems

Operating Systems
  • Components, Key Concepts, Structure

The Von Neuman Machine
Control Unitreads/decodes. Contains Pgm Ctr,
Instr. Reg. ALUexecutes. Contains various status
registers that signal the result of an
instruciton reg. that hold results MemoryStores
program data DeviceCommunicates with the
outside world
Fetch/Execute Cycle
  • pc ROM Start Address
  • ir memorypc
  • hltflg unset
  • while (hltflg unset)
  • pc
  • execute(ir)
  • ir memorypc
  • Initially ROM Start Address is the start address
    of the boot strap loaderpgm that stores the
    nucleus of the o/s
  • Once loaded, computer is under the control of the

I. Process Management
  • More than one process can be associated with a
    single program
  • Each is a separate execution sequence
  • All processes can potentially execute
  • O/S Tasks
  • Creation/Deletion of processes
  • Suspension and resumption of processes
  • Process synchronization
  • Interprocess communication
  • Deadlock detection

I. Process Management
  • Process? a program in execution
  • Could be
  • User program
  • Compiler
  • Text editor
  • o/s itself

II. Memory Management
  • Memory
  • Array of words or bytes, each with its own
  • Loosely speaking, the only storage device the CPU
    can address directly (forgetting about cache)
  • Many programs are in memory at the same time
  • O/S Tasks
  • Keep track of which pieces of memory are being
    used and by whom
  • Decide which processes are to be loaded into
  • Allocate/deallocate memory to processes

III. File System Management
  • Provides a uniform logical view of information
  • O/S Tasks
  • Creation/Deletion of files
  • Creation/Deletion of directories
  • Map files onto secondary storage
  • Backup files onto stable media

IV. Protection
  • Ensure that these can only be manipulated by
    processes with proper authority
  • Files
  • Memory
  • CPU

I/O Device Management
  • Many Kinds of devices
  • Each connected to the buses through a device
  • Interface between the device controller and the
    device is standard and known to manufactures of
    the devices
  • E.g. the SCSI interface or the IDE interface
  • Not important to the programmer
  • What is important
  • Interface between the controller and software
  • Defines how software manipulates the controller
    to cause the device to perform i/o
  • Used by the device driver

Hypothetical Controller
Command Reg
Status Reg
  • Suppose both are 0
  • Software places command in Command Register to
  • Software places data in memory
  • Busy is set to 1
  • Write command causes data to be written to device
  • When complete, done flg is set, busy flag is
  • Repeat
  • Status has 2 flags busy, done
  • Busy Done Meaning
  • 0 0 idle
  • 0 1 finished
  • 0 working
  • 1 1 not used

  • Issue CPU, through the driver, may not write to
    a device whose busy flag is set.
  • Solution 1
  • CPU periodically polls the flags. Called
    busy-wait. Problem Process is using the CPU, but
    CPU is waiting for device to comlete (wastes
    processor cycles)
  • Solution 2
  • Device notifies processor when it completed an
    operation (called an interrupt)

Interrupt Technique
  • Incorporate an interrupt flag in hardware
  • Control unit checks interrupt flag during each
    fetch/execute cycle
  • while (hltflg unset)
  • ir memorypc
  • pc
  • execute(ir)
  • if (interrupt requested)
  • interrupt hardware saves context for
    currently running process
  • interrupt hardware looks in pre-defined place
    for address of interrupt handler
  • branch to software interrupt handler
    which starts/controls device.
  • invoke scheduler
  • Invoke O/S assembly language routine to
    start chosen process

Interrupt Hardware
  • Saves process context
  • Determines which device signaled the interrupt
  • Branch to appropriate interrupt handler (part of
    the device driver)
  • Completing causes done/busy flags to be unset.
  • Invokes scheduler to resume a process.

  • What if the interrupt is interrupted race
  • A little help from hardware
  • Interrupt enable flag
  • Disable interrupts when an interrupt is being

  • Software interface between the device controller
    and the o/s
  • Goals
  • Simplify the driver
  • Enable CPU and devices to operate in parallel
  • So, device driver is the entity that controls
    cpu-i/o parallelism

Disk Controller
Interrupt Controller Chip
  • Driver writes to controller registers
  • Controller starts device
  • When operation is finished, controller interrupt
    controller chip
  • Interrupt controller asserts flag on CPU
  • Interrupt controller gives device number to CPU
  • Context of current process is saved
  • Device number is used as an index into memory to
    find the interrupt handler for the device. Gets
    data from device controller memory and writes to
    main memory.
  • When interrupt is complete, scheduler is invoked.

VI. Command Interpreter
  • Programmer interface to the o/s, though, strictly
    speaking, not part of the o/s itself.
  • Unix?called the shell
  • Logging on creates a process on your behalf
  • indicates waiting for input
  • Issue a command (e.g., cp), shell starts a child
    process? called a system call
  • We can think of a GUI as an easier-to-use shell
  • Like the shell, a program running on top of the

Shell Continued
  • Issue a command
  • Say, cp file1 file2
  • Shell starts a child process
  • Called a system call
  • Shell waits until o/s completes task
  • These can become almost arbitrarily complex
  • cat f1 f2 f3 sort gt f4
  • Following shell with causes process to run in
    the background
  • sort lt f4 f5

System Calls
  • Provides an interface between a running program
    and the o/s
  • To be distinguished from the shell. System calls
    occur within a program
  • Every subsystem of the o/s has its own set of
    system calls

System Call ExampleFile Management
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • include ltfcntl.hgt
  • include ltsys/stat.hgt
  • int main(int argc, char argv)
  • int inFile, outFile
  • int len char ch
  • if (argc ! 3)
  • printf("Usage copy ltf1gt ltf2gt\n")
  • exit(1)
  • inFile open(argv1, O_RDONLY)
  • outFile open(argv2, O_WRONLY O_CREAT,
  • while ((len read(inFile, ch, 1)) gt 0)
  • write(outFile, ch, 1)
  • close(inFile)

  • Program has control of the CPU and wants to read
    a file
  • Pushes how much to read, address of read buffer,
    file descriptor for file to be read onto the
  • Issues read system call, putting the read code in
    a place where the o/s expects it.
  • Issue a trap instruction to give control to o/s
  • Read is dispatched and does its work through the
    system call handler
  • o/s returns from trap to give control to library
    procedure that invoked the system call
  • Library procedure returns control to calling
  • Calling program increments the stack pointer and
    is free to execute the next instruction

System Call Example Processes
  • Processes are created through other processes
  • As early as 1963, researchers postulated 3
    process creation functions
  • fork() create a process
  • join() merge two processes
  • quit() terminate a process

Primary Issue
  • How to get two processes that access common
    memory to behave in an orderly fashion
  • Called the Critical Section Problem
  • B should not be allowed to retrieve x until A has
    finished update
  • procA procB
  • while(true) while(true)
  • update(x) retrieve(x)

  • retrieve(y)

In Unix
  • fork()
  • Creates a copy of the current process but in its
    own address space
  • excve()
  • Allows a process to reload its address space with
    another program
  • wait()--Lets a parent process suspend itself
    until a child terminates

Parents and Children
  • Process that calls fork() parent
  • Process created child
  • Child is a duplicate of the parent, including all
    file descriptors and registers
  • Child is separately scheduled
  • All data is identical at the time of creation,
    but changes in one do not affect the otherthey
    have separate address spaces
  • How is this useful?

  • Entire core image is replaced by the file named
    in its first parameter
  • See parent.c and child.c on the website
  • Two important system calls
  • ps u ltusergt
  • kill -9 ltpidgt

Other Typical System Calls
  • kill -9 (pid)
  • S time(seconds)

Operating System StructureMonolithic Systems
  • Entire o/s runs as a single program in user mode
  • o/s is a collection of procedures linked into a
    single executable
  • Leads to unwieldy but efficient code
  • Mode of operation
  • Invoke system call by putting parameters in a
    well-defined place
  • Execute a trap, switching machine to kernel mode
  • o/s fetches parameters and determines which
    system call to carry out
  • o/s indexes into a table indicated by one of the
    parameters that contains a pointer to the
    procedure that carries out the system call
  • Return to calling program

Operating System StructureLayered Systems
  • o/s is organized as a hierarchy of layers
  • Earliest such system THE, Dijkstra, 1968
  • Layer Name Desc.
  • 5 Operator Shell
  • User Programs User programs with nice
    interface to layer 3
  • I/O mgmt manage i/o devices and buffer
    information streams
  • Operator/process above this layer each process
  • communication had its own console
  • Memory mgmt Allocated memory for processes.
  • Above this level, memory is an abstraction
  • 0 Processor allocation Took care of
    multiprogramming. Above this layer, processes
    did not have to worry that multiple processes
    were running on a single processor

  • Code is buggy. Roughly 10 bugs per 1000 lines of
    code for industrial systems. To make things more
  • Split the o/s into small, well-defined modules
  • Only one of which runs in kernel mode.
  • The rest run as ordinary user processes
  • Found mostly in real-time industrial and military

Minix 3
  • Probably the best-known microkernel o/s
  • Microkernel
  • 3200 lines of C
  • --800 lines of assembler for catching interrupts
    and switching processes
  • User Mode
  • Device drivers
  • Servers (process manager, file system)
  • User programs

Mechanism vs. Policyin Microkernel
  • Separation of policy and mechanism kernel has
    the mechanism to perform low level operations.
    The policy is elsewhere
  • Example Scheduler
  • Priorities are assigned to processes in user mode
  • Microkernel manages the priority queue and
    availability of processor

Virtual O/S
  • Late sixties, IBM developed VM/370
  • Basic insight two tasks of o/s can be separated
  • Allocation of resources (e.g., multiprogramming)
  • More convenient interface
  • System was layered

IBM 370
  • VM/370 called a type 1 hypervisor
  • Problems developed with the x86 chip, having to
    do with issuing privileged instructions from
    outside the kernel (e.g., from CMS)
  • Led to a another kind of virtual machine called a
    type 2 hypervisor
  • Runs on a host o/s which runs on hardware
  • Guest o/s runs on the hypervisor
  • But how does guest o/s run privileged
  • Hypervisor translates code of guest o/s block by
    block, replacing with hypervisor calls (which in
    turn make calls to the host o/s)

Formal Definition of Virtualization
  • Gerald J. Popek and Robert P. Goldberg (1974).
    "Formal Requirements for Virtualizable Third
    Generation Architectures". Communications of the
    ACM 17 (7) 412 421.
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