Title: Perch i Marchi Volontari Collettivi
1Clusters in Lombardy and support to their
2What are our origins?
3Chambers role is...
- to support the functions of general interest
for the system of business and the care of
entrepreneurial activities that Italian law
entrusts the Chambers of Commerce with can be
grouped in five broad categories - Support and general promotion
- Administrative economic functions related to
business - Market regulation (e.g. arbitration)
- Consulting role to State, Regions, on issues of
interest for business - Other functions delegated by the State, the
Regions or arising from international agreements. - To keep the National Register of Companies
4- 31.120
5.654 Banking agencies
39.536 companies Internationally active
5GDP Lombardy/EU members
6Lombardy Region key figures
- of the 20 Italian Regions, Lombardy is the most
important - with its
- 9 million inhabitants
- 785,771 registered businesses (2004)
- corresponding to
- 20 of Italys GDP
- 3 of the GDP of the European Union
- 28,3 of the total value of Italian exports
- 37,6 of Italys imports
7Lombardy key figures
- Active registered businesses 785,771
- 33.7 Artisans
- 7.5 Agriculture
- 16.1 Manufacturing
- 15.8 Construction
- 30.1 Commercial, shops, etc
- Businesses/SqKm 32.9
- Natality rate () 7.3
- Mortality rate () 5.5
8Lombardys economic importance
- Represents 33 of Italys long-term
exporters(over 24,000 companies) - 25 of Lombardys companies own or are owned by
foreign companies - 8 of Lombardys companies have de-localized part
of their production - Hosts 800 non-Italian multinationals
- (500 in Milan)
- 103 Diplomatic representations in Milan
9Key competitive assets
- High density of companies institutions
- Wide industrial diversification
- Various forms company cohesion integration
cooperation among SMEs - Flows Milan area/Region Lombardy
- 26.5 of all Italian capital companies
10SMEs in Italy (1)
- 99,8 of Italian companies has less than 250
employees - These companies account for 77 of total
employment - 73 of the approx. 178,000 Italian exporting
businesses are small - Rapporto 2003 sulle PMI Unioncamere/Istituto
11SMEs in Italy (2)
- 92,5 of Italian industrial companies has less
than 10 employees - They generate 30,1 of total turnover and 33 of
added value - These companies created 90 of new jobs in the
last decade - Rapporto 2003 sulle PMI Unioncamere/Istituto
- Even big businesses are (painfully) learning to
evolve in Italy - OLIVETTI ? INFOSTRADA
13Lombardys small and medium enterprises
- Participate in formal and informal group of
companies - Network among themselves (especially for
subcontracting activities) - Are often part of specialized clusters
- local production areas with homogeneous
characteristics, high concentration of SMEs, with
high specialization in a specific production
and/or business sector
145 Meta - clusters
- Food biotech
- Non-food biotech
- Design
- Innovative materials
- Fashion
15The High Tech Sector
- 260,000 people employed
- 175,000 producing technologies
- 85,000 content production
- 75 schools connected
- 44.8 students have a PC at home
- Interaction of supply chain keep most work within
the area (compensating with agreed prices less
competitive chain links to avoid collective loss
of local sourcing) - Technical upgrading topped-up by individual
development of proprietary know-how to maintain
competitive advantage (trial error ingenuity) - Shared values (family, politics, religion,
school, community, institutions) - Team spirit (front line sells, suppliers add
17International Threats
- Loss of competitiveness (NICs costs)
- Foreseeing new growth paths (how?)
- Support services (where from?)
- Net economy opens worldwide co-opetition (IT and
digital divide)
18Who are we?
- Chambers of Commerce (CCIAA) are representative
of industries and business - Lombardy Foreign Trade Center is the center of
competency for the internazionalization of
Lombardys SMEs
19How to help SMEs?
- Ask companies what support they want
- ,
- Ask associations what support they want
- ,
Is it really so simple?
20Lombardy Foreign Trade Center Internazionalizatio
n Services
- Information Training
- on-line Assistance
- FDI in/out
- Fairs and Exhibitions
- Trade Missions
- What can be done more?
- Markets are conquered with information
- -on clients on competitors
- -on prospects dangers
- SMEs expect us to find
- difficult information,
- quickly, and reliably
- Building up experience takes time, and many
mistakes to learn from - We must be capable of learning from individual
mistakes to prevent them from happening to others
- Events, fairs trade missions are all needed to
build up a companys vision - We must be able to look even farther in the
distance, preparing for things to come
- SMEs are very egotistic, yet they should learn to
co-operate and see common things in reciprocal
activities - We should help them to see potential partners
instead of competitors, helping them bridging
problems instead of deepening the differences
- There are too many things to do setting up the
correct priorities has become a requisite for
survival - Can we help them target the right objectives
26Balancing it all
- On top of all this, how can a SME balance all
those things, to find equilibrium while in
27Where do we fit in?
- SMEs have immediate survival needs. They are
short-sighted, production based, innovative,
opposed to marketing, bold courageous - We should not expect thanks
- (they dont have time !)
- We can only
- Lead by example
- See rewards in their results...
- ...and in doing our job well!
28Clusters in Lombardy and internationalization
Lombardy Foreign Trade Center the Association
for Internationalization of the 11 Chambers of
Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Handicraft of
Lombardy Colombaro di Cortefranca 10 March 2006
Sergio Valentini valentini_at_centroesterolomb.com