Title: An Example Servlet
1An Example Servlet
- This is the first example in Head First Servlets
JSP by Brian Basham, Kathy Sierra, and Bert
Bates - This is an excellent book, and goes into
considerably more detail than we will in this
3It starts with an HTML form...
4The HTML page, 1
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtBeer
Selectionlt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt lth1
align"center"gtBeer Selection Pagelt/h1gt
...the form (on the next slide)...
lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
5The HTML page, 2
ltform method"POST" action"SelectBeer.do"gt
Select beer characteristicsltpgt Color
ltselect name"color" size"1"gt
ltoptiongtlightlt/optiongt ltoptiongtamberlt/opti
ongt ltoptiongtbrownlt/optiongt
ltoptiongtdarklt/optiongt lt/selectgt ltbrgt
ltbrgt ltcentergt ltinput
type"SUBMIT"gt lt/centergt lt/formgt
6The deployment descriptor
- The request goes to the server, with the action
ltform method"POST" action"SelectBeer.do"gt - The name "SelectBeer.do" is not the name of an
actual file anywhere it is a name given to the
user - Partly, this is for security you dont want the
user to have access to the actual file without
going through your form - The extension .do is just a convention used by
this particular book no extension is necessary - It is up to the deployment descriptor to find the
correct servlet to answer this request - The deployment descriptor must be named web.xml
7web.xml 1 -- boilerplate
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt ltweb-
app xmlns"http//java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
tance" xsischemaLocation"http//java.su
version"2.4"gt ...important stuff goes
here... lt/web-appgt
8web.xml 2 -- actual work
ltservletgt ltservlet-namegtCh3
Beerlt/servlet-namegt ltservlet-classgt
com.example.web.BeerSelect lt/servlet-classgt lt/
servletgt ltservlet-mappinggt
ltservlet-namegtCh3 Beerlt/servlet-namegt
lturl-patterngt/SelectBeer.dolt/url-patterngt lt/servle
9BeerSelect.java 1
package com.example.web import
javax.servlet. import javax.servlet.http. impo
rt java.io. import java.util. import
com.example.model.BeerExpert // notice
this public class BeerSelect extends HttpServlet
... doPost method goes here. ..
10BeerSelect.java 2
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest
HttpServletResponse response) throws
IOException, ServletException
String c request.getParameter("color")
BeerExpert be new BeerExpert()
List result be.getBrands(c)
request.setAttribute("styles", result)
RequestDispatcher view
view.forward(request, response)
- BeerSelect.java acts as the controller
- It delegates the actual work to a model,
BeerExpert.java - It delegates (forwards) the information to a JSP
page that will provide the view - RequestDispatcher view
orward(request, response)
12The model class
- BeerExpert is the model class it computes
results and adds them to the HttpServletRequest
object - Not the HttpServletResponse object thats the
HTML output - It returns, in the usual fashion, to the
BeerSelect class, which will then forward it to
the JSP
package com.example.model import
java.util. public class BeerExpert
public List getBrands(String color)
List brands new ArrayList() if
brands.add("Jack Amber")
brands.add("Red Moose") else
brands.add("Jail Pale Ale")
brands.add("Gout Stout")
return brands
14The JSP file
- The JSP file must have the extension .jsp
- It is basically HTML, plus a few JSP directives
- It receives the HttpServletRequest and the
HttpServletResponse objects - The HttpServletResponse object may have been
partially written by the servlet (but its a bad
idea) - The resultant HTML page goes back to the user
lt_at_ page import"java.util." gt lthtmlgt ltbodygt lth
1 align"center"gtBeer Recommendations
JSPlt/h1gt ltpgt lt List styles
(List)request.getAttribute("styles") Iterator
it styles.iterator() while (it.hasNext())
out.print("ltbrgtTRY " it.next())
gt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
16Directory structure
jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12/ webapps/ ? this is
beerV1/ form.html
result.jsp WEB-INF/
web.xml classes/
BeerSelect.class lib/
yourLastName ? when you ftp, this is where you
17Accessing the class server
- Tomcat should be running 24/7 on
m174pc4.cis.upenn.edu - To try it, point your browser tohttp//m174pc4.c
is.upenn.edu8080/beerV1/form.html - When you ftp to m174pc4, pwd will tell you that
you are in a directory /, but you are really in
a directoryC\Tomcat\webapps\yourLastName - This is the top-level directory for your web
applications - You should be able to put an HTML file here, say,
index.html, and access it withhttp//m174pc4.cis.
18The End