Title: Student Starter process
1 Student Starter process
CECEs strategy
Entrepreneur Counselling
Awareness Raising
Entrepreneur Competition
Coach entrepreneurs
Companies Start up
2A.-Entrepreneurship Awareness raising
- Competition Entrepeneur at school
- Aim To encourage the entrepreneurship spirit in
schools - Participants Public and private educational
centres in Spain will be able to participate in
this competition. - Special address to VET students (medium and high
3Business Idea
Participants will develop a business
idea Identification of activities and
services Planning Fesibility plan Marketing
plan Business plan
To participate candidates have to send a business
idea. This idea should be developed by a group of
students tutored by a school teacher, along with
the guidance of IESE Business School. All the
process is coordinated by CECE
4Participation Results
- Recorded projects 24
- Correspond to 12 centres (11 private y 1 public)
- 7 Andalucía
- 8 Galicia
- 8 Madrid
- 1 Castilla La Mancha
- Teachers involved 14
- Participant students 105
- The working groups are diverse. They are formed
from 1 to 10 students. There is not limit in the
group composition
5Main entrepreneurship topics
- Extracurricular Activities
- Temporary Agency
- Sport and outdoor activities theme park
- Tele Care assistance
- Diet website
- Catering for companies
- Fashion industry
- Gardening Company
- Low cost Stores
- Car Tuning services
- Renewable energies
- Robotics Company
- Electronic projects
- Projects related with the TIFLO technology
- Bovine milk Production
- Horticultural greenhouse
- Healthy leisure and intergenerational
communication activities through the ecological
orchard - Rural tourism
6Jury. Assessment criteria
- The members of the Jury will be composed by high
level and qualified professionals from the
business world. - The most outstanding criteria will be
- the originality and quality of the project,
- the creativity,
- the entrepreneur spirit,
- the feasibility plan,
- the use of new technologies for the development
of its activities - the marketing plan design.
7Entrepreneurship Competition impact
- The competition was launched through a
conference held in CEOE headquarters last 8
November 2006. The initiative has been spread out
to all CECE member federations, and those did the
same to their own centres. -
- The project was also presented to the Chamber of
Commerce, CEIM, and to Regional Employment
authorities. In the next months a new promotion
event will be held in the IESE Business School
along with public authorities.
Deadline 30th May 2007
Only the best projects at local and national
level will be awarded. The awarding ceremony
will take place on the first term of the
following school year 2007/2008
9B.- Entrepreneur Counselling in Fundación Angel
Martinez Fuertes
Statistic Analysis Total Counselling sessions
1.388 Counselled Entrepreneurs 82 Females
42 Males 40 Residents in City of Madrid
73 Residents out of Madrid 9 Educational
Background From VET to University Average age
From 18 to 55
10StudentStarter Callfor participation
- Studentstarter Call for participation from March
to April -
- Entrepreneurs Selection April
- Project Working plan march after this meeting
- Coaching student starters (according to the plan)
- Acquisition of (gt 5 -15) studentstarter (step 6)
- Brainstorm procedures / examples (step 7)
- Market research (step 8)
- Realization continued business (from minicompany
to real company) (step 9) - Coaching students / coaching entrepreneurs (step
10) - Evaluation of the process
11Dossier for support entrepreneurs
- We have a dossier for support entrepreneurs at
AMF Foundation - Principal topics are
- The Idea
- Business plan
- Applications forms for get some starter founds
- Documentation related to create a company
12CECE other activities in Studentstarter
- Specific RD activities
- Special assignment Coordination analysis
potential target group - (CECEVTUJO-MKBEEP)
- Special assignment support to the evaluation of
success studentstarters (AOCCECE NHTV) each
studentstarter will be questioned about aims,
perspective, annual turnover, number of
employees, memberships, etc.
CECEs strategy
Entrepreneur Counselling
Awareness Raising
Entrepreneur Competition
Coach entrepreneurs
Regional and national institutions
Companies Start up
14- Thank you very much
- for your attention
- Any questions?