Programming with GapiDraw Computer Games Software Engineering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Programming with GapiDraw Computer Games Software Engineering


... and events) we can still largely think of games operating in such a fashion. ... directory on each PC i.e. at: C:CO42032GapiDrawdocindex.html or linked to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Programming with GapiDraw Computer Games Software Engineering

Programming with GapiDrawComputer Games Software
  • Last week we covered some basics of C and
    looked at a simple console-based Hello World
    application for the Pocket PC using eVC.
  • This week we will start looking at graphics
    application for Pocket PC devices. We will
    program such applications using the third party
    games API GapiDraw.
  • As we introduced last week, GapiDraw provides a
    base class called CGapiApplication from which we
    will derive our applications. i.e. we will create
    a new class (usually called CMyApplication) which
    will be inherited from the GapiDraw base class.

The games loopComputer Games Software Engineering
  • Computer games (and any interactive graphics
    application) can be thought of as executing in
    one big loop (or a cyclic executive).
  • Whilst in reality this is rarely the real model
    that is used anymore (modern OSs like Windows use
    message passing and events) we can still largely
    think of games operating in such a fashion.

Get User Input
Move Objects
Detect Collisions
Draw Objects
Clean Up
CGapiApplicationComputer Games Software
  • CGapiApplication is simply a base class you can
    use to quickly create new games and applications.
  • It has a number of public and protected member
    functions you are expected to make use of the
    public member functions (but never change them)
    and add your own code to the protected member
    functions (which sounds the wrong way around).
  • The public member functions do critical (or
    system oriented) things such as starting the
    application running, setting up the graphics
    hardware and display mode.
  • The protected member functions typically
    automatically run when certain things happen (the
    game starts/ends, user presses a key, the
    graphics are updated etc.)

Public Member FunctionsComputer Games Software
Protected Member FunctionsComputer Games
Software Engineering
Ive skipped some here there are also functions
to read stylus (touch screen) activity. Each
returns a HRESULT (either S_OK or GD_OK).
CGapiApplication data members Computer Games
Software Engineering
  • A subclass of CGapiApplication will have the
    following member variables-
  • (1),(2) and (4) are examples of further object
    classes that are provided by GapiDraw. You should
    already have started reading the GapiDraw
  • GapiDraw surfaces are of particular importance.
  • m_pDisplay the primary surface of the
  • m_config a copy of the GDAPPCONFIG structure
    passed to the constructor
  • m_pInput a CGapiInput object used for all
    keyboard and stylus input.
  • m_pTimer a CGapiTimer object used to sleep
    between each CGapiApplicationProcessNextFrame.

GapiDraw surfaces Computer Games Software
  • A GapiDraw surface object (a GCGapiSurface) is a
    memory area to which you can draw images and
    primitives (rectangles, lines, text and etc).
  • Lots of the GCGapiSurface functionality is a
    direct implementation of MS Direct Draw (Direct
    X) commands.
  • This is really what your graphics/games
    applications are all about writing graphical
    objects to the screen. Each movable object (e.g.
    character) you will create for your games will
    usually be based on a GCGapiSurface object.
  • Additionally you have access to the main display
    surface (m_pDisplay) which is an object of type
    CGapiDisplay - a sub class of CGapiSurface which
    adds extra features such as surface flipping and
    back-buffer support.

The backbuffer double buffering Computer Games
Software Engineering
  • In any computer graphics application it is
    unsafe to draw directly to the screen. Instead,
    graphics programmers usually create a back-buffer
    to which objects are written only when the
    drawing of all objects is complete is the
    contents of the back-buffer drawn to the physical
  • The back-buffer can be thought as an offline
    canvas for your application. Before each frame is
    rendered you draw all your objects to this canvas
    then the GapiDraw application takes care of
    writing this to the real screen.
  • This last process is called a flip.
  • The back-buffer is accessible from your
    ProcessNextFrame member function in any sub-class
    of CGapiApplication.

CGapiApplicationCGapiApplicationComputer Games
Software Engineering
  • The CGapiApplication constructor is used to
    create a new instance of a CGapiApplication
    CGapiApplication(const GDAPPCONFIG config)
  • Creating a new CGapiApplication usually consists
    of the following steps-
  • A GDAPPCONFIG structure sets lots of Windows
    related parameters (including what icon to use).
  • Create a new GDAPPCONFIG structure and set the
    parameters you want.
  • Create a CGapiApplication instance and supply the
    GDAPPCONFIG structure.
  • Start the application with CGapiApplicationRun

The GapiDraw games loopComputer Games Software
  • When CGapiApplicationRun is called, the
    following steps are performed
  • CGapiApplicationRun finishes when
    CGapiApplicationShutdown is called.
  • The main window is created based on the options
    specified in the GDAPPCONFIG structure.
  • The display is opened and the display mode is
  • InitInstance is called in the subclass.
  • CreateSysMemSurfaces is called in the subclass.
  • CreateVidMemSurfaces is called in the subclass.
  • The main games loop is started and
    ProcessNextFrame will be called in the subclass
    on each frame.

The end of an applicationComputer Games Software
  • When CGapiApplicationShutdown is called, the
    following steps are performed
  • Finally the subclass destructor is called. It is
    sometime useful to wait here for a keyboard press
    so we can see any printf() statements that have
    been directed to a console window.
  • CGapiApplicationExitInstance is called in the
  • The GapiDraw display is closed.
  • Any pending error messages set with
    CGapiApplicationSetErrorMessage is displayed.
  • The main window is destroyed.

A typical applicationComputer Games Software
include local_include_file.h int WinMain(..)
// standard Windows entry point // create a
config structure // create instance of a
CMyApplication using config // run the instance
of CMyApplication
CGapiApplication(config) CMyApplicationCMy
Application() //char cgetchar() // used to
look at console output
A typical application (cont)Computer Games
Software Engineering
HRESULT CMyApplicationInitInstance() // runs
once at start // initialise variables, random
nos., sprites etc // start any background
sounds return S_OK HRESULT
CMyApplicationExitInstance() // runs once at
end // stop any background sounds return
S_OK HRESULT CMyApplicationCreateSurfaces(CG
apiDisplay display,
HINSTANCE hInstance) // create surfaces and
load bitmaps, PNGs etc
A typical application (cont)Computer Games
Software Engineering
HRESULT CMyApplicationProcessNextFrame
(CGapiSurface backbuffer, DWORD dwFlags)
// draw background // calculate new object
locations check for collisions // draw the
objects return S_OK HRESULT
CMyApplicationKeyDown(DWORD dwKey,GDKEYLIST
keylist) // do stuff if a key is
pressed HRESULT CMyApplicationMyNewMemberFucti
on() // do something you want to do
yourself return S_OK
A typical applicationComputer Games Software
  • This application defines (or implements) a new
    sub-class of the CGapiApplication called
    CMyApplication. It should be saved as a .cpp
    file. To go along with this there should also be
    a header file which defines this new subclass.
  • As we discussed last week, the header file (.h)
    defines the interface to the class. Hence it must
    list all the member variables and functions that
    will be used by the class.
  • The keyword virtual in the method definition in
    the header file on the next slide simply tells
    the compiler that the method can be over-ridden.
  • When a base class pointer points to an instance
    of a derived class, the version of the virtual
    function in the derived class will be dynamically
    called at run-time.

A typical header fileComputer Games Software
include "GapiApplication.h" class
CMyApplication public CGapiApplication public
CMyApplication(const GDAPPCONFIG config)
virtual CMyApplication() virtual HRESULT
InitInstance() virtual HRESULT
ExitInstance() virtual HRESULT
CreateSurfaces(CGapiDisplay display,
HINSTANCE hInstance)
virtual HRESULT ProcessNextFrame(CGapiSurface
DWORD dwFlags) virtual HRESULT KeyDown(DWORD
dwKey, GDKEYLIST keylist) virtual HRESULT
CMyApplicationMyNewMemberFunction() protected
// member variables here
ProcessNextFrameComputer Games Software
  • The most important member function of the
    applications that you will derive from the
    CGapiApplication class is ProcessNextFrame.
  • This function defines what happens at each frame
  • In the second tutorial you will create an
    application that cycles through different colours
    (i.e. the colour is changed at each frame update)
    and fills the screen with a different colour when
    the frame is updated.
  • You can set the target FPS value for your
    applications when you create the GDAPPCONFIG
  • The code for ProcessNextFrame and InitInstance
    for the colour cycling application is shown on
    the next slide.

Color pulsator code Computer Games Software
Color pulsator header Computer Games Software
Color pulsator explanationComputer Games
Software Engineering
  • The application has three member variables
    (m_red, m_blue and m_green) each of which is a
    DWORD type.
  • Your application uses these three variables to
    set the background screen colour as an RGB value
    (i.e. a mix of the three colours red, green and
    blue with each individual RGB value being a
    number in the range 0-255).
  • All three variables are initialised in the
    InitInstance() member function which is run once
    at startup.
  • The green and red variables are fixed whilst the
    blue variable is continuously cycled (in steps of
    5) throughout its complete range.
  • The GapiDraw surface FillRect() function draws a
    rectangle of the required colour to the

DWORDS and other intsComputer Games Software
  • Using integers in C/C has always been a real
  • An int data-type in C/C can be 16-bit, 32-bit,
    or even 64-bit depending on the hardware
    platform/compiler that is being used. You can
    also have long and short ints !
  • This leads to all sorts of potentially very nasty
    scenarios, and is a common cause for complaint
    about the languages.
  • An int in Java is always stored as a 32-bit
    number. A DWORD in Visual C is also always
  • Almost every integer example we will use for our
    GapiDraw games are DWORDS.
  • Note that a WORD is a 16-bit integer.

StringsComputer Games Software Engineering
  • One part of C that we will not cover is the
    Standard Template Library (or STL). The STL gives
    programmers nice ways of manipulating all sorts
    of high level data structures including
    strings. eVC does not support STL.
  • Strings on their own are complicated because two
    different types of string are possible desktop
    PCs use 8-bit ASCII strings, whilst Pocket PCs
    use 16-bit or Unicode strings.
  • Java also uses Unicode strings.
  • This is not normally a problem except when you
    are cross compiling for different target
    platforms or (worse) when you writing
    collaborative networked games where one machine
    might be a PC and the other a PDA or one
    application is in Java the other in C!

More about StringsComputer Games Software
  • Microsoft has a data-type called a TCHAR which
    you can use to automatically create either an
    8-bit or a 16-bit string depending on the
    platform you are compiling for.
  • Additionally, writing TEXT() around an actual
    string stores the string in the format specific
    to the platform.
  • Since all our applications will run on the PDAs
    we will frequently use TCHARs and the TEXT()

DWORD my_number 1 TCHAR str128 _stprintf(str
, TEXT(My_Number d"), my_number) backbuffer.D
rawText(1, 1, str, m_display.GetSystemFontB
order(), 0, NULL, 0, NULL)
Even more about StringsComputer Games Software
  • Frequently, as in the previous example, we would
    want to create a string from scratch that we want
    to write to the display. This string might
    typically display the contents of some variables.
  • The function sprintf() is what we would normally
    use in C/C to do this kind of thing.
  • However we will use the special MS macro
    _stprint() to do this as this always creates the
    correct format of string.
  • Annoyingly MS have a myriad of other string types
    as well as (our favourite) TCHAR. These include
    LPSTR (a char), LPTSTR (a TCHAR), and LPCTSTR (a
    const TCHAR).
  • LP is a historical throwback to 16bit Windows 3.1
    days and means Long Pointer.

Making things interestingComputer Games Software
  • At the end of Tutorial 2 you will be asked to
    modify the color pulsator so that it does
    something different.
  • First, youll be asked to make all the colors
    (and not just blue) cycle through their values.
    To do this you will need to add two more member
    variables m_green_direction and m_red_direction
    and use them in the same way as the application
    currently uses the m_blue_direction variable
    (i.e. to check when the values should move up or
  • Then, youll be asked to set the screen color to
    a random value at each frame update.
  • Finally, youll be asked to fill the screen with
    a static background image.

Random numbers in CComputer Games Software
  • You will commonly need to use random numbers in
    your games. To do this we will use the C
    functions srand() and rand().
  • At the start of any application that uses random
    numbers you should seed the random number
    generator using the srand() function otherwise
    your programs will always generate the same
    sequence of random numbers! E.g.-
  • Then, in your program to generate a number, for
    instance between 0 and 7, use a line of form-

new_direction (rand()(DWORD)8)/ RAND_MAX
Background imagesComputer Games Software
  • After the first few tutorials you will begin to
    create your own background images for your
  • These will typically be created in an external
    package (like PSP) and stored as an image file
    (JPG, GIF or PNG). When creating images remember
    that the screen size of the PDA is only 240x320
    pixels (and is 16bits deep).
  • The GapiDraw library allows you to load images
    (as CGapiSurface objects) into your application
    before the games loop starts and then use those
    images in your game.
  • You load any images in an overidden
    CreateSurfaces function which runs once at the
    start of an application.
  • You can then draw your images (surfaces) to the
    back-buffer in the ProcessNextFrame function.

Extra ReadingComputer Games Software Engineering
  • For this week you should make sure that you start
    browsing the online GapiDraw documentation.
  • The documentation for all of the GapiDraw classes
    and their functions can be found in the GapiDraw
    directory on each PC i.e. at C\CO42032\GapiDraw\
    doc\index.html or linked to via an icon on the
  • Also you can get it at http//
  • You should get used to accessing this
    documentation whenever you come across GapiDraw
    code that is new.
  • The GapiDraw forum has lots and lots of tips and
    sample code from experienced (and not) GapiDraw
    developers. http//
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